The Bet


"Less than a minute," Yong Junhyung came back to his friends who was eating. It was recess and they were bored. Boys being boys, they had bet him to get a random girl's phone number in 1 minute. He had successfully did it.

"Yah, that was an easy task," his equally handsome friend, Yoon Doojoon commented.

Another guy, who was the mood maker, the cheerful, noisy, cute one in their group, Yang Yoseob, added, "I once got 5 phone numbers in a minute."

"That's because you're friends with everyone in this freaking school," Junhyung defended himself.

"He is?" The also cute one in the group, but can be very y if he wanted to, Lee Kikwang asked. His eyes were wide with amazement. He was one of the slowest one. Then, to Yoseob, he asked, "You are?"

"He is," Junhyung said sarcastically.

"You didn't know?" The brown-haired tall guy, Son Dongwoon said with the same tone.

The other slow one, Jang Hyunseung, exclaimed with the same tone of amazement as Kikwang had, "Wow, that's amazing. Doojoon, did you know?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"How come it's always me and Kikwang that's always the last one to know things?" Hyunseung asked but it came out more of like a fact. A true fact.

Yoon Doojoon hold in his laugh before saying, "There's a reason behind it." The others broke into laughter, completely understanding what Doojoon meant. And Kikwang and Hyunseung were still figuring out why.

Yoseob actually greeted people randomly. People knew him, he didn't. But of course, everybody knew them. People thought they had some kind of friendship with Yoseob, he, on the other hand, didn't even know most of their names. Yet even half of their faces.

Because who wouldn't know them? Handsome, rich, gorgeous, charming, y, cute guys.


"So are you friends with that girl. You know, the No-Face girl?" Hyunseung suddenly asked Yoseob.

"Seriously, who is?" Yoseob asked back.

"Then, you're not friends with everyone! Ha! I knew it!" Hyunseung said as if he had caught Yoseob in a lie.

"You're slow." Doojoon laughed. "But really, No-Face has no friends."

"Why not trying to be friends with her?" Dongwoon suggested. Then all of them broke into laughter. Dongwoon teared up at his own joke.

"Are you kidding me? I would not be caught dead with her," Junhyung said in between laughter.

"Why don't you try Yoseob?" Kikwang asked with eyes as innocent as a baby's. "Then you'll be friends with everybody."

Yoseob laughed. He stood up and started dancing and singing to the tune of Teen Top's Clap, "You're so cray cray crazy. Lee-ee-ee-ee-ee Lee Kikwang." His mates laughed at him except Kiwang who was being made fun of and his equally slow friend, Hyunseung.

"How 'bout this. If you can be friends with her, I'll give you my sis' phone number," Hyunseung offered.

"Whoaaaaa," everybody started saying. Then the ones who didn't get the offer started protesting.

"Cmon, we're friends. Just give us her number."

"Everybody's in right?"

"It's not fair if only Yoseob got the offer."

"I want her number too!"

"Chill guys. It's my offer, too bad," Yoseob grinned. It's like an early victory for him to see his friends full of jealousy.

Of course they would be jealous. Hyunseung is pretty, gorgeous for a guy. Bring in a female version of him. You'll see twice the gorgeousness, well, since she's a girl. Having a little sister that gorgeous, Hyunseung was a bit overprotective. He would only bring them over to his house when his sister was not home. A chance to see her was rare. Getting her phone number would be the ultimate prize.

"What's No-Face's name?" Yoseob asked.

"No-Name," Doojoon said. He knew but he won't tell. Let Yoseob's chance to be friends with her get slimmer and slimmer. Then maybe the offer would be to someone else.

"I better find out then," Yoseob retreated from the group.

"One month!" Hyunseung yelled, indicating the time frame of the bet.


"Hey," Yoseob called out to a timid guy wearing glasses and was carrying books, "you know the No-Face girl's name?"

"No-face?" He stuttered. He was very surprised to be approached and even talked to by the one of the famous 6 in school. Or heck, even the whole Seoul!

"Yeah. Y'know, hair covering face. Don't talk. Weird. 99.9% crazy. And her class."

"Ohh. Kang Jiyoon. And maybe 3A"

Yoseob nodded his head in understanding and made his way to class 3A. So this girl was smart? And he realized that she was in the same class as Doojoon. Doojoon was the cleverest among the 6 of then. Yoseob was in 3B, along with Dongwoon. 3C was the 4D guys, Kikwang and Hyunseung. And Junhyung was alone in 3D. Junhyung was actually pretty smart. But he always had bad luck with exams.

"Yo 3A!" Yoseob shouted as soon as he entered.

Silence for a little while then whispers broke out. Girls was hushing over themselves on how cute Yoseob was.

"There." Yoseob spotted no-face in no time. Sitting alone, in the middle of the class, not doing anything, head down, hands on laps, and still. Very still. She was barely moving.

Her black hair reached her back. The front covered up until her neck. She looked like a ghost. Yoseob couldn't even see a trace of skin on her face. Hairs everywhere.

He made his way and sat opposite her. "Hi. I'm Yoseob."

Silence. And by this, the whole class was watching them.

"Hello, anybody home?" He said again. She was still, still. It's either she was deaf or pretending not to hear him.

"Knock knock knock knock," he sang to T-ara's Why are You Being Like This. With hand motions too. Nearing her face. He slowly touched her hair to remove the curtain of hairs to see her face.

But she was fast. Her hands appeared out of nowhere and smacked his hand. Hard.

"That was mean," he pouted cutely. Any other girl would probably die on the spot. But Jiyoon was not any other girl. She was a special weird case. She was back to her dool posture.

"OMAIGOD," a person squealed. It was the person he didn't want to see right now, or any other time, the annoying MinRa also known as his number one annoying fan.

"Oppa ah," she approached.

"Oops," he stood up. "Time to go. Recess is almost over. Class is starting. Bbyong." He waved cheerfully. MinRa was annoying, but being mean to her was one thing he hadn't learn.

"Yaaah oppa! Don't leave me!" MinRa shouted.


"How did it go?" Dongwoon who was already in class asked Yoseob.

"She's mute," he replied flatly.

"You're not gonna get her."

"She will talk. She's just stunned by my cuteness."

"I mean, Hyunseung's sister. Not No-Face. It's less than an hour and you're talking bout her! Did she use some spell on you?"

"Naah, Seungie's sister, she and I, will be friends. Then..."

"Shut up," the blonde shut him off. Yoseob laughed. Dongwoon was jealous.


Yoseob was determined to get Hyunseung's sister's phone number. After school, he skipped their karaoke plan and followed No-Face around. Technically, he sat and watched her.

"Why are you not doing anything?" Yoseob asked. It had been only 5 minutes and he was bored to death. He was in 3A, sitting opposite Jiyoon. He managed to get some information from a girl that No-Face stayed back after school for a while. She was not sure though when will No-Face head back home.

"Jiyoon~" he said in a sing-sang voice. "Why won't you talk to me?"


"I will follow you around forever until you talk to me."


"Until I reach your home. I'll meet your family."

Her head jerked a bit. The word 'family' seemed to do the trick.

He grinned. He had hit the spot. "I have connections. Maybe I'll ask them tonight? Then I'll call your..."

But he stopped. The girl quickly reach out a small green notebook and a blue pen fron her desk then started writing quickly. She showed it to him.

There, in neat cursive handwriting, the words, 'I don't talk to strangers.' were clearly written.

Yoseob laughed. "How can you even write beautifully and this neatly with that hair?" He asked. He was genuinely amazed. With his eyes fully opened and uncovered, his handwriting was like crap. "Hello, I'm Yang Yoseob. I hope we can be friends. It's very nice to meet you." He stood up and bowed. This might do the trick, he thought.

She scribbled something again. 'Now please leave me alone.'

"I'm calling my father." Yoseob threatened.

She wrote again. 'Stop'

She didn't stand. But bowed slightly from her seat. And with the faintest voice he had ever heard, fainter than the sound of girls whispering about them, fainter than the sound of students talking behind the teacher's back, fainter than the sound of students passing notes in class, fainter than the sound he and Dongwoon made when skipping out of History last week, came an answer. Without actually hearing it clearly, he knew.

"Kang Jiyoon."

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
CAR3MeL #2
I cant wait for your next update :)<br />
I wonder whose that guy shes talking about :o
I really LOVE it!!!~...<br />
Please UPDATE soon!!!!......~
SuperSapphire #5
i reaaaallly really like it so far^^<br />
please update soon! <3
i like this,, reminds me about anime,, that anime is one of my fav,,hehe luv your story,, gambate!!
Thank you guys for all the positive responds! :D I'll try to update ASAP ;)
i am enjoying this ^_^<br />
<br />
Aww.. i like this one ^-^<br />
It's like the story of my favorite anime!! :DD<br />
kyaaaaaaa~! Update soon! ♥<br />
new reader by the way :))