The stranger and the best friend.

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel

“Sorry, that sounded terrible. Let me rephrase, sorry could I have your order please?”

I turned a bright shade of red and shook my head slightly to bring me back to earth. I smiled a little wider hoping to show this handsome man standing right in front of me that I was actually serious about my job.

A deep chuckle came from inside his throat as he repeated his order slowly, as if I didn’t understand English.

“A large takeaway Iced Matcha chocolattte with a shot of caramel, please.”

Really? A Matcha with chocolate, let alone caramel?

Gross. Okay it’s okay, that’s a first, think how to make this taste as nice as possible, after a moment of thinking I gave up.

“S-Sir are you sure? Have you tried this before?”

He grinned and shook his head,

no, just wanted to try something different. Why, are you too scared to make it for me?”

“no. I’m scared you’ll throw up in my face after drinking it.” I bluntly stated, then it dawned on me what I just said.

I gave a nervous laugh and hastily stabbed at the keys on the register, “an iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel, coming right up!” I enthusiastically exclaimed.

The stranger chuckled again and whispered something softly,


I felt myself heating up so I immediately turned away and went to get the green tea powder.

Green tea powder, where are you. No seriously, I need you now. Oh okay got it. Nevermind. Thanks, I incoherently mumbled to myself.

Well I thought it was incoherent anyway. But it seems the stranger heard me because he started his oh so y chuckle again.

Seriously, what is wrong with you today, Sunggyu. Snap out of it.


I could feel a stare on my back the entire time I was making the drink and I felt so nervous for the first time making a drink I nearly spilt it. I nervously smiled as I placed the plastic lid on the finished cup, topped up with ice. Frankly, it looked disgusting, and I’m allowed to say that because I made it, but I hope this stranger enjoys it more than I enjoyed making it.

“Here you go, enjoy your day. Tell me how it tastes next time you come in. I mean, if you want to come in. again. I mean if you want to c-come in again.” I stammered, embarrassed to the core.  

He smiled and gave me a wink, “sure I’ll let you know.”

He grabbed the drink with his right hand, juggling his side bag onto his left shoulder and gave me a small wave on the way out. I stared at him until a full ten seconds had passed after those glassed doors closed.

Did. Did he just wink at me?


“yes. Yes he did, you idiot.” Dongwoo grinned, mocking me with his great contagious smile of his.

“and before you ask, yes you just said that out loud. Now close your mouth, you’re drooling.”

I immediately snapped my mouth shut and wiped my lips. To no avail, I shook my head in embarrassment and annoyance as Dongwoo proceeded to laugh his head off.

Introducing; my best friend. My dongsaeng, of course, but he never treats me like a hyung. We grew up together. I was there when he started at our high school, I was there when he obtained an audition at the newest entertainment company, I was there when he first met Hoya, his boyfriend, and I was there when he was accepted to become the next pop idol. And still, here I am, listening to him gush about how amazing Hoya is, and how much of an idiot I was falling for his trick.

I lightly punched him on the arm, and starting making his favourite, a double choc hot cocoa with extra chocolate sauce and extra chocolate powder sprinkled on top. “Dongwoo, I seriously think you’re going to get diabetes one day. I’m surprised you’re not obese.”

He dramatically rubbed his stomach and did a body wave, “hyung, the best thing about dancing, apart from being with Hoya, is that I can eat as much as I want without being worried about getting fat, okay. Now let the beast drink my double choc hot co-“

“yes, yes. Okay. Move along ‘beast’, I need to serve my customers” I laughed at my idiotic best friend.


Two hours later, eighteen customers later, I finally decided to take a break. Maybe I need another worker. I’m sure Sungjong would love to help me out. I’ll just pay him in caramel slices. He’d love that.

In those few moments, Hoya had sauntered in to the already crowded café, right next to where Dongwoo was frantically stabbing away at his Iphone.

“Why won’t you stupid thing die. This level is so hard, sniff, hyung help me!” He continued to yell at his animated enemy on the small electronic device that he didn’t even realise his lover was sitting down, right in front of him, giving him a highly unimpressed look.

“Dongwoo. Look up, your angel's here.” I said in a teasing tone.

The twenty three year old with a maturity level of five immediately dropped his phone to his side and smile sheepishly at his boyfriend.

I made myself look away before I could witness any more of their corny romance, but at the same time I couldn’t help but feel that emptiness eating away at me on the inside. I gave a soft sigh and continued clearing the table.


I wonder when he’ll be back again.




wow i'm on a roll, okay i really need to stop or else i'm going to fail my exam D:

thanks for reading! please post a comment if you have time :D would love to know what you guys think :)

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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706 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
706 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
706 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE