A Happily Ever After

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel

“Morning princess.”

I felt a light puff of warm air on my neck as I squirmed in the suffocating grasp Woohyun had around my waist. A ball of fur tickled my feet as I felt Matcha wake up and my toes, adding to my list of things to kick out of my bed this very morning.

I mumbled a reply and turned to face away from the open curtains, the stream of sunlight brightly hitting my face and making me see red from beneath my eyelids. I heard a low chuckle before I felt a shadow cast over my no longer burning eyelids and I felt a weight on top of me as I looked up into the eyes of my smirking boyfriend with his infamous grin.

“Up you get, it’s nearly noon. Sungjong’s going to freak over how late we are.” I heard a hushed whisper as Woohyun leant down to send some more butterfly kisses across my neck.

I hummed in approval and leant my face closer towards the man who suddenly stopped and gave me a wide smile before gripping the corners of the blanket.

Oh no, I braced myself for the cold that would greet me before wrapping my legs around Woohyun, preventing his body warmth from being cast away just like the thin layer of quilt had just seconds before.

He laughed and gently sat up, with me straddling his hips as I glared into his eyes.

“You know…” He began, his eyes trailing from my eyes to the bottom of my face and right back up. I looked at him questioningly, expecting a genuine fact that my boyfriend would like to grace me with so early in the morning.

“Your eyes kinda literally look like slits when you glare, it’s adorable.” He winked, giving me a light peck on my lips before I could utter a cry of annoyance.

I frowned into the kiss and bit his lip, making sure to leave a small mark on his now red and slightly bleeding lips.

“Ow, Gyu. That wasn’t very nice.” He frowned, his head slightly lopsided as he gripped his lip with his thumb and index finger, lightly swiping his tongue back and forth his lips.

I stuck my tongue out childishly and pushed him aside, crawling out of my cocoon of blankets before heading into the bathroom, not forgetting to have a look at the clock on my way out and frowning at how late we were.

“Crap, Jongie is going to be so pissed!” I yelled as I the shower.

I heard the light dragging of slippers upon the carpet before I heard the door knob twist open.

“That’s exactly what I said, and who didn’t belie-“

“Oh shut up and get in here.” I shrieked as I gripped onto the front of his t-shirt and dragged him inside the now fogging glass doors, not bothering about his slippers that were already soaked through.

Ah, what gives.

We’re late, and Sungjong does not do late.




A loud screech echoed around the now silent restaurant, before regular customers and staff resumed what they were doing as if it were the most normal thing.

“Yes. And you’re lucky we’re friends with the owner, or we’d have been kicked out years ago, Jongie.” I muttered as I enveloped him in a friendly hug and sat down on the leather couch, my elbows collapsing on the table in front of me. A heavy weight joined me on my left side as I looked up to see Woohyun cast an apologetic smile at my younger cousin.

“He just didn’t want to wake up, I promise I did try, Jong.” He shrugged as he turned towards our regular waitress who served us every morning with a smile.

“Just a latte for me, and an extra strong espresso for this one here. Pancakes, Jong?”

Sungjong excitedly nodded before forgetting all about us being late and sat up straight, his pose which told us he had some very exciting news indeed.

“Guess what?” He screeched excitedly, his voice going up octaves as I flinched at the sound piercing through my ear drums.

“Yes Jongie?” I moaned painfully as I collapsed onto Woohyun’s shoulder. I felt a hand rub gently on my left knee before looking up at Sungjong, his smile still not faltering.

“I’m going shopping. Join me.”

“Could this not wait?”

“I’m going shopping for a suit.”

“And why would you need a suit?”

“I have a wedding coming up, I gotta get ready for it.”

“Don’t you have one from Noona’s wedding?”



“What’s your point?”

“Why don’t you just wea-“

“I’m shopping. That’s it. and you’re coming with me. That’s all. Thanks Hyung.” He exclaimed before tucking into his pancakes which had arrived on a steaming plate complete with now melting ice cream and berries sprinkled with powdered sugar.

I sighed in defeat and gave a thankful smile to Woohyun as I felt a steaming cup of black liquid into my hands, warming my slightly shivering fingertips immediately.

“That’s perfect, I have something to do anyway today.”

“But you just got back…” I trailed off as I stirred a cube of sugar aimlessly around my white coffee cup.

“Yeah, duty calls, babe, see you later yeah?” He said as he wiped his lips with his napkin and straightened out the creases in his jeans before standing up.

“Here, my treat. See ya Jong.” He said as he smacked down a ten dollar note, a bunch of coins rolling around on the table.

“See you, princess.” He whispered into my ear as he gave me a light peck on my lips.

I nodded and closed my eyes as I resumed my position back onto the table, my head in my arms.

“What’s got you so tired today?” Sungjong asked me in between mouthfuls of berry and icecream.

“You don’t want to know.” My voice came out muffled from beneath my arms, my cheeks slightly heating up in embarrassment.

Sungjong gave a light giggle before picking up his knife to get started on his second layer of pancake.



“Okay, hyung. I think this is it. how do I look?”

“The same as you’ve looked for the past twenty suits you’ve tried on.”

“Oh don’t exaggerate, Hyung. It’s only been eighteen plus this one.” He waved me away as he twirled in front of the mirror, his tight suit showing off his curves nicely, and his leather shoes shining like a newly waxed car.

I sighed and held my hands up in defeat as I flipped through a couple of magazines.

“Hyung, why don’t you try some on? I’m sure you’d need a pair sometime for another occasion or something. I’m pretty sure Myungsoo’s going to pop the question soon.”

“Mmm” I hummed as I stood up to have a look at all the different suits lined up against the wall. Man, they felt nice, as I lightly ran my fingers over the soft material.

I paused as I looked at one on the wall, oh.

I the soft silk surrounding the collar before running my hands down the front of the cotton material.

“That would look perfect on you, Hyung. Try it.”

“Nah, it looks a bit too dressy.”

“I think it’s perfect.”

“Try it.” He walked over with his usual strut and threw the coat hanger in my direction before pointing a finger towards the curtained dressing rooms.

“Yeah, alright.” I grinned as I walked towards the red velvet curtains and tried on the suit, giving in to my cousin’s requests.



“Yeah, we’re just about finished.”

Sungjong talked loudly on the phone from the front of the glass doors as I handled the suits at the counter.

“Oh this one’s just in, I’m glad you bought it, it’s a lovely set.” The shop assistant gushed over my suit as I smiled politely at her slightly gap toothed smile.

Sungjong walked briskly to my side before grabbing the paper bags,

“Woohyun wants to meet up for dinner. Ready to go?”

I nodded as I received my credit card and a receipt back from the shop assistant. I gave a small smile as she wished me a good day before turning around to join Sungjong at the doors.


I hadn’t realised how long we had spent at the formalwear shop before I realised the sun was nearly setting. I gave a quick scan of my phone for messages and made a mental note to send a short reply to Sungyeol about a movie tonight. Seems like both Jong and Sungyeol were over the moon about Woohyun coming back, because that meant that I would finally be willing to go out and finally ‘have some fun’, as they said nonstop for the past month.

I walked out of the taxi and Sungjong gave me a wide smile before turning me around and grabbing the paper bags from my hands. I gave him a small look of confusion because, well, since when did Sungjong become nice and willing to hold the bags for once?

He took out a large cashmere scarf from out of his bag and gave me an apologetic smile,

“Sorry Hyung, duty calls.” He shrugged before tying the scarf tightly around my eyes.

I squirmed and gave a small laugh as my sight was clouded by darkness and nothing else, I couldn’t even make out the small shadows of anything around me.

“Yah Jong, what are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” He simply answered; I could hear the mischievous smile in his voice as I shook my head in disbelief.

I felt my hand being led by Sungjong’s small hand down the street and laughed out loud. Imagine how ridiculous I would look right now, huh. A man being blindfolded and being led down the everyday street by a younger male who looked like he had come out of Vogue. Man, mother would be furious.

A strong gush of wind swept my hair around my face violently before I felt the calming stillness as we walked into an enclosed room. There was a moment of silence before the speaker and the music of soft strings being plucked and the gentle tinkle of the harps filled my ears. I gave a small smile as I relaxed into the fine dining environment. We had stopped walking and I turned towards where I assumed Sungjong was before I felt him give me a tight squeeze and let go. I felt a sudden sense of panic fill me as I was, still very much so, blindfolded.

“Yah, Lee Sungjong why’d you let go.” I looked around blindly, before I heard a soft giggle from behind me, and a new hand enveloping mine and intertwining my fingers.

There was only one person who had the calluses developed so well on the tips of the fingers, and yet a hand large enough that covered mine and instantly gave me such warmth. I immediately relaxed and gave a small smile.

“Nam Woohyun. What is all this?” I asked, I felt a light squeeze of my right hand before he dragged me across the room which I had assumed was a restaurant.

“You’ll see,” came the infamous reply.


We walked a little further, and immediately I was greeted with the smell of something being grilled. Chicken? No, there was definitely some lamb in there. Okay, probably both, but definitely a restaurant. There was no doubt about the loud clang of porcelain dishes and the heat from the oven and stoves. It didn’t feel like Mr Jung’s restaurant though, if I remember correctly, there should be a pot plant right here…

Nup, nothing. I thought to myself as I walked straight through without anything in the way. I gave a light huff and looked expectedly towards my right, and cocked my head slightly to the side.

“Okay, okay, I hear you. They’re coming off now, be careful, your eyes might hurt, It’s quite bright out here.” A calming voice came as a reply, and I nodded my head in excitement.

The black cashmere was removed off my eyes, and I squinted gently before blinking furiously as I tried to adjust to the bright lights.

I looked into the eyes of Woohyun and he had a bright smile on his face, before he turned me around to look at the place we were in.

“So, what do you think?”


If I could’ve squealed like a girl, I would’ve, but to save my manliness some dignity, I just gave a loud gasp. It was absolutely beautiful. We were in a restaurant, only much bigger than Mr Jung’s restaurant, and the floors were shinier, I think. It was evidently a newly opened restaurant, the walls were spotless and sparkling clean. A large chandelier hung from the top of the creamy ceiling, the light bouncing off each crystal as it reflected around the room. I looked through the open walls kitchen and saw numerous staff who all looked very familiar and most whom worked from Mr Jung’s kitchen. I gave a nod of acknowledgement and I saw them wave back happily at me. I saw at least four chefs, complete with their white hats and an apron around their waist, as they fixed the detail on their various pieces of artwork, fixing up each little stain of sauce, or a lopsided pieces of coriander.

I looked at Woohyun as he looked back down at me, a proud grin on his face. I looked at him questionably and nodded, already knowing what I was about to ask.

“All mine. Actually ours, it’s a present from Appa.”

“Oh Woohyun, this is just.. I would never have been able to even imagine. This is your dream come true. I’m so happy for you, Hyun.” I exclaimed as I nearly cried tears of joy for him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and I felt him kiss my forehead gently before leaning down and whispering in my ear.

“Don’t worry, there’s something for you too. Hold on, the cashmere goes back on.”

“What, again? No Hyun, pleas-“ I tried to fight against the arms that had already come around my neck and the familiar piece of cashmere once again resumed its place around my eyes. I groaned with dissatisfaction before holding out my hand expectedly once again to my boyfriend, who was having a splendid time chuckling and giving me light kisses on my cheek.

That I didn’t find dissatisfying though.


This time we were being led down a hallway of some sort, we didn’t have to go far before I heard the slight creak of a wooden door as a strong gush of wind swept my hair around me. I paused as I took a deep inhale of breath. My nose was greeted with the strong fragrance of flowers. Was it roses? Or was it tulips. Or even a hint of lavender, I debated with myself.

But the strongest scent of all was the smell of coffee beans.

“Woohyun? Where are we?” I felt around blindly, but to no avail as I could feel nothing.

“Oh no you don’t, Seungyeon took ages getting every detail right, you don’t get to touch. Not with your blindfold on anyway.”

“Seungyeon? What. Well, then. Can I take it off yet?”

“Okay fine. Wait, let me strike a handsome pose.” I scoffed loudly as I leant behind to personally take off my blindfold.

My eyes were only just adjusting once again to the brightness. I was surprised as we were outdoors, and I was pretty sure the sun had set by now, but the glass walls still reflected a clear blue sky complete with clouds and bright sunlight from the corner of the room. Though I couldn’t really call it a room, seeing as it did look like we were just on a rooftop outdoors. I gasped and looked at Woohyun.

“I am so confused. That is so trippy.”

“Oh hold on, it gets better. I will show you after this though. Have a look. It is yours after all.”

I looked around shocked. I walked over to every corner of the room and paused, taking in every single detail. Oh, it was perfect. Birch coloured shelves lined the creamy walls, filled with an impressive collection of worn out leather bound encyclopaedias, Oscar Wilde, series of poems, and even antique collections of classics in different languages. Every decoration was antique, the rusting brown metal shaped into small vines and old keys strung across the shelf. But what drew my attention most was the unbelievable collection of brown beans lined neatly across the wall.

Coffee beans in large glass jars lined up one after the other, depicting a whole array of different beans from different origins. There was a small folded tag in front of each jar, acting as a guide and informing the observer of the origin of its rich flavour. Arabia, Africa, to even Asian countries I didn’t even know existed. I gasped in admiration and could not help but lean closer to have a smell and each one.

A string of fairy lights surrounded the shelves and led down into the centre masterpiece. Which, of course, was the same old Cuckoo clock that I had held so dear to me all these years.

Oh, I exclaimed slightly.

“How did you find it?” I questioned him curiously, as I remembered selling it at a pawn shop when I couldn’t find space for it in my apartment.

“I guess I found my luck at a nearby auction some time ago.” He smiled, giving my hand a squeeze.

He stood there nervously staring at his feet as he waited for me to finish taking in the whole design of the café. He sat down at one of the tables surrounding the cuckoo clock, just like how it used to be in my old café. But so many more tables and chairs, and a large bench for the glass display of cakes, cookies, and everything in between. There was a large coffee machine, which I knew would make serving customers so very efficient.

It was my very own café. All over again, and much better and exactly what I wanted my dream café to look like. Grandma would be so proud, she would’ve loved it here.

I felt my lids gently spill with tears from all the emotions I felt and for the love I felt for the man standing right in front of me, who leapt to his feet immediately as soon as he heard me sniffling with tears streaming down my face.

“Oh Gyu, why are you crying? If I knew this would make you cry I would’ve neve-“

“No, Hyun. It’s perfect. I love it so much, I love the detail, I love the coffee, the flowers, I love it all. I love you, Woohyun. So very much. Thank you”

“Thank you.” I continuously whispered as I leant into his chest, his arms wrapping securely around me as he gave his deep chuckle which I loved so much.

“I’m glad you love it, Gyu. I’ve been working on it for nearly two years.”

“Two years? But that was even before my café got sold.”

“And right when I realised I loved you.”

“Oh Woohyun. You are ridiculous. I had only known you for a month.”

“It was enough.” He simply whispered, I looked at him in outrage and leant in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you.” I hummed against his chest as we gently swayed backwards and forth, dancing to the steady beat of our hearts.

“There’s a side entry, facing the main road. It’s got a fancy big sign too, the names carved in wood of course.” He smiled as I nodded, still amazed at it all.

“How did you know?”

“How did I know what?”

“How did you know this was what I wanted, to one day be able to work alongside you. You in a restaurant and me in a café?”

“Because it’s exactly what I wanted too.”

I pulled away and looked up into Woohyun’s eyes, so full of adoration and sincerity. I nearly started crying all over again if it weren’t for the pair of soft lips that met mine so gently. I leant into the kiss as I gripped onto his neck tighter and drew him closer to me. We both smiled as I pulled away and went behind the counter towards the coffee machine.

“Would you like your oh so favourite drink to be the very first one from Gyu’s café?”

“Is that what it’s called? Gyu’s café?”

“Well no. But I’ll think of that later. I’ve got an iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of caramel to make. Sit you down.”

“Wait, Gyu, I have a confession to make, I-I”. Woohyun trailed off as he realised I was too engrossed in figuring out the instructions for the coffee machine.

I hummed to myself as I grabbed the bottle of caramel, the green tea powder and a bag of grounded coffee beans and placed them all around me on the table. I quickly set to work and occasionally looked up to see Woohyun smiling back at me, watching my every move.

“It’s not very nice to stare you know.” I said teasingly, shooting a daring glance up at the man.

“Oh, it’s very nice to stare at you though.”

I groaned as I fell prey to yet another one of his greasy antics and added a pile of cream onto his drink before it was ready.

Once again, the green and brown mixed together in all its glory.


“An Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a short of caramel for a certain Nam Woohyun?” I called out teasingly as I pretended he were an everyday normal customer.

“Yes!” He yelled, with just as much enthusiasm.

I grinned and he took a large sip of the drink before placing the drink down, and leant forward to drag me around the bench and once again into his warm embrace.

I laughed as he leaned in close, blowing a piece of hair out of my eye before sweeping down to kiss me on the lips, my knees felt weak as they always did and I felt his arms wrap tightly around my waist.

The distinct taste of a Matcha Chocolatte mixed with caramel remained in my mouth and I squirmed away from the kiss as I frowned at Woohyun, his lips partly open and an amused smile on his face.

“No seriously that's disgusting how do you drink that?” I poked out my tongue in disgust, hoping that the air would be able to get rid of some of the taste left in my mouth.

“I don't. I buy it to get your attention”

“I think I’m going to be sick, you drank this to get my attention? Even my baby cousin can mix her apple mush and strawberry milk better than this.”

“Well it worked right?”

“What worked? The baby mush? No freaking way it was like hell exploded in my mouth and I couldn't ev-“

I would have loved to continue on with my description but a soft pair of lips were kind of in my way. But oh, I wasn't complaining mmm I melted into his lips and the most amazing feeling overtook my entire attention, screw you apple mush and strawber-
"I mean I was able to grab your attention right?" He softly murmured, every syllable resounding onto my lips.

I felt myself smiling gently as he continued to send soft butterfly kisses along my jaw.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess you did." I whispered, lowering my chin so he could kiss me on the lips again.

The next few moments were filled with light innocent kisses before I pulled back and straightened up, much to the dissatisfaction from my boyfriend who frowned lightly and opened his eyes when he felt the warmth missing from his arms. He looked at me with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and I gave him a small smile before pushing him away.

"Okay, no seriously, I need another drink. I feel like I'm about to throw up."

So since then i've kinda realized a number of things:

  1. I love Nam Woohyun

  2. I left Sungjong’s cashmere scarf of the floor, accidentally stepped on it and he still doesn't know

  3. I now have my own café and everything still feels like a dream with Woohyun working beside me every day

  4. Woohyun’s now asking me to move in and pushing an apartment brochure in my face and I still can’t breathe, I think I might start hyperventilating.

  5. I forgot to feed Matcha this morning

  6. I love Nam Woohyun even more and I have a ring to prove it.


And so all in all, that was how a large takeaway cup of an iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel brought two love struck fools together.


Oh and one last thing, Woohyun or not, that drink still tastes like vomit in a cup.


Le fin.

The End.


it's done! :') cries, going to missing you all so much.

thank you list and everything else next chapter, updated tomorrow or something. im sooo sleepy *dies



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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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706 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
706 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
706 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE