


Jiyoon slowly bend over a bit more. Their face were so close. Hyuna’s was so scared, so she looked away to the other direction and slowly turn her face to the right. But jiyoon’s hand was on hyuna’s chin, and forced her to turn to jiyoon. She knew that if jiyoon really lost it, anger will take over her, and she will not be able to control what she’ll do. Now, it was really close. Hyuna’s heart beat faster and faster, she was scared, so she close her eyes. Hyuna was so scared, she think jiyoon would shout in her face or something....but Jiyoon kissed her, on the lips...

Hyuna hated how jiyoon act, why did she kissed her? Hyuna opened her eyes, push jiyoon, and slap her on the face. It was the first time she slap someone. Her hand hurts, but she knew that the person who was slapped would probably hurt a thousand times more than she did...

Jiyoon’s POV

Jiyoon was frozen. She couldn’t believe what she’d done. Her anger took over her, what she did to hyuna a second ago...was...was...wasn’t what she supposed to. She stood there, seeing hyuna’s tears all over her eyes.. What had she done to this poor innocent girl..?

Jiyoon knew that Hyuna’s heart was broken into pieces. But she was too shocked, she was re-calling herself back while she saw hyuna slowly turn and walk away, wiping her tears. Jiyoon knew that if she let hyuna go this time, she will never, ever, get her back. She decided to run to her. She grabbed hyuna’s waist and hold it really tight, she placed her head on hyuna’s shoulder and closed her eyes. 


Hyuna tried to untangled jiyoon’s hand on her waist but she couldn’t, so she wipe her tears one last time and said in a calm and emotionless voice.

‘let go...’

‘no! i won’t let you go. Listen, I can explain everything that happened last night...everything..’


‘You know...you’ve been busy with your solo schedule. We didn’t have time since then...I’ve missed you alot, you have no idea. And and...and then gayoon came along..She was there for me every time I missed you. She always cheer me up, when I’m sad. And that night, that night...it was all my fault. I just missed you so much that’s all...’

‘........’ Hyuna’s kinda agree with what jiyoon said. During bubble pop promotions, she didn’t have anytime with jiyoon...

‘Can you forgive me? I’m truly sorry...I swear, it will never ever happen again...’

Jiyoon slowly turn hyuna to face herself. She place both of her hands on hyuna’s face. Their eyes met.

‘I’m sorry..’ jiyoon said one last time.

‘aaah...it was my fault too..I didn’t have time for you..am sorry ... From now on, everything will be the same. My bubble pop promotions are over, now I can stay with you all day...’

Both of them smiled. And jiyoon pulled hyuna for a hug, and jiyoon whispered..

‘I will never let you go, ever. From now on...there’s only me and you.’



Follow Me on Twitter : @pominitz

request? lol i don't have any ideas for fics. (:

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and thankyou for reading ~~

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Chapter 5: Aww. I'm glad it's a happy ending! Your story made me wanna go watch a "JiAh Moments" vid now :D thanks for shading this story <3
AngelikaStruk #2
Kyaaa I really loved this fic <3 plz make more Jiah fanfics the world needs them lol :D
JKmuzikluva #3
Awww its over already? I loved it so much, they are so cute together!!! Thanks again for writing this story for me <3 <3 <3
Lattice #4
>-< you just got forgiven for not telling me with this ending
sweet JiAh is cute :)
Luv u! ♥
Lattice #5
^^ I finally found it! ALONE because you didn't tell me! ¬_¬ anyway, I'm so digging this!
Drama, huh? I like it
Please update soon~
JKmuzikluva #6
Omg I wonder what jiyoons going to do?? She's really upset! I also wonder why she said gayoon has nothing to do with it, she is just as guilty as jiyoon is! Please update soon
JKmuzikluva #7
Omg I wonder what jiyoons going to do?? She's really upset!
JKmuzikluva #8
Awwww Gna is so nice and such a good friend. <3 this story is getting better and better as it goes on! Please update soon!!!!
Jassy11 #9
Please update the next chapter soon!! It's so sad! Everybody should wonder where did Hyuna went!!!
JKmuzikluva #10
I wonder where hyuna went? And if she comes back, I wonder if she'll fight the of them? I'll find out soon, please update soon! I can't wait <3