Chapter 16

Self Proclaimed Boyfriend
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 Morning at the campus gate, students are gathered around. Jieun and Yun Mi were curioused about what the commotion is.    "I bet it's Jonghyun," Jieun said.    "Who else? It seems that everything went back to normal." Yun Mi replied.    They walk pass the students, but one person caught both of their attention. The built of the body, the uniform, the hair. They turn to look back with widen eyes. It was Jonghyun wearing their school uniform, not just an ordinary uniform but a female's uniform. Jieun started to chuckle but Yun Mi just looked at him.    Jonghyun on the other hand was too embarrassed, it was Key who dressed him up like that. Girls were taking a video of him in a female uniform. He saw Yun Mi walking pass by, and he saw her reaction.    Yun Mi never thought that he'll do that kind of humiliation in their campus, since he had been protecting his image for too long. And now, he went to school wearing that. She did not laugh at at all, she was expecting he'll just stop bothering her that e won't do it.    Jonghyun suddenly spoke, "Hoon Yun Mi, please accept my sincere apology."    The student started to whisper, words like 'She's lucky', 'He really likes her,' 'How sweet of him'.    Yun Mi regained her composure, "I'll only accept your apology once the class is over," she turned around and left with Jieun.    At the roof top. It was break time.    "I can't believe he did that!" Jieun blurted. Yun Mi was just drinking a bottle of water. She continued, "He made a fool out of himself! I mean he really did it, just for you to forgive him. He certainly is a Dumbhyun!" Yun Mi just nodded. "I think Kim Jonghyun is really in to you." Yun Mi looked at her in disbelief, but before she could say a word, Jieun cutted her off. "He's starting like you in real, cause if not he wouldn't do that at all."    Yun Mi sighed and slowly falls into a deep thought.    "He's unbelievable." Jieun walk towards the fence and saw the student still following Jonghyun around. "I kinda salute him for h
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An update, I'm planning of posting a chapter a day, and if ever I will not able to post I'll double the update. anyway, stay tuned on Self Proclaimed Boyfriend.


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jloved #1
Chapter 22: Hi update soon can't.wait to read the next chapter XD
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
Chapter 22: Yunmi, she is not jealous...right? Jonghyun..that guy is...trying to get Yunmis' attention..again? Keke. I wonder what will happen next. Fighting!!
locketblingermvp #4
Chapter 22: Ahhhh jjongggggggg why you.. why.. whyyyyyyyyy. oh welll. loved this update!!
Chapter 22: Omg, I think Jonghyun did a good thing. Maybe with a little jealousy YunMi could come to realisation.
Update soon ♥
you >.<
let me kill youu :P
Chapter 21: No, you're story is going at a perfect rate.
Update soon ♥
Chapter 21: So, Areum girl is Jonghyun's ex-girl. Poor Jonghyun. But, kinda serves him...right? keke. Not meaning to sound mean, but then again, poor him.
Chapter 20: I see...Jonghyun wanna start from scratch. Good luck!!! And who is Shin Areum? Past girlfriend of Jonghyun's?
Chapter 20: Omg, amazing chapter!
Please update soon <3