Someone That She Missed


"Liar," Doojoon commented as soon as Yoseob finished his sentence. They were at 3D, hanging around before class started. 3D was the ideal place because most of them were boys. Girls from other class didn't dare to enter the class because they're afraid of the gangster-looking boys. So, the 6 didn't need to worry of being harassed by them.

Yoseob had just finished telling his story. 'She said,"Kang Jiyoon." right after I introduced myself. We are friends!', he had said.

After she had said that, Jiyoon hid in the girl's bathroom. Tired of waiting and banging the door, Yoseob had left. But he was satisfied because No-Face talked to him! Even if it's just her name and she had run off after that.

"Let's ask her," Kikwang came up with logic.

"I still can't believe this!" Doojoon exclaimed. He was utterly sure that No-Face wouldn't even talk to Yoseob. No-Face won't even talk to the teachers. Why Yoseob?

"Seungie's sister! Wait for me! Seobie will lose!" Kikwang joked. He received a death glare from Hyunseung. He grinned foolishly.

They made their way to 3A. There she was, again, like yesterday. The doll posture again, looking dead as ghost.

"Hi-yeom!" Yoseob greeted her cheerfully. No response.

"That's my line!" Kikwang said. That was his most famous and cutest pick-up line. "You can even Google it!" The cute guy exaggerated.

"Oh, you know Google?" Junhyung laughed.

"Good one!" Doojoon and Junhyung exchanged high fives.

"I'm not stupid. In fact, I did better than you in our exam last year" Kikwang shot back.

"Who said you're stupid?" Junhyung said innocently. Then he and Doojoon exchanged another high five.

"Shut up," Hyunseung defended Kikwang. To Yoseob, he asked,"Why is she not talking?"

"Kang Jiyoon! You remember me? I'm Yang Yoseob. Cmon, we're friends now right?" Yoseob asked the mysterious girl.

Silence. 3A was observing them carefully. What was so special about No-Face that the 6 were desperate to talk to her?

Still, nothing. She was as still and as silent as ever.

"Hah! I knew it," Doojoon smirked, glad. Seungie's sister, wait for me, he mentally mimicked Kikwang.

Dongwoon laughed and smacked Yoseob's shoulder lightly. "Liar, liar, pants on fire," he said in a sing-song voice.

"What a waste of time," Junhyung said. "Come. Let's eat. I'm starving." The others followed him, including Yoseob.

"Let's eat, let's eat!" Hyunseung repeated the words which sounded more like lezzit.

"Ahhh, why is this happening!" Yoseob sighed. Just when he thought he's going to get the magic number.

He let out his frustation with 4 drumsticks.


The bell rang. School's over. Yoseob said bye to the others. They had seperate plans for today. Doojoon with football. Kikwang and Hyunseung were going to the gym. Dongwoon's gonna be at home. Junhyung too, probably sleeping. Yoseob? He wanted to complete his mission.

He ran to 3A just in time to see No-Face walking quickly out the back door. She walked even quicker when she realized he was there.

"Avoiding new friends now are you?" Yoseob chuckled lightly. He was now walking beside her with the same fast small steps.

They were outside the gates when No-Face fished out her little green notebook from last time then wrote quickly on it.

"You are welcome to follow me around until forever," Yoseob read the note which actually read 'Don't follow me.'

Her head jerked a little bit. He was sure if her hair didn't cover her face, he would be receiving some sort of dangerous death glare from her.

'Please.' She scribbled again.

"Lalalala, I'm not reading it," he covered his eyes. Taking that oppurtonity, Jiyoon ran for her life.

"Cheater!" Yoseob said as soon as he opened his eyes when he heard footsteps. He ran too. But boy, was she fast. She was out of sight already. "Ahhh, how troublesome. I was outran by a girl. A girl!"

Still not believing that he couldn't catch a girl, he decided to eat.

So he made his way to one of his parent's restaurant. That was how his parents became successful. They had branches all over Korea. Around 10 in Asia. A new one would be launched in America and Europe.

His favourite branch was the 5th branch in Korea. It was launched on his 11th birthday. It was managed by his sister for now, Yang Yoora. When he's old enough, that restaurant would be his. He's looking forward to that day.

Yang Yoseob opened the double glass doors of the restaurant. It was like how he visited it before. It was packed.

"Is Yang Yoora here?" Yoseob asked the new waitress there. She should be new, he didn't know her. He knew all the waiters and waitress there.

"Miss Yoora is working in the office. She..," the girl with glasses started explaining.

But she was cut off by Raina, "Ah Seobie, Yoora is in. What do you want?" Raina had worked at that particular restaurant for a bit over 1 year now. He liked her, she was a good listener and advicer. She was also very fun to be with.

"Chickens. Fried chicken. Ah I'm starving," he replied. "Can you call her for me?"

"Sure thing. Go sit down and wait patiently like a cute little baby," Raina told him.

"But Raina, Miss Yoora doesn't want to be disturbed." The new girl said again.

"Aish, this girl," Raina hit her lightly on the shoulder. "That's her lil brother. The small boss here."

"OH! I'm sorry," the girl bowed to him several times.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm expecting my chickens in 5 minutes," Yoseob slumped himself to the nearest chair. "And I want strawberry milkshake."

"Ah, little baby is here!" Yang Yoora flashed him a bright smile. She came out of her small office in that restaurant before Raina even had the chance to call her out.

"Don't call me that!" Yoseob pouted.

"Still as cute as ever," his sister pinched both his cheeks. "Ah, you're shrinking!"

"Nobody shrinks." He stated in a-matter-of-fact way.

"You should eat more. What did you order?"

"And you're gonna treat me, right? Yay! You're the best."

Yoora rolled her eyes. "What did you order?" She repeated.

"Fried chickens."


"Ah! Yoseob? What are you doing here?" A voice suddenly interrupted. A voice he knew so well. A voice coming from one of the person he didn't want to see right then.

"Junhyung," Yoseob acknowledged.

"What are you doing here? Abandoning the No-Face mission? Might as well give it to me."

"She ran away. What are you doing here?" Yoseob tried to stay away from the No-Face topic.

"I'm hungry. You guys always give discount and free drinks," Junhyung said lazily and took a seat beside Yoora. "Where's Raina? I want to order."

"Speak of the devil," Yoora commented. Raina came with Yoseob's order.

"Hi Junhyung," Raina greeted him cheerfully. "What.."

"Just Coke. Free food, so I'm not ordering."

"Okie dokie," Raina then went to take orders from other people.

"So who's No-Face?" Yoora was in interrogating mode. She instantly knew that was a bet. She was pretty close to the boys, they were like her own little brothers. She didn't like the idea of her brother playing around with girls' heart like that. But her brother couldn't be stop. She knew that one day, he'd learn his lesson. Let him had his share of fun and enjoyment first.

"New bet," Junhyung answered before taking a chicken.

"Duh, obviously," Yoora rolled her eyes. She rephrased her question, "How's this No-Face like?"

"Hair covering face, can't see face, doesn't talk, only writes on her notebook, doesn't talk to teachers too, looks like a ghost, smart, and a damn fast runner too!" Yoseob said in one breath.

"What's the prize?" Yoora asked again. These guys only threw in effort if there's a prize.

Junhyung groaned before Yoseob answered, "The most gorgeous, beautiful, prettiest, cutest girl in the world's phone number!"

"Wait, what? You have it already!" Yoora said with a mock tone of surprise.

"You are NOT the most gorgeous, beautiful, prettiest, cutest girl in the world," her brother understood her completely. "It's Seungie's sister." Junhyung laughed, he loved how close Yoseob and Yoora were.

"I agree," Junhyung supported. "I completely agree."

"Oh shut up. Bring her over, I want to see her," the elder girl ordered.

"That may be, a bit of," Yoseob paused briefly, "major problem."

"Since when did my brother lost his charms over girls?"

"Okay! I will," Yoseob felt challenged. "But maybe not tomorrow. Not the day after. Not the day after the day after tomorrow."

"Loser," Junhyung and Yoora said together.

"When do you have class?" Yoseob asked Yoora. His sister was learning Arts at a local university. Being very down to earth even with all the wealth, that was how Yoora and Yoseob was raised. Local studies were of equal quality to the overseas one for them.

And that was also why Yoseob and his other friends enrolled in a normal school instead of the elite ones the riches always went to. They wanted to be normal.

"There's class tomorrow," Yoora explained. "I skipped today. What is No-Face's name?" It was Yoora's time to change the topic.

"Kang Jiyoon," Junhyung and Yoseob responded together.


She had ran the fastest she could - the fastest since her mother died. She even hid in someone's lawn to avoid him. Thank god he didn't pursue her. She didn't think she could outrun him. He was a boy full of strength and stamina. She even wondered why he didn't search for her. He was so determined to talk to her.

She didn't even know why she had talked to him the previous day. Maybe because he reminded her of someone she missed. 'Beautiful and neat handwriting', Yoseob had said the same thing as that someone did years ago. Someone she wished would come back to his old self. Someone that she wished hadn't change despite all the hardships thrown, despite all the riches in the world. Someone she wished that wouldn't abandoned her.

She stared at the nearby lake. That place was her secret getaway. It was the only place that she revealed her face. It reminded her of so much - things she didn't want to let go. The garden was not maintained now. Wild bushes were everywhere. But so were colourful flowers and big shady trees.

The sight was broken, but weirdly beautiful.

She watched as the sun set to a romantic orange. When it's dark, she went back to the three-storey bungalow behind her secret garden.


Hi! ;) So I guessed it's fate that after I started writing this fic, Yoseob came up with the OST for My Princess called 'Cherish That Person'. It's fate. LolJK. So I think I'm taking this slow and steady. And I'm very busy with school works and all, so it's hard for me to update regularly. Please wait patiently :p Until the next chapter, bbyong! ^^

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
CAR3MeL #2
I cant wait for your next update :)<br />
I wonder whose that guy shes talking about :o
I really LOVE it!!!~...<br />
Please UPDATE soon!!!!......~
SuperSapphire #5
i reaaaallly really like it so far^^<br />
please update soon! <3
i like this,, reminds me about anime,, that anime is one of my fav,,hehe luv your story,, gambate!!
Thank you guys for all the positive responds! :D I'll try to update ASAP ;)
i am enjoying this ^_^<br />
<br />
Aww.. i like this one ^-^<br />
It's like the story of my favorite anime!! :DD<br />
kyaaaaaaa~! Update soon! ♥<br />
new reader by the way :))