'Nice of you to join us"

Secretly Married to Lee Byunghun

“Ms. Myeongji, Mr. Byunghun; glad you could make it,” the teacher turned from his lecture to give us a displeased glare. It felt as though the entire classroom turned to look at us in an instant, and I’m sure I wasn’t imagining it this time…

My face flushed as I dropped my gaze to the floor.

“I’m sorry we’re late,” I gently apologized as I bowed. If he was trying to humiliate us he was doing a great job. I could already hear my classmates whispering assumptions all across the room.

“Wonder what they were doing?”

“Don’t know…”

“Did you see them earlier?”

“They must be dating,”

“Yeah, I bet that’s it…”

With every whisper my heart quivered. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid; whispers, curious onlookers, attention…

Why couldn’t they just look away? I wasn’t some caged animal, and I didn’t live my life just for their entertainment. 

From the corner of my vision I watched as Byunghun simply carried on to his seat like nothing had happened. I couldn’t believe it…

*What’s with this guy?! One moment he’s a complete jerk, but then when I look again he’s looking back into my eyes sincerely… He must be messing with me. That’s the only thing that could be going on here. Right…? I mean, why else would he be acting so strangely? Is this all just some game to him…? And if it is, am I the queen or just a pawn…* I hurried over to my seat with my chaotic thoughts chasing after me.

This was all ridiculous…

*Why does he have such power over my mind? It’s just not normal! And super annoying too!* I could feel my temper rising to it's boiling point as I remembered he was sitting there beside me.

*Why does he even have to be here in the first place? Why couldn’t he just stay in his own class?* I drew in a slow breathe as I tried to calm myself. There was no need to get this upset over something I couldn’t change. Whether it was all a game or not I was stuck playing. The best thing I could do now is just learn the rules and take first place for myself…

If that was the case, then let the games begin.



I feel like this chapter should be longer...

But when I tried to write more, it came out awkward... :<

Working on the next chapter now!

Ps- Thank you to all of my subscribers! I love each and every one of you!!! ~♥

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*still look forward to it continuation OTL


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Okay, so I'm editing he entire draft right now. I'll be making a few, much needed, changes to the plot points that are unclear. I'm nearly half done now. I hope to have all of the changes posted soon :)
Chapter 13: oh please update ~~~ author-nim!
Vvarmy14 #3
Chapter 13: What is he planning please update
Chapter 1: I can't quite explain but the beginning of your story has a k-drama-feel like introduction and your writing is very appealing ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon author-nim and so cute~~~ Love the story <3
Chapter 11: Nice story authornim~ :D Update soon. ^^
Chapter 11: Byunghun is so cute, please update soon author-nim:)
hikari_leeyanna #8
Chapter 9: please continue dear author-nim.. ^_^
Chapter 9: Hi! Please Update!!! Love it!! XD
Chapter 9: Kyaa! So adorable! Please update soon! =D