She must be high

Hey Rich Jerk, I Love You!

"Will you ing stop staring at me?" You spat, not bothering to look up. Lay rolled his eyes, "Don't act all high and mighty will you? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I think I'm Yoo Ara, the girl who is annoyed by this chinese dude who apparently talks like a unicorn." You smirked and looked up. Lay looked mad but he can't find any mean words to snap back at you.

Without trying, you already won the argument.

"Yoo Ara. From today onwards, I declare war! You're my first enemy!" Lay hissed and walked away, flipping his hair fabulously. You gave him a look, *Diva much? Makes me sick.*


It has been a month since Lay's became a student of Pledis High. Now, he was considered as one of the kingkas, along with 11 other guys who were as equally as good-looking as him.

The girls of Pledis High were getting very restless. It was Friday and the week after that was 'Love Week'. It was a Pledis High tradition to start spring.

A student that wanted to confess his or her love to another, she had to sign the both of them up for the 'Confession Show' that was held on the second last day of 'Love Week'.

If he or she was to be rejected by another, he or she had to face the punishment which was later decided by the PLEDIS of the school.

PLEDIS was a form of code name for a person with the highest grades in the whole school. Currently, you own the PLEDIS title and you weren't going to lose it.

You were at the school library, studying for the upcoming PLEDIS exams which was held a day before 'Confession Week.

There were many who wanted the PLEDIS title and you knew they weren't easy to beat. For example, almost every kingka of Pledis High wanted the PLEDIS title cause their faces would be on the school's official Website for a whole year and they would get free lunch tickets, free tickets to any overseas activities the school had planned and so on.

Your stomach grumbled as you stared at the clock. It was already 5:30 in the evening. The school library was going to close soon you packed your stuff and left the library.

You walked past the musical department slowly, on a lollipop one of your shy hoobaes had given you.

Walking past a dance practise room, you heard a loud thud. You stopped in your tracks and looked through the small opening of the door.

Your eyes opened wide and went inside the room. You saw your (self-proclaimed) enemy lying on the floor with beads of sweat all over him.

You walked towards him and bent down, placing your hand on his forehead. *He's burning up!* You panicked, you've never been in this kind of situation before.

You didn't know what to do but the only thing you knew was that he was shivering like a cold sheep without any fur. You quickly took off your navy blue blazer and used it as a blanket for Lay.

He was still shivering so you brought him closer to you, giving him a fair share of your body warmth.

You looked through your phone contacts and finally found the school nurse's number. You quickly called her, "Hello? Jieun unnie, there's an emergency. Can you come to dance practise room 2 at the musical department with your medical things? Someone fainted because of high fever."

"Okay, make it quick." You nodded and hang up. You patiently waited for Jieun to come but it was going to take quite a long time. First, she was not in school. Second, the distance between the car park and the musical department was like the earth and the sun.

In the meantime, you tried your very best to stop Lay from shivering. You tried hugging him but he was still shivering and sweating at the same time.

You clucked your tongue. He was a very hardworking person who kept on pushing himself until he saw perfection. You knew why he was practising so hard.

He had the same reason as you, who also studied her off the upcoming PLEDIS exam. You knew he didn't wanted the PLEDIS title but he also didn't want the TURTLE title.

"You hotheaded babo." You smiled at him, brushing away his hair from his eyes. Looking closely, he was very dashing. It was no wonder why he stolen almost all of the female students' hearts.

Almost an hour had passed and Jieun finally arrived. "Mianhe! How's he?" She asked. You pointed at Lay's unconscious state.

"Okay. I brought a few students to help me carry this kid back to the nurse office. Minhyun? Baekho?" Jieun called and the two guys appeared.

"Hi Ara!" They both greeted energetically. You smiled and waved at them. "Kay boys, talk later. Now carry him please." Jieun ordered and they did as told.

You followed them to the nurse office. "I've given him a shot so he'll wake up soon. Are you going to stay here?" Jieun asked. You shook your head and grabbed your bag.

"Wae?" Jieun tilted her head. "Cause he hates me. I don't think he'll want to wake up seeing his enemy's face." You joked lightly. "Bye~ By the way, Seung Ho oppa says that he misses you." You informed and chuckled at Jieun's embarrassed reaction.

"Yeah and tell him to call me." Jieun reminded and you nodded.

You walked to the car park and saw a black sleek car, waiting for you to arrive. You ran to it and knocked on the window. It slowly went down, revealing your handsome brother.

"Get in." He coldly said and you did as told. You buckled your seatbelt and smiled at him. "Did you tell her?" He asked and you cutely nodded your head.

A smile grew on his face and you rolled your eyes.

"So what took you so long?" He asked. You told him what happened and he looked at you with a shocked expression on his face. "Since when you studied!?" He jokingly asked.

You rolled your eyes, "That's what you're shocked about?" He laughed, "I know my baby sister is very kind and helpful." You pretended to throw up at his cheesy comment and he playfully flicked your forehead.

"Let's go already! I'm starving!" You whined like a child. Only in front of your brother, you would act cute.

At the nurse office, Jieun calmly waited for Lay to come to so that she could finally get home. After a while, he woke up. Jieun angelically smiled at him, "Rise and shine~" She cooed and gave him a glass of water.

He thankfully took it and drank it down. "Are you okay? Do you still feel cold? Any headaches?" Jieun asked and Lay shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

Jieun chuckled, "Well okay. Get home then. It's late." Lay nodded and cooly jumped off the bed. "Miss, how did I get here?" Lay asked.

"Ara found you at the practise room and she called me. Then ta-dah~ you're here." She chuckled. Lay slowly nodded and left the nurse office.

*Ara? Why would she?* Lay thought to himself. That night, he lay in his bed, thinking about you. He asked himself why you would help in that situation when you clearly disliked him.

"She must be high." He convinced himself and went off to dreamland.

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exoticsbabyz #1
Chapter 4: so sweet OH MY GOSH!!!! AAHHHH
Chapter 4: i really really enjoy reading this story and i already read it for like hundred times and never get bored. good job author-nim!!!!

layara fighting!!!! >w<
Chapter 4: So cute :)))
LayRa omgomgomg wow.
Lizzy_501 #5
Awww... I am totally in love with ur story... It is just toooooo cuuutteeee.. But i really wanna know what happen to her brother and father after what she just said.. Can you make this one shot a sequel... Pleaseee...
That was so cuuuute
soorinchoi #8
great <3 <3 <3
--minyoungiie #9
ohmygosh!!I loved it!!!
Lay!!!kyaaa,ow could you be sooo cute yet hawtt at the same freggin' time?
cholahola #10
Yeahh ~ haha !
pls update soon !