Paris! [Part 2]

Vanilla and Strawberry Shortcake

Day 8.

"Hae~ I want to eat something cold... And.. Sweet?" "Ice-cream?" Eunhyuk pouted. "Nope.. Something different.." Donghae think deeper. After minutes of silence , finally! The husband knew what they were going to eat! "How about.. Gelato!" His wife widen his eyes. "Gelato? Seriously Hae? Let's go! Now now now now now!" He whined and the husband chuckled.

"Arasso.." He said and then picked up his and his wife scarfs to warm themselves as it was winter there. "Hae~ Hurry up!" The other said and pouted at the doorway. Donghae walked towards him and wrapped the scarf around his neck. Eunhyuk giggled at his caring husband. He then grabbed the other's hand and began dragging him.

"What kind of gelato do you want?" Donghae said after arriving at the cafe. "Of course strawberry~!" The other squealed in delight. "Go and take a table while I order okay?" "Okay~!" Eunhyuk skipped happily towards a table and sat there , waiting for his husband. After minutes of waiting , the husband walked with a tray towards his wife.

"Strawberry~! And you ordered vanilla?" "Yes.. Hyukkie.. How about exchanging our ice-creams together?" Eunhyuk grabbed his gelato and hid it behind him. "No way!" "Not completely exchange.. Just.. I'll eat one or two spoons of yours and you eat mine too.. How about it?" Eunhyuk thought for a while before agreeing. The other smiled.

Though , they ended up feeding each other instead of a spoon.

Day 9.

"Let's play snow Hae~!!" "Huh? But there's snow too in Korea.." "Paris snow are different!" Eunhyuk protested. "How?" "Umm.. It's a different place so the snow is different too!" Donghae laughed at the unacceptable reason and the other pouted. His wife sat on the sofa and crossed his arms across his chest , still pouting.

The husband approach him and he abruptly pecked his wife lips. Leaving the other a blushing mess. "Come on.. You said you wanted to go out and play with snow.." He said while pulling his-still-dazed-wife by the hand to the door of their suite.

"Ah Hae!! Stop throwing snowballs at me!" Eunhyuk exclaimed while pouting. Donghae chuckled. "Then hurry up and finish your snowballs~" "But you kept on disturbing me!" The husband show him his tongue before proceeding on making new snowballs. The wife took it as a chance.

"Yah! The snowballs are cold!" Donghae whined as he was thrown with a snowball. "Then , you think your snowballs aren't cold?" "Arasso! I'm sorry!" Though , the other just kept on throwing the snowballs and showing no sign of stopping. "This is so fun!" He exclaimed while throwing snowballs at the other.

Donghae chuckled. Yeah , anything for his wife.

Day 10.

"What should we do today Hae?" "Do you want to go outside?" Eunhyuk shook his head and then Donghae began to think. "How about sauna? I heard this hotel has the best one.." And instantly , his wife's eyes light up. "Let's go then!" The other said excitedly while dragging his husband out of the room. 

"How was the sauna?"


"Hyukkie? How was it?"



"Too hot!! I feel like I was dying in there!! Thank God we're out of there.." Eunhyuk exclaimed in relief. Donghae just chuckled in reply. "But it's good for your skin.. Look at it.. It's softer than before.." He explained while caressing his wife's exposed hand. His wife blushed and tried to pull his hand away from his husband. 

"Hae.. What should we do now?" "Look at the shop in this hotel? There's a lot of it.. And afterwards we can eat dinner.." "Yay~!! Let's go Hae!" Eunhyuk squealed while dragging Donghae anywhere. Donghae chuckled before pecking his wife's lips. His wife blushed and looked down while walking side-by-side in silence.

"Hae.. They're looking at us.." "Let them be.. They're just jealous I have the most beautiful boy as my wife." The other couldn't help but to blush again.

Day 11.

"Hae~!! This time.. I got an amazing place we can go~!!" Eunhyuk said while jumping on the bed where Donghae is still lying. The husband groaned. "And where is that?" He said with a sleepy voice and the wife thought it was the iest voice ever! He smiled his gummy smile before saying "Disneyland!!" 

The husband look confusedly at him. "Why now?" "W-Well.. I thought Disneyland only existed at Tokyo but I found out that they also have one in Paris yesterday!" "How did you found it?" "At the hotel lobby.. He said I have to pay for the internet but when he looked at me , he said it wasn't necessary.. He's so kind!"

Donghae frowned. That bastard must have liked his wife. He pulled his wife into the bed and kissed him passionately. Eunhyuk was surprised at the sudden kiss but accepted it anyway. "What was that about?" "Jealousy" The husband said simply and the wife just chuckled and ruffled his husband's hair. 

"There's no need.. I only love you remember?" "But still.. Disneyland can wait.. Now is y time~" Eunhyuk widen his eyes before struggling. "N-No! A-Aah!" And so , the did it yet again.

Day 12.

Eunhyuk was glad he could walk today. They did it yesterday in the morning and for the rest of the day , his husband took care of him. "Woah! Disneyland! I thought I'll never ever step my foot into this kind of place.." He exclaimed in amusement. The husband chuckled.

"Just ask and I'll take you here.." "B-But! You'll waste your money on me!" Eunhyuk protested. "Anything for my wife.." The other blushed while dragging Donghae to a less crowded place. "What should we do first?" The wife said while looking at the map in the notice board.

"How bout roller coaster? I like rides like that!" Donghae answered in excitement but Eunhyuk shrunk. He was scared of rides like that but since his husband has been doing all kind of things for him , he thought it will be a good idea. "Are you scared? Don't worry... Just hold me tight and scream your stress out.. It satisfies you , I guarantee.."

The wife nodded and followed his husband to the roller coaster.

"How was the ride Hyukkie?" Donghae asked as he ate his ice-cream. They were now sitting on one of the benches , eating ice-cream. "It was super awesome! My stress was washed away with the screams~" He said , biting on the cone of the ice-cream. "I told you! Now what should we do?" "Other rides!"

And so , they spent the day at the amusement park. They watched the Disneyland special performance in the evening too.

Day 13.

"What should we do for today?" "I guess we should just pack our things and relax for the day.." Donghae suggested. Eunhyuk just nodded and began to pack their bags. After hours , finally! They were able to pack their bags - since some of their clothes were messy and Eunhyuk being Eunhyuk cleaned them up.

"What should we do now?" "Let's go see the river.." And so , they walked to the river. Though , this time , they weren't riding cruise. Just walking by the side and looking down at the river from time to time. They held each other hands as it was cold. Smile never leaving their faces as they walked in silence.

The rest of the day was spent in a nearby cafe at the river. Romantic aura everywhere they go.

Day 14.

They were already in the airport , putting down their luggage as they wait for the plane. "Do you want a souvenir?" Donghae asked. Eunhyuk thought for a while before saying "I already bought hyung and my friends souvenir.." "Should I buy a souvenir for my father?" The husband said and wondered.

"What? You didn't bought him a souvenir yet?! Let's go! Find something that he likes around here!" Eunhyuk said and dragged Donghae to the closest shop. In the end , he bought his father a watch - since that old man love watches. He also bought a strawberry plushie for his cute wife. 

As their plane arrived , they quickly walked towards the gate.

"Bye Paris.."


I know I'm late!!! Sorry for not updating last week!!!! T^T school is evil!!!! URGH Oh! And this is SS5 list but it's not the official yet~ If you are interested into my other accounts , go to my blog here!

[ATTENTION] Please vote for Super Junior here!

And guys.. I'm planning to end this story... The next chapter will be the last one okay~? ^^ Tell me what do you think about this chapter? I know this chapter is boring cause I think it is.. Until the next chapter , bye~!!! ♥

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Oh and.. I using ipad right now.. the keyboard will take centuries.. urgh..


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Chapter 15: Cute couple~
Baegoppahansam #2
Chapter 15: Its so cute. I love it :*
Chapter 10: Rereading this fic...
I didn't even realize that this really was your 1st xD
Suddenly i missed your fics and while reading this fic...I missed my old username: parkchanmi3
ecargebeohp_10 #4
Chapter 9: Hae why so ert? Hahah.. Blame the hormones.. XD
I am mpreg's fan. If a story isn't mpreg, I feel lack of something >"< I wish you could write mpreg in all your future stories <3
Chapter 15: I like this fluffy and cute story!!!
Just love it~~~~
Chapter 3: Ahaha I'm also a left handed person, but I'm good in drawing
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for bothering you but I wanna ask what "plushie" is =))

I don't understand clearly >.<

Thank you :*
Chapter 15: This story was so cute! I liked it a lot. :D
Hehehehe, Henry is always eunhae/haehyuk's child. xD <3
larrenlove #10
Chapter 15: that cat is is damn talented :D and aww haehyuk babies.