
Class Love

Kikwang walked towards where I was standing. He stopped in front of me and sheepishly grinned. "Hey, good to see you." I slowly smiled and waved. I cautiously looked him up and down. He saw he studying him and scratched the back of his head shyly.  "This is how I am usually, but I haven't dressed like this for ages so it's still a little awkward..."  I shook my head, "No, no, you actually look... good..." He cheekily grinned, "You like things like this?"  I blushed and slapped his arm. "No! What do you take me for?" "Jeez, I was only joking..." I instantly blushed and blew a raspberry as I turned to go the other direction. I wasn't the type that looked at guys for their looks, but Kikwang seriously took me off guard. *What is this feeling?* 

From the corner of my eye, I could see Jonghyun staring at me. He squinted his eyes and walked towards me. He glared at Kikwang who was still standing next to me. Not wanting to talk to him, I quickly walked over to the bleachers and  took out my phone and pretended to check my messages when I felt someone come sit next to me.  "Who are you texting? Your boyfriend?" asked the person.  I looked up and gasped at how close L. Joe's face was, peering at my phone. I suddenly remembered last night and started to blush crazily. I quickly put my hair down so that my hair was covering my face. "! I don't have a boyfriend!" I stuttered. L. Joe curiously peered at me and leaned back. "Okay, then. Don't understand why you don't have one though!" I glanced at him, confused. He just struts whistling and looked down at me then winked.  "Are you feeling better? You completely was knocked out yesterday." I felt embarrassed instantly and just nodded my head. "Aigoo, I was so worried! Thank god you're alright!" he pinched my cheek and hopped off the seats. "Watch me play and cheer me on, okay?" I nodded and smiled as he walked away. *He winked at me!!!*

A couple of minutes had passed and the game was about to begin. With the rest of the girls, they just had to go for the team which they liked which was basically the one with the hot guys. I simply walked over to the side in which L. Joe was on. It was also the team that Taemin and Kikwang was in, so without hesitation, I went for their team. 

But strangely, the other girls had a very hard time choosing. The reason was because Jonghyun and he rest of his friends were on the other team. After a long while, they split up and went into both. Jonghyun winked at the girls that sat in his half. He looked around and started searching for someone. *Who is he looking for?* I thought, but when he looked up and saw me on L. Joe's team he paused and motioned me over. I shook my head as I look the other direction. Sighing, he turned his attention to his team who were wearing white bibs. He started planning out game strategies with them. On the contrary, L. Joe's team were wearing black bibs, and they seemed pretty relaxed. *I hope that they win!*

The game started off in fire! Both teams were getting shots at incredible rates and the score was pretty close with the the white team winning by just two scores. The girls would squeal every time the guys would get a shot in, because they tended to either wave or make a love heart with their arms. Jonghyun blew kisses which completely knocked out some of them.

There was only five minutes of the game left and everyone was really anxious on who would win. Kikwang dribbled the ball and shot in a perfect lay up. He punched his fist in the air and turned around to the crowd. He wave and winked at me, but the gels around me went hysterical, thinking that he did it for them. I giggled and waved. Seeing him smile made my heart flutter. 

The time was about to end, as there were only two minutes left. I could tell that they were really tired, but they continued hard nonetheless. Jonghyun grabbed the ball off Chunji and dribbled up for a basket. But L. Joe ran up to him and blocked him. As they collided, they crashed hard and fell to the floor. They were writhing in pain just as time was up. The game had ended with the white team winning, but no one payed attention as everyone rushed up them. 

Without a moments hesitation, I ran to where L. Joe was an pushed through the crowd as I worriedly kneeled beside him. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt the most?" I cried as I desperately searched his face. He had his eyes shut tight and was clenching his hands into tight fists as he tried to fight back the pain. I gently slung his arm around my shoulders and tried to lift him up. "Ah! _____ah! Stop, it hurts!" I stopped and I could feel tears starting to well in my eyes. I didn't know what to do and I was so worried and scared for him. It hurt so much to see him hurt... Taemin and Kikwang tried to lift him. "I can't move!" L. Joe hissed through clenched teeth as he grabbed his leg. Kikwang gently piggy backed him and carried him to his car. *L. Joe, please be alright!* I ran after him and followed him to the hospital. 

Back on the courts, Jonghyun stared at the passing car with his teeth clenched. Heaps of his friends and girls surrounded him and tried to help him. They were all so worried about him as some girls started to get dramatic and cried, but he didn't care. He had a cut on his arm and he felt as if he had fractured his leg, but his heart was where it hurt the most. *_____ah, I'm hurt too. Why can't you see that?* 

-------------------- Hello my lovely readers!~  So sorry for not updating lately! I had been busy, but I promise to try and update more often!  I don't know about this chapter... After I wrote it, I was a little disappointed as it didn't come out as well as I had hoped. Hopefully the next chapter will be better ^^ As you can tell, there are several love lines being drawn! But who does _____ like? Say tuned!~ Thanks so much for all your support and my subscribers as well as my lovely commenters! I love you all! Please leave a comment and give me feedback after you have read! Thank you! ^^ With all my love, Teen_Top.  ---------------------

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im_a_squid #1
Chapter 27: update pleasee~
starxsmileyfacee #2
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update~!!!!
my three bias together KYA >///<
mysteriousaura209 #4
i bet teamin was so confused!xD
poseidon #5
Hmmmm still waiting....(taps foot impatiently)
Thank you :)<br />
Updates are coming along soon! ^^
poseidon #7
Mann I'm hooked now...i really like this fanfic i continue...update soon...:)
Oh noes! :O
Oh no... What's gonna happen next?<br />
This is very interesting, please update! ^^