004: slowly

Someday (HaeSica's Almost Sequel)

~Chapter 4~




Jessica’s POV

It’s been months since I saw DongHae in our concert in Seoul, it was a moment worth to remember, because again he was my savior for God’s knows how many times.

Now, I was lying in my bed, and that scenario keeps replaying on my mind ever since that day, does it really happened or am I too delusional? It can’t be, but what about his touch, our bodies that pressed to each other, his arms supporting me while my delicate arms wrapped in his neck, does my heart now telling me something about him, that my heart really knew who he was but my mind speaks different, it says he is just someone like everyone else

And again it replays for the nth time

We were finished in dancing for our number in our concert, minutes from now it’s going to end, I’m happy because our fans are here supporting us as always, I was waving to the fans and to those close to us who came, especially my sister Krystal, she was seated with the person they say I got history with, which is KyuHyun Oppa and lastly the guy that they say my destiny DongHae, I know its rude to call him by just his name but that’s’ what I’m comfortable with, from where I stand I can see them, and I saw how he looked at me, his eyes show sincerity  and proudness. Then I didn’t know that a small smile crept in my lips while our eyes locked to each other

TaeYeon is saying something, when I felt my legs are having cramps, I tried to control my balance but the pain got more serious. So I slowly sat in the corner and tried to hide it but my face and body shows different expression, then I can’t help it anymore, so I took off my shoes and massage my foot, I was in the verge of crying because this time it is more painful than the last time I had in our practice. I was checked by the doctors and unfortunately I have this disease since I was a baby same with my sister, we inherited this from our mother, we have anemia, yeah, we have. I think it’s not new to anyone that we have that disease because we been reported to faint, get sick a lot, likes to sleep and having this deadly cramps all the time, we are lucky huh?

HyoHyeon went to me first to check on me, as far as I remember she knew this ever since we were trainees, and SooYoung too since the three of us are friends ages ago, they tried to helped me, I truly appreciated but it’s really painful, and the worst DongHae so it

I don’t want him to see me as a weak person, as my members consoled me by trying to make me laugh by saying meow~ meow~ just for me to forget the pain. How I love them very much, and I know my sister knows how it feels having this killer cramps

Then my members signal the staffs to get me out of the stage and give me a first aid, when we are waiting for our manager oppa to pick me up, I looked again at the place where DongHae is sitting but he was gone, I don’t know but I felt different when I saw him gone.

Maybe, I hoped too much.

Then I felt that an arm slipped thru my waist and his other arm is under my legs, as I turned my head to look at him, it was the least person I expected. It was…

“Do..DongHae…” I stuttered calling his name

Our faces are inches apart, the loud cheers and calls from my members just vanished, it was like me and him in the world alone. I felt my heartbeat went crazy

“Gwechana?” he asked me worriedly

I just nodded as answer to his question

His hand guided my arm to wrapped into his neck, I can smell his sweet perfume

“Hang on, Araso? We will going to treat you. Meow~” he assured to me before we walked going to the backstage

His touch felt familiar, it makes me feels safe and love, without me knowing I rested my head at the crook of his neck and encircled my other arm onto his neck, I hope this time wouldn’t end

As we arrived in the dressing room, he slowly put me down on a chair whilst he seated opposite to me, he grabbed my legs and I flinched

“Don’t be afraid, I used to do this to you when you have cramps.” He said as he put my legs on his lap and massage it

I examined how he does it; he really knows where to touch to ease my pain, how protective he is when I’m hurt again for the nth time that night he made my heart felt giddy again

“I told you when you need me, just call my name.” he said before he gave me his heart melting smile

He keeps on massaging my feet when my head hurt

“DongHae!!! Jebal. HELP ME!!! HELP!!!” I pleaded for help

I touched my head as I remember that unfortunate event again

“Sica? Are you okay?” he said as he stood up and went near to me

I let out a long sighed and tried to calm myself, then tears started to roll on my cheeks, I was shaking, then I darted my gazed to DongHae

“You said you are there for me when I needed you!” I said as I stood up and was about to leave

“Wait!” DongHae chased me and turned me to faced him

Then when I faced him I slapped in his face I called you, but you weren’t there.”

I saw his swollen face but his gazed remain soft, his gazed to me says how sorry he is and it made me felt guilty hurting him, then I was crying and I don’t know what happened, I just buried myself on him

I encircled my arms around his waist, and buried my face in his chest, and then I felt he hugged me to but this time tighter

“Hae…” I called him in his nickname again after what happened

“HHHMMMM???” he asked me as he caress my hair

“Help me to remember you.” I told to him

I was reminiscing when my door opened, it was Tiffany

“Fany? I’m resting…” I said to her coldly

“Yeah but there is someone’s looking for you.” She informed me

“Nugu?” I asked her as I got up from my bed and fixed myself in front of the mirror

My heart felt excited and hoping it was Donghae

“You better hurry up Jessie.” Tiffany reminded me then I follow her suit

When I arrived at the living room, a guy sitting his back facing at me

“hhhmmm???” I started to call his attention

Then he stood up and face me, I was shocked who he was

“Oppa?” I said in disbelief

He just smiled at me sweetly

“KiBum Oppa… An…AnYeong…” I greeted him awkwardly


to be continue...

Here is an update!

Now tell me what you think of Hae's rival now in Jessica's heart



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njemus #1
Chapter 4: Please update this author-nim...
Chapter 4: Author-nim when will you gonna update this story. Please author-nim update this...
this is amazing. please update
zicky_yun #4
Chapter 4: Please update
Chapter 4: New reder here...
Please update...
Almost and someday are wonderful touching heart aching story..
SHINeeffects #6
Chapter 4: This story is so good! Update soon! Jebal..
Chapter 4: Gahh I kinda forget this story><
Help meeee to remember
sujusone24 #8
Chapter 4: ... I'm speechless... How??... What??... WHY DID HE COME BACK??!! I hope it ends with HaeSica... I bet Hae will hurt because of Sica and Kimbum!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! Your story is one of the best!!
overact #9
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl The next will be more complicated ..........
Chapter 4: OMG! Kibum~! ^O^
they are a VERY RARE pairing~!