A lightly furred Matcha with a shot of jealousy

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel


“Woohyun? Why are we here?”

“We’re just having a look around.”


“What do you mean why? I said-“

“No, I mean, why are we in a dog adoption centre?” I tugged on Woohyun’s hand as he turned to face me, slightly avoiding my eye.
I wrinkled my nose at the mixed smell of urine and dog food that was sure to stay on our clothes for the whole day.

“Right.” Woohyun nodded briefly, clearly avoiding the question as he dragged me to the next glass display with yet another puppy inside.

I shook my head with a smile and let Woohyun drag me around, knowing full well that my stubborn boyfriend would not reveal his plans until after they were carried out.


We stopped at a small cross breed as it sat peering curiously at us from underneath its half lidded eyes. It was only a couple of weeks old but yet it looked like it was full of life and excitement by the way its small tail wiggled at the sight of us. Its tanned fur gleamed against the bright lights that lit up the centre, and I took a sharp intake of breath as I kneeled down to play with it.

It placed its small head on top of my open palm and I chuckled lightly to myself, too immersed in the thoughts of the most adorable domestic animal I have ever seen.

“Oh.” I gushed as I lightly scratched the back of its ear.

Woohyun turned to look at me and walked back towards the glass display I was situated in front before kneeling down next to me.

“He’s perfect.” He whispered as he looked up to meet my eye.

“Yeah.” I nodded, giving the puppy a small smile, whose eyes blinked curiously back at me.


“His mother died giving birth to him. So this little fella’s all alone.” A small voice sounded as a young girl walked down the hallway from her desk. She gave a light sniff as she leaned down to pat the puppy on the forehead.

“He seems to like you, the kids from before had him barking like mad. He’s not usually this affectionate to strangers. He’s a little greaser when he wants to be.” She laughed as she gave the puppy one more pat on the head before straightening her skirt as she stood up.

“So how bout it?” She asked us as she gave us both a hopeful smile.

“oh, I don’t kn-“ I started as I looked at Woohyun’s blank expression.

“We’ll take him.” Woohyun said, as my jaw dropped open in surprise.

“Hyun, are you sure?”

“Like I said, he’s perfect.” He look at me with a wide grin as he followed the young girl down the hallway, a slight skip in her steps at the success of yet another loving home for an orphaned pup.

I laughed and leaned down to pick the puppy up in my arms. It sniffed me curiously and scrambled to whatever body part it could get its tongue on, starting with my left cheek.

I turned my face away and wrinkled my nose slightly as I felt the warm saliva stick to my face. I looked at the jumpy pup in my arms and hugged it tightly,

“Now, little one. What should I name you?” I asked it in all seriousness.

He blinked cutely back at me and gave a light yelp, before jumping up to me again.

Only this time, it was on my right cheek.  



“What?” I turned to look at Woohyun as he continued to stare at me the whole drive back to my apartment.

“Nothing.” He mumbled as he turned his eyes onto the road, the green lights flashing, signalling him to proceed.

“No seriously, what?” I laughed as I push his arm gently.

“Nothing, I just can’t tell whose cuter, the dog or you.” He said with a serious face before breaking out into a greasy grin.

I laughed and held the puppy tighter in my arms, afraid to let it go.

“Yah, don’t you dare, or else I’m going to tell him to pee on you.” I threatened as the animal gave a light yelp, as if to emphasise my point.

Woohyun laughed and gave the puppy a small pat on its head,

“He’s just like you.”

“Yeah well, like father like son.” I grinned happily, the pup’s fur and gently untangling any knots hidden within the fine strands of the golden hair.

“So he’s your son now?”


“Wait. like father like son? Does that mean I’m the mother?” He said, voice full of outrage as he switched off the ignition, my apartment complex sighted right in front of us.

“Yep.” I laughed as I scrambled to get out of the car before Woohyun could say another word. I heard him chuckle in disbelief before getting out of the car himself to grab the bags of dog food in the boot of the car.


“Hyun, I’m going to take a shower. Can you look after, um, the puppy, please?” I called from my closet as I grabbed a t-shirt and towel from my drawer.

I heard a grunt in reply and I gave a small smile as I peered into the living room, where my lazy boyfriend had his legs spread out on the couch and staring thoughtlessly at the television, the puppy in his arms.

“Yah, did you hear what I said?” I stood in front of him, my hands on my hips as I gave him a look of disapproval.

“What?” He turned to look at me, slightly dazed and his tousled hair falling lightly over his eyes.

“Never mind, go back to sleep. I’m taking a shower, kay?” I said as I gave him a peck on the forehead before starting towards the bathroom, the puppy closely following on my heels.

“No, you stay out here okay? Go back to your mother.” I laughed to myself as I gently pushed the pup out of the doorway. It made a small whining noise before obediently trotting back to the living room, where soft snores could be heard from the couch.


I came out with a wet towel in my hand as I heard a loud crash somewhere in the kitchen. Shocked, I rushed to see what had caused the mess and saw Woohyun staring at the puppy, with a confused look on his face before he leant down, laughing as he picked up the puppy.

“Seems like he has a special liking for green tea?” He asked me as I frowned at the sight of the floor covered in green tea powder and tea leaves, knocked down from the pantry shelf.

I grabbed a mop and started cleaning up, putting the lid back on the tin and noting to myself to place fragile items higher up on the shelf.

I turned to see my boyfriend blowing puffs of air onto the puppy’s nose, getting rid of the green powder that had stained its light fur.

“Have you thought of a name yet? We can’t keep calling him ‘puppy’.” Woohyun turned to look at me, as the puppy gave a light sneeze, irritated at the dry substance entering its nostrils.

“Matcha.” I whispered as I noted the greenness still evident on the guilty puppy’s body.

“Let’s call him Matcha.” I nodded, as I looked at Woohyun to see what he thought.

He gave a low chuckle and nodded with a big smile,

“I like the sound of that.”



“Gyu ah, I have something to tell you." Woohyun looked up from squeezing the shampoo in his hands.

We were both seated in the bathtub, our shirts rolled up and our pants soaked in warm water as we attempted to clean Matcha’s fur of the mess he had made earlier.

I hummed in reply as I continued to scrub the shampoo onto the puppy’s wet fur, Matcha happily wagging his tail as he enjoyed the little massages on his back.

“Remember how I told you Chef Jung was going to go to America for a little more than twleve months? And I told you that he wanted me to look after the restaurant while he was away?” Woohyun asked me, a slightly nervous tone evident in his voice.

I nodded and looked at him in the eye, as he continued to speak.

"Gyu, he wants me to go with him." Woohyun paused before giving a soft sigh,

I half heartedly nodded, pretending to be distracted and barely listening. Oh.

"He wants me to go to America with him".

I dropped the comb I was holding and puppy turned around to face me, happily wagging his tail. I patted him gently on the head and looked up at Woohyun’s worried expression.

He saw the flicker of the look of disappointment of my face before it turned into a happy smile, but he had already caught it.

"Gyu I don't have to go though. I mean I love it here and I'll get to look after the restaurant myself and it'll be a great experience no matter what. And I'll be able to spend more time with you too now that the angry devil Isn't around-"

I place my hand on his arm to make him stop worrying and nervously rambling,

"Yeah, but in America you'll be able to experience so much more, work in a different environment, learn from the best chefs in the world, and taste the kinds of food you'd never be able to taste around here. It's the perfect opportunity for you and even though I'm going to miss you like hell, I'd be willing to sacrifice that for you. You know that."


“No buts. Don’t let the opportunity pass by. I’ll always be here, this opportunity wont.”

He looked at me, barely blinking before a great big smile came upon his face as he laughed in disbelief.

"I must've saved the world in my previous life for having you in my life Gyu." I gave a light chuckle before turning my attention back on the puppy, its fur a shade darker from the water.

“I think Matcha might miss you a bit though.”

“Is he the only one who will miss me?”


“I’ll miss you too, Gyu.”

“Yah, I didn’t say anything about me missing you. But doesn’t mean I won’t. Miss you I mean, maybe just a little.” I lightly stuttered as I picked up the comb to brush the knot out of Matcha’s back fur.

“Sungyu-“ Woohyun started as he looked at me with an unreadable expression. I looked up at him, expecting him to say something.

Instead I felt a warm pair of lips on mine as he smiled and hugged me close. Matcha in between our arms and both of us, oblivious to what his owner’s were talking about.

"Thank you. Really."

I smiled but I knew that it was going to be a long twelve months that we would have to go through before Woohyun would be back in my arms again.




The couple of months before Woohyun was getting ready for his placement in America were hectic. I was busy with midyear exams and assignments, and he spent most of time in the kitchen and organising new ideas for the chef to bring to the foreign country.

Even though we were supposed to spending more time with each other and savouring the last few weeks before being apart, we ended up not seeing each other for longer than we’d ever have before.

It was days before I finally saw him again, but this time it wasn’t planned. I had just finished class and was walking around to grab some groceries around the corner where I saw Woohyun.

I was about to shout out his name to get his attention, but it was only until I walked closer that I saw the same girl he was with a couple of weeks ago. This time she was dressed down in a pale pink cardigan and jeans, much less casual than what she was wearing last time.

They looked friendly and were laughing about something before she bowed slightly towards him, biding each other goodbye.

I don’t exactly know what it was that made me stand there, a little bit dazed and confused as to what I should make out of it. But it wasn’t until it was too late that I realised that Woohyun was no longer standing in front of me, and I wasn’t able to do anything but let the blue Mercedes drive swiftly down the street.

I dragged my feet slightly against the asphalt as I walked home, the grocery bags feeling heavy against my arms and my mind buzzing with thoughts and stress about my assignments due the next day, eager to rid the anxious feeling deep inside my stomach.



"Why do you keep meeting her?" I braved the question as I stabbed my fork into a piece of fish on my plate.

It was a couple of days later that Woohyun and I finally both had time to come out for a lunch date. It had felt like forever I had seen my boyfriend, and I could see the dark eye bags appearing beneath his eyes from the lack of sleep he was experiencing.

"She works at appa’s building, so we just have lunch together whenever I pop into the office. You know how appa gets when I don't come in enough."

"Yeah." I hummed in reply, slightly bothered by Woohyun’s disregard of the matter.

"Is it just you and her?"

"Yeah." He simply stated as he bit into his chicken and avocado foccacia. He looked up at me curiously and I nervously fumbled with my fingers underneath the table, hidden from Woohyun.

"Right." I nodded as I casted my eyes downward, putting my full concentration into twirling my fork around the plate full of spaghetti.  

"Oppa?" A female voice was heard from behind me.

Woohyun looked up in surprise and gave a light smile to the stranger. She glanced at me before giving me a big smile, and a look of nervousness towards Woohyun.

He shrugged and looked expectantly at me,

"This is who I was telling you about, Seungyeon."

"Ah I've heard so much about you! It's wonderful to finally meet you." The said woman looked at me with a bright smile, her eyes turned into crescents as she bowed slightly.

I gave a small smile in reply, a bitter feeling creeping into the sides of my lips as they slightly quivered downwards.
Seungyeon continued to chat with Woohyun about something I had no care for as I continued winding a strand of spaghetti over and over with my fork.

Woohyun must've noticed my uncomfortable silence as he said goodbye to Seungyeon with a smile and gently patted my knee.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, the soft smile not quite reaching my eyes.

I placed the fork into my mouth and chewed slowly, as I stared out of the window at the busy street filled with other businessmen walking by in expensive suits and leather shoes, trying to comfort the foreign feeling inside of me that some would call jealousy.



Woohyun knew better than to try and pick up another conversation, so we allowed the gentle wave of silence to wash over us on the trip home.

I fumbled with my keys as I pushed open the apartment door with a sigh. Woohyun followed me in silently and knelt down to pick up the yelping puppy, who was ecstatic that it’s owners were back home. I grabbed a glass cup and filled it to the brim with ice cold water, the liquid replenishing my dry throat as I looked everywhere but at Woohyun’s intense stare.

“Is there something I should be worried about?”

 “You tell me Woohyun, is there something I should be worried about?” I emphasized as I pushed past him to sit on the couch.

“What? No?”

“Right.” I trailed off, leaving silence to fill the apartment as I drew out my music book, pretending to busy myself with a new assignment I had to hand in sometime later that semester.

“Are you going to continue on with that you were saying or are you just going to ignore me?” He asked as he gave me a stern look, pushing gently on my right arm.

I shook my head and continued sketching a treble clef, rubbing it out eagerly with an eraser repeatedly as I missed the curve, slightly shaking under Woohyun’s stare.

“There’s nothing going on with Seungyeon and I.” He said as he gave a loud sigh before leaning back into the couch, flipping the television on. I sighed and twirled my pencil around my index finger as I turned my head in Woohyun’s direction, eyes still casted downwards.

“Do you want to explain why you keep see-“

“Gyu, I said there’s nothing.”

“Why are you hiding something?” I bit my lip nervously as I looked up to meet his narrowed eyes.

“Who says I am?”

“I know you, how could I not know when my boyfriend is lying straight to my face?” His eyes flickered slightly and his lips parted, as if to say something but decided against in the last second.

“There’s just- it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“I think there’s every right reason for me to worry.”

“Sunggyu, I said there’s nothing.”

“I bet you Seungyeon would have something to worry about.” Crap, why did I say that? I mentally cursed myself as I watched Woohyun’s eyes widen. He immediately sat up and looked me in the eye.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” His hurt eyes searched mine, as a frown appeared on his face.


“Sunggyu, I just- Nevermind.” He paused as he ran his hand through the back of his hair, combing them through his fingers in light desperation and frustration.

“Right.” I replied as I ripped off the page and chucked the scrunched up page on the floor, leaving it in my place as I walked into my room, the door slamming closed behind me.

I heard a loud sigh before I lay down on my bed, desperate to get away and calm down after Woohyun and I’s first fight. I guess couples do have quarrels, ha. I laughed bitterly to myself as I felt my eyes water, threatening to spill over my lids.

"Right that sounds great, thank you, Seungyeon, thank you for everything."

A muffled voice echoed through the room as Woohyun finished his phone call with a smile.

A couple of hours later, and a pile of scrunched papers later, I was in the kitchen, carelessly stirring around some plain rice. I reached for the bowl with the slightly beaten egg, half heartedly thinking as I overheard the few words I managed to listen in on in the other room. I failed to estimate the right distance in grabbing the filled bowl as the glass slipped out of my slightly calloused fingers and bounced on the floor, making a loud crash and resulting in pieces of glass crystals splattering everywhere.

I took a sharp intake of breath as I felt one shard slice the side of my foot. I bent down and was about to pick up the other pieces of glass to prevent me or Woohyun getting more hurt when I felt a strong grip on my arm.

"Don't be ridiculous Gyu, treat your wound first." he said, his voice felt distant and monotonous.

I nodded slowly, looking into his blank eyes before getting up from my knees, wincing as I felt the shard go deeper into my skin.

Woohyun sighed and grabbed my arm over his shoulder as he gently picked me up and supported me to the leather couch in front of the television. He left for a couple of minutes, leaving me to stare at one of the soap dramas that were broadcasting on cable.

There was a couple fighting, the girl furiously tugging at her hair as she screamed at her boyfriend. Jealously, seemed like it.

I laughed bitterly at the irony of it reflecting Woohyun and I’s situation now. Because that’s what it was, right? Jealousy? I frowned as I fumbled with my fingers, slightly agitated at how I was stupid for over thinking everything.

Woohyun came back with a first aid kit and a clean sock for me, seeing as my present one was soaked in drops of a dark crimson red. He gave one look at the television before giving a loud sigh as he knelt on the floor, tending to my feet.

"Woohyun.." I trailed off as I reached forward the brush his hair back slightly.

"Mm?" he hummed in response as he wiped my wound with a small antiseptic wipe. I winced slightly as I felt the alcohol seep through my skin.

"Is that us right now?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, continuing to avoid the look of guilt that was plastered on my face.

"Are we fighting right now?" I gently cupped my hand around his soft cheek as I whispered softly.

"Well unless you want to start screaming and pull at your nonexistent long hair well then, no, Gyu. We're not fighting."

"Oh, okay." I nodded as he rubbed his cheek against my cupped hand.

It was a simple gesture, but it had meant so much more than was needed. It was a touch of regret, forgiveness, and I guess everything in between.

Woohyun looked deeper into my eyes as he looked at my solemn expression. He tilted my chin close to his as he leant forward and gave me a soft lingering kiss. Just simple soft kisses that I knew I couldn’t live without.

I sighed softly into the kiss, leaning forward as I felt the addiction of Woohyun clouding my every thought. I needed this, and I realized it was the fear I felt of losing him. It wasn’t one of those dramatic episodes where the girl becomes all clingy and becomes all overprotective. It was just a wave of emotion that made me think of what I dreaded most, what could happen caused by a single matter of over thinking a little too much.
"I can't lose you." I mumbled against his soft lips as we parted for a few silent seconds, the only sound was the resounding of quickened heartbeats against our chests.

"and you won't." He whispered as he leaned forward, his hand placed on the small of my back, lingering ever so slightly as he pushed me gently onto the couch, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I promise.”



I'm so sorry for being so late with my updates! i've had one too many major assessments, and finals are in a couple of months so the stress is starting to kick in, but good and bad news, the fic will be ending in 2 more chapters! I've got them planned out, i just need to start writing them for you all. Please do be patient and wait for me! I promise i'll try my hardest to get them up asap, but you'll have to be a bit lenient and don't throw tomatoes at me haha!

anyway, so here's the chapter, they had a small complication but all good at the end! and did you like what i did with the title of the chapter? haha!

give me a shout to let me know what you think, i love reading all your comments, and i do try to reply to all of them, sorry if i miss the occasional one, i might have clicked out of it oops!

Thank you all for reading and subscribing <3

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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709 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
709 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
709 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE