Sunday Morning

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel

It wasn’t until Sunday morning that I saw the stranger again. He waltzed in (not literally) like he owned the place and I thought it was like a movie going on in my head, with the hallelujah angels and the sun shining down on him. But reality hits me and I realise that one, it’s winter, two, it’s raining outside, and three, the sound system is stuffing up due to the disturbance on the weather on the radio reception.

I think I really am going mad.


I immediately put down my cup of Earl Grey, stunned as to how the stranger really knew how to interrupt my limited breaks between my endless shifts. I half sprinted to the registrar and glanced up at him.

“Hi there, I’m going to attempt to be a better server this time, and ask you, what would you like to have today?” I stood up tall and confidently smiled my classic welcome-to-my-café smile.

He was dressed in slightly more formal attire, his pale blue blazer contrasted with his dark brown crimped hair nicely. Man, he’s got style.

“I’ll have the same, thanks.” He grinned.

I stood there, yet again stunned. How is anyone sane enough to try a Matcha chocolatte with caramel once, and still live to come back for more.

He was a strange one.


“it’s an acquired taste, I guess.” He attempted to justify himself, obviously aware of my look of disbelief.

“alright”, I gave a small shrug and offered him an amused smile.

“That'd be $5.60, anything else?”

“A muffin? They look nice, a chocolate one, thanks.”

“Sure, anything else?” I tapped away at the register.

“Can I have a takeaway caramel slice too?”


“Actually I’ll have another takeaway coffee too”


“And another scone.” Wow someone’s hungry today.

“And some jam and cream with that too”

“done, done and done, anything el-“

“How about a date?”

“Yep sure, okay just let me type into my reg- wait what?” I looked up at him, as the words slowly processed in my head. I must look like an illiterate hamster on drugs right now.

“How much for a date with you, Kim.Sung.Gyu” He smirked, reading off my name tag, syllable by syllable. Damn, my name sounded y when he said it like that.

“U-um. I’ll get back to you.” I swiftly turned and started freaking out.

The stranger simply stood there and grinned, as if the life-threatening panic attack I was just about to have was the most amusing thing in the world.

I could feel his eyes trail over my back again, staring intensely at my expression. I tried to hide my embarrassment but to no avail as I knew I wouldn’t be able to get myself out of this one.

I gave a nervous laugh and handed him the bag of all his takeaway items and the finished drink, yet again in all its ugly glory of a mixture of brown and green and all things in between,


“I close up at 8pm. How does that sound?”

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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710 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
710 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
710 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE