Living Life Day By Day

Everyday a New Memory~A Baekyeol Oneshot

"Please don't go today, Chanyeol! It's too rainy!"

"Sorry Baconnie, I need to work today. I'll be home soon."

" safe and I'll see you home in a little bit so we can do a singing and rapping duet on the kareoke machine!"

"Of course, Bacon-ah!!! I love you!!!! I wish we didn't have to be seperated for a WHOLE HOUR."


Bacon sighs as he thinks back to that day. Little did he know, the Chanyeollie he loves will be sepearted from him for more than an hour....

"Um...who are you...? Chanyeol's voice reaches Bacon's ears from the other side of the room.

As usual, Bacon runs through the lines he's been reciting the past month.

"I'm Baekhyun friend... And you were in an accident, and I'm here to care for you."

And as usual, Chanyeol smiles at him. "Really? Thank you for staying with me. YOU MUST BE A REALLY GOOD FRIEND OF MINE!"

He should be used to it by now, but everyday, the same feeling of pain courses through his body when Chanyeol talks about their "friendship"


"I'm so sorry, sir...I'm afraid your boyfriend has memory loss... It's unlikely he will ever gain it back, and his day to day memory may be affected."

"What do you mean day to day memory?"

"He might forget everyday he lives, and wake up to remembreing nothing at all..."

"Oh wonderful."


Bacon forces a smile. Today will be the day he remembers, thinks Bacon. It's been exactly one month...

"Well Chanyeol, you like to eat, so I made you food." Bacon smiles, trying to hide any pain.

Chanyeol jumps up, thrilled, like a small puppy being offered a chewey bone. He smiles very widely, and his eye twitches.


Bacon laughs, "well if you remembered anything at all, it would be that. you love your food."

Chanyeol laughs and digs into his food.


Ugh that name. He never calls Bacon by his real name....I'm just a stranger to him now... Bacon thinks, miserably.

Bacon hates the fact that he always wakes up to Chanyeol being equally as blank as the day before. But he's with someone he loves so it's okay. Really.

"Yes Chanyeol?"

"Are we REALLY good friends?"


"Oh. YAY! I'm glad I have a friend like you!." again with that eye twitch smile.


Bacon just can't take it anymore. "Chanyeol.....we were....I and you love........loved... me."

Chanyeol's eyes open wide, and he stares. "Oh so we were THOSE kind of friends!?"

Bacon had never said anything about them being more than friends before, and today he just felt like it would be the day.

"Yes...we...were." Bacon swallows again, trying to hide the pain he felt from the word "were."

No longer. Now they're strangers....They have no good memories left.

"Oh...I wish I could remember."

"Me too, too."


They eat in silence, and Chanyeol looks at the callendar.

"What is so special about today?"  he asks, seeing a red circle around today's date.

"It's the one month anniversery since your accident." Bacon swallows food slowly.

"Oh....I really wana remember...It's been a month and all I can remember is...nothing...It's so frusturating. And you're sitting here with me, and I can't remember anything."

"CAN YOU TRY?" Bacon doesn't know what caused him to raise his voice, but the whole ordeal has been tearing him up inside. It's been a month since he and Chanyeol had their happy normal life.


Chanyeol laughs as Bacon sprays whipcream on the cake. "Suho-hyung will love this!!!!! I'm so happy we can bake together."

"Me too, Chanyeol!!"

"Nothing will come in the way of our happiness, ever, right Bacon-ah!?"

"Nothing, Chanyeol. I promise!" Bacon laughs as he wipes off a whip cream mustache from Chanyeols lips.

"Omo!" Chanyeol laughs. "YOU HAVE SOME TOO!" and with that, kisses teh whip cream from Bacon's lip.

They colapse in a fit of giggles.



"I'm sorry....did I make you angry?" Chanyeol looks at Bacon, concerned.

" just...I just wish you could remember..." a tear streams down Bacon's cheek.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Chanyeol looks alarmed. "Don't cry!!! Waahh I feel weird..."

"Do you love me, Chanyeol?" Bacon cries out, deseprately.

"I....I don't know you...Baekhyun...I'm sorry..." Chanyeol looks pained, as he stares at his friend.

Bacon collapses on the floor in a pile of tears and sobs.

"I'm so sorry...." Chanyeol starts, looking extremely guilty.

"Don't isn't your fault...I shouldn't have let you go in the rain..."



"Um no sorry, sir, this is the Seoul Hospital... Chanyeol is here right now...he was in a car accident. He was hit by a large garbage truck...please come immediately."


Chanyeol leans down and looks at his "friend" crumpled on the floor.

"Don't  cry...." he wipes a tear from Bacon's cheek.

Bacon won't look at him.


"no," says Bacon.

"What?" Chanyeol looks at him, puzzled.

"You never call me that...You always call me Bacon...that was for me."  a horrible sob escapes his lips.

"Baekhyun.. I mean, Bacon...I'm so sorry...You don't know how much I want to remember."

"It's okay Chanyeol...."

"Have I always made you this sad this past month?"


"Bacon, we hate seeing you like this... please you need to let him go..." D.O  stares at Bacon, seriously.

"We don't know if he'll ever be the same, Bacon...I'm so sorry but he might not remember any of us...ever." Kai speaks slightly teared up.

Sehun comes up and gives Bacon a reassuringly friendly hug. "Come on, hyung...It'll be okay."



"No...I'm always happy when I'm with you, Chanyeol. I'm sad you can't remember being happy with me..."

"Bacon. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have someone to care for me like you do. And I'm so sorry I can't be there everyday the same way. I'm so sorry I've let you down, Bacon..." a tear falls down Chanyeols cheek as wel, and Chanyeol moves to wipe another tear from Bacon's face.

" never dissapoint me...You never could... I love you so much, whehter you remember me or not, I'll love you forever... that's what love is. I told you once that I'll never let something tear us apart...It dissapoints me that you can't remember me, but YOU yourself NEVER dissapoint me Chanyeol. Ever. Remember that."

Tears fall faster than Chanyeol can wipe them from Bacon's eyes.

"Bacon........I'll try my hardest to remember. I will. If I had one wish, I would wish that you could be happy when you're with me, and not be sad I can't remember.  I wish I could be with you, being ME. the ME you know....the ME i wish I still knew...."

Bacon smiles at him, forcedly. "Don't base your life on wishes, Chanyeol...I wished you'd always be safe and here with me...but it didn't work."

"But Bacon, I AM with you!!!" Chanyeol cries out, surprised.

"Not the you I knew, Chanyeol. But I about much as I would have before." Bacon traces a random shape on his leg, not looking at Chanyeol.

"I think...even though we've only known eachother today...I think I love you."


"What?" Bacon's eyes grow wide.

"I think I love you." Chanyeol smiles crookedly at his friend next to him as he says this.


Bacon stares, shocked. Never before, has he made such progress. "Um, come again?"

"Bacon, I think I love you."

He leans over, and kisses Bacon softly on the lips. The kiss isn't like any they've had before, obviously. Bacon enjoys nevertheless. Chanyeol's warm lips press against his, and he feels the safety he hasn't felt since before the accident.

All of a sudden, Chanyeol sits up abruptly.


"Chanyeollie...." Bacon lets out another sob.


"Remember that time where you had the whipped cream mustache?"

Bacon laughs, "yeah that was so----" Bacon sits up too.

"DO YOU REMEMBER?!!" Bacon looks, desperately at Chanyeol.

"I can't remember a lot... I  hope I'm not dissapointing yo-"

"Stop. You never do.... you're making progress....and that makes me so happy."


Chanyeo leans over and gives Bacon another kiss.

"Even if we wake up tomorrow and I don't remember, just know that I always love you, okay?"



"Even if I can't always remember?" Chanyeol looks up anxiously.

"Even then Chanyeol. Always is always." Bacon smiles tearfully at Chanyeol.


"Yes...always is always...." Chanyeol murmurs, and falls asleep, head rested gingerly on Bacon's shoulder.


If only I could freeze this moment, if only I could go back in time. But since I'm with the one person I love the most...It's all okay, whether he remembers or not, I still have the memories to hang on to.

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congrats :)
SilverChocolatte #2
Chapter 1: aaahhh that was so sweet. well done :)
congrats <3
Chapter 1: A happy ending <3
congrats! :)
RosellaTNK #8
BaekYeol... my happiness & fearless~ <3
It's great, author-nim ^_^
Icecream213 #9
Beakyeol <3
lovelyme23 #10