Mom & Dad

You guys are my Guardian Angels?

You woke up by the sound of the intro to Exo-K's 'MAMA'. You violently and furiously unlocked your phone and turned off the alarm. *Stupid alarm, stupid phone..* You fell back onto the matress and let out a tired groan. Somehow, this day was a bad day. 

You laid in bed for a few more minutes, but finally decided to get out of the bed and wash up. After a long, relaxing shower you walked out of the bathroom while  drying your hair with a towel.

You threw the towel over your bed and walked over to your desk. By one of the shelves, there was a calendar and you sighed as you saw the date. There was a red circle drawn around the number, announcing something important. Today wasn't a bad day without a reason. 

You got dressed in decent, but still pretty clothes. *I'll visit you guys today, promise. I won't forget.* you gulped and bit your lip and glanced out the window.

Downstairs, Leeteuk and Ryeowook were casually preparing breakfast. Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung and Kangin were chilling in their room. Sungmin, Donghae, Henry and Kibum were watching drama on your laptop in the kitchen. Siwon was reading. Shindong, Eunhyuk and Zhou Mi were just watching some TV in the living room. 

When their sensitive ears picked up the sound of the door to your room being opened and closed, followed by footsteps coming down the staircase, the boys in the living room turned their heads to greet you. However, their faces dropped when they saw that there was something odd about your facial expression this morning. 

Your eyes seemed distant and your whole body language seemed to radiate langour. Shindong got up to greet you as you walked past the living room, into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Angel!" he beamed and stood in front of you. You mentally shook your head to get out of your trance and looked up to Shindong, and put on a weak smile. "Mornin', Shindong." you brushed past him with your head hung low. Shindong watched you enter the kitchen curiously. *What's with her today? She seems sad..* 

"Ah, Angel! You arrived just in time for breakfast!" Ryeowook beamed as you walked in to the kitchen. You weakly smiled and sat down by the table. Henry shut down the laptop and put it away. He sat down next to you with a happy smile. *I get to sit next to Angel~ mehheh.* 

During breakfast, you barely ate. You just poked your food with your fork with a disgusted face. *I'm not even hungry. What is with me?* Leeteuk slightly frowned, "Angel, you don't like the food?" "Oh, no, it's delicious. Ha-ha." you nervously laughed, "In fact, I'm pretty full, I' think I'm gonna go upstairs and study." you excused yourself and exited the kitchen and walked up to your room.

"Okay, so what's with Angel today?" Kangin bluntly asked. Heechul put stuck out his bottom lip and blew his bangs, "She seems so..." he searched for the word. "Off." Hangeng finnished. Heechul nodded and sighed. 

"I know right, it's almost like she's traumatized or something." Eunhyuk said. "Maybe someone replaced Angel with some depressed chick?" Donghae tilted his head. Sungmin flinched his forehead, "Of course not. It's the same, our Angel."

"Maybe she failed on a test?" Kyuhyun suggested. Leeteuk shook his head, "no, she could never fail on a test." Everyone agreed. "What if Hyemi or Yongguk made fun of her yesterday at school?" Siwon raised a brow. "No, I've been watching those two and they haven't even looked her way." Kangin said. 

Everyone sighed in unison. "Well, screw you guys, but I'm gonna go up and ask her what's wrong." Henry said and stood up.

He carefully knocked on your door, "Angel, can I come in?" No-one replied. "Angel, you in there?" he knocked again, this time a little harder. Still, there was no answer. He grew worried and opened the door. 

There was no trace of anyone being in there. *Where is she?* Henry checked your bathroom, but you weren't there either. He grew worried and started to panic. "ANGEL'S GONE!" he darted out of the room.

"WHAT!?" every gathered in front of your room. "What do you mean, she is gone!?" Heechul asked. Henry shook his head and gripped his head, "She's not in her room!" 

Before everyone started to panic, Leeteuk took a breath to calm dow himself, "Okay, let's split up. Half of us search the ground area and the rest search from above, okay?" Everyone nodded and sat out to find you.

With fast steps you walked towards the graveyard. The clouds above you began to slightly rumble and you shivered, you had never been such a big fan of thunder and rain. *It does kind of fit this day..* 

you walked through the gates and quickly found a familiar gravestone. ** All kind of emotions began to bubble up inside of you. Sadness, fear, loneliness, guilt and sorrow. 

"ANGEL!" Zhou Mi flew above the buildings in search for you. "ANGEL, WHERE ARE YOU!? JUNG SORA!" Shindong ran around your neighborhood with Eunhyuk and Donghae beside him. "ANGEL!" "ANGEL!" All of their desperate voices could be heard all over the city.

The window to your room slid open and Hangeng swiftly jumped in. *Come on, Angel, don't leave us hanging like this. You must've left a clue or something.* He began to search your room and his eyes catched a red circle drawn around today's date on your wall calendar.

He walked closer to read what you had wrote. "Mom & Dad's death anniversary. Remember, visit graveyard."  *Angel...* he balled his fist anf groaned in frustration.*Sora, pabo! Why didn't you tell us that today's your parents death anniversary? We could've gone with you!* He jumped out of the window and his wings appeared. He knew exactly where he was going.

Just a few seconds later, Sungmin darted into your with the same thought Hangeng had. He immedately found the date on your calendar and gasped. "GUYS, I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" 


I'm sorry for not updating in a while, but a friend of mine has been staying over and I wanted to spend time with her ^^ But I'm back now! Btw, school starts in about a week...meeeeeeeeh. 

Subscribers and comments are loved to death! 

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I'M BACK! and I'm writing a new chapter as i write this lol


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okay.. i think she's unlucky and i agree with her needing protection... i think i want to see how their journey will turn out XD
PieLife #2
Chapter 82: I finished this in a day :D its soo interesting ^~^ Hope theres a sequel!
Lee_yhannie #3
Chapter 7: This chap. is soooo Funnyyyyy... stop banging your head Eunhyuk..
2032 streak #4
Chapter 83: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story. It was nice. I thought she would be paired up with Hangeng but this story was good nevertheless :)
krissy25 #5
Chapter 25: omg this story is so freaking cute.. they r all so sweet and innocent rorwards her.. i love it. i especially love how sungmin always clings to her... it funny how they get jealous and over protective of her over the slightest thing.. this is by far my favorite story... it is also very very funny, i mean i laugh at least 3 times in each chapter... good job
Chapter 40: omg that little story of hea's ball calming hahaha
I miss this fan fic T-T it was seriously like my FAVORITE Super junior fantasy story EVER!! I honestly cried the last few chapters, I cry too much. :3
I hope you will make stories like this in the future! I'L SUPPORT YOU!!^^
I Love The Story! :D
Angel9 #9
Chapter 83: ah thank you for making this story buth i really want to know if the rest will be back or not :(
Chapter 82: I really love this story , I want a sequel PLEASE ,PWETTY PWETTY PWEASE ^~^

thank you for making such a great story <3 <3