Belly of the beast

You guys are my Guardian Angels?


The weekend ended and it was now just a regular Monday.  You were sitting next to Yoseob in the classroom, chatting while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

“So, he sang ‘Under the sea’?” Yoseob’s eyes rounded. You nodded, “Yeah, it was so cute!” you giggled. Yoseob laughed and leaned back in his chair and put his arms under his head, “They do seem to care about you a lot.”

You slowly nodded, “Yeah, they’re like my brothers.” “Nothing else?” Yoseob leaned in and raised a brow. “Nothing else.” You assured and put your palm over his face and pushed him away, “You jelly?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve always wanted a bunch of good-looking guys to follow me around, protecting me 24/7.” Yoseob batted his eyelashes and gazed lovingly out of the window.  You laughed and lightly punched his arm, “I knew you had a thing for guys, oppa.” “I’ve always had.” He sent you a dreamy look and sighed. The both of you looked at each other, and then burst out in laughter.

Leeteuk were sitting in the other side of the room and he watched you and Yoseob interact warily. *It’s something about this guy that keeps bugging me. I don’t know what, but I will find out.*

Yoseob laughed and ruffled your hair, “By the way, Dongsaengie,” Leeteuk frowned at the nickname. “Are you free today after school?”

You stuck out your bottom lip and tapped your chin, “I don’t know, Donghae-“ you paused as you realized that you couldn’t spill that Donghae + all of the other hot boys and you were living in the same house. *Things would get complicated.* Yoseob raised a brow and scooted closer to you, “Donghae what?”

You shook your head and plastered on a smile, “No, nothing about Donghae. I just remembered that I helped Donghae with his homework yesterday.” You lied.  Leeteuk frowned once again when you told Yoseob that. *Donghae’s going to be heart-broken when he realizes that Angel won’t help him with his Biology homework tonight.*

Yoseob smiled his 100 watt smile and slung his arm around your neck, “Then guess what you and I are going to do?” “Er, go and get ice cream?” you guessed. Yoseob clucked his tongue, “Tsk, tsk. We’re going hang out with my friends!” he beamed.

*Friends? Yoseob has friends?* You found it weird because during his stay at the school, he’s always been around you and Super Junior, but maybe they went to another school? Who knew?  “Oh, really? How fun!” You happily clapped your hands and beamed. 

*I DO SO NOT APPROVE OF THIS!* Leeteuk was about to walk over to you, but the teacher walked in and ordered everyone to be quiet. Leeteuk reluctantly sunk back into his seat.

Yoseob sent you a cute wink and formed a gun with his thumb and index finger and ‘shoot’ you. *OH DEAR HE’S SO CUTE* you almost died inside but you exhaled to keep calm. 

During class, Yoseob quickly slid a note onto your desk. Luckily for him, he was too quick so the teacher couldn’t see him.  When the teacher turned around to face the whiteboard, you took the note and slowly unfolded it.

When school ends, meet me by the gates!

You smiled to yourself and put the note into the pocket on your blazer. Yoseob saw you in the corner of his eyes and smiled to himself. *I can’t for you to meet my friends, I hope you like them.*

Leeteuk’s hawk-eyes saw the note and he was more than determined to have a look at it. *I will have that note. Even if I have to steal it from her. There’s something fishy about this guy..It’s not a bad feeling, it’s just that he seems to hide something. Something important.* Leeteuk rested his head on the desk and he sighed in frustration. He couldn’t come up with what was so weird about Yoseob.

As the class ended, you gathered your books, said goodbye to Yoseob and began to walk to your locker. Leeteuk quickly followed. “Yo, Angel! Wait for me!” he hollered as he approached you.

You spun around, “Leeteuk? Where did you come from?” “I go to school here, duh.” He rolled his eyes. “I know that, but did just come out from that classroom?” you pointed to the room where you just had walked out from.

Leeteuk nodded and the both of you began to walk in the same pace. “But didn’t you say hi?” you asked. “I was sitting next to Yoseob, you could’ve just come and sit next to us.” Leeteuk quickly tried to come up with a lie, “I, err, didn’t see you. I was in the back, reading. Yeah, that’s what I did.” He nodded, satisfied with his lie.

“Oh-kaay.” You replied. *He’s hiding something.*

“Well, don’t wait for me today after school.” You said as you halted in front of your locker. You pressed in the code and the locker opened and you put in your books and took out the ones you needed. “Why so?” Leeteuk asked.

*Should I lie or tell the truth? If I tell him the truth he will go all overprotective umma on me and the others will be jealous and angry, and poor oppa will be bashed.* you gloomily thought. “I have to study at the library.” You lied.

“Oh, do you have a test coming?” Leeteuk leaned himself on the lockers and crossed his arms over his chest. “Y-yeah.” “What subject? I can call one of the others and maybe they can help you.” He smiled. 

As on cue, the bell rang. Signaling break was over and that all students should go to their respective classes. “Oh, shisus. I have to go, see you tonight. Don’t wait up, okay?” you gave him a curt wave and turned around, ready to leave.

*Darn, she can’t leave!* Leeteuk panicked. Quickly, he grabbed your arm and spun you around. “Leeteuk-“ he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled towards his chest. “Leeteuk!” you hissed, “What are you doing!? People are staring!”

As you were trying to break free from his hold, Leeteuk quickly sneaked his hand into the pockets on your blazer. He felt a small piece of paper brush against his knuckles. *huzzah!* he carefully grasped the paper and pulled away. You put your hands on his chest and pushed him off of you. “what was that about?” “I just thought because I won’t see you until later tonight.” He sheepishly replied and put his hands in his pockets.

You shook your head with a chuckle, “Silly Teukie. But I have to go now, so-“ you waved again, “See you and the others later.” You turned around and left.

Leeteuk smiled in victory as he held up the note in front of him. He impatiently unfolded it. *Aha, let’s see what that sneaky Yoseob wrote- WHAT IS THIS!?* Instead of the note Yoseob had given you, Leeteuk had taken your shopping list for tonight. His face fell and his knees betrayed him. He fell onto the floor, causing students that were passing by to look at him in puzzlement.

*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!* he cried and gripped his hair and pretended to rip off strands of it.

Sungmin that was passing by looked at his hyung and felt slightly worried. *What’s the matter with Leeteuk hyung?* he walked up to Leeteuk and placed his hand on his shoulder and lightly shook it, “Hyung, what’s the matter?” Leeteuk turned his head to look at Sungmin, “I was so close, so close..” he whispered in despair.

“What are you talking about, hyung?” Sungmin asked, worried that his hyung were losing his mind. *If Teuk hyung goes insane, Heechul will be our next leader. I don’t want to dress out as Lady Gaga this Halloween! He already made us dress out as SNSD last year…*

Leeteuk swallowed and stood up and tried to calm down himself. He turned to Sungmin and explained what’ve happened during class. “But, I thought hyung said that we should let them be. He said that if Angel’s happy, then we should-“

“I know what I said! But this is different, I have this really weird feeling about him.” Leeteuk explained.  “What do you mean by ‘weird feeling’? IS HE GONNA HURT ANGEL!?” Sungmin panicked.

Leeteuk shook his head, “No, but there’s something different about him. “ Sungmin ignored Leeteuk’s words and began to run around in circles, “WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING! CALL SHINDONG OR KANGIN!”

School ended and you shut your locker and heaved a sigh, *May Hyemi and her minions burn in hell. Does she even have a heart? Maybe I should send Kangin on her…* a smirk crept on your face, but faded as you realized that you could never hurt anyone, physically. You were too kind.

You exited the school and glanced at the big clock above the gates. *02:25 PM. I’m early. Yoseob should be here in five minutes. Might as well sit down.* you mentally shrugged and sat down on the bench next to the gates.

Students began to pool out of the building. Girls said goodbye to their friends and jumped up on their bikes. Boys fist-bumped their friends grabbed their skateboards and rode past you.

All of a sudden, you could feel a presence next to you. You turned your head and saw a gorgeous, tall boy just a few centimeters away from you. He had brightly red hair and he was dressed rather fashionable.  You couldn’t really see his face, but if you cocked your head a little you could see his eyes. They were sharp, but still had a gentle feeling about them. *He looks like an Angel.* The boy was hot in other words and quickly tried to act cool.

You leaned back and put your right leg above the other. You put your arm on the backrest and looked up at the sky cooly. *Yeah, I’m so fly  ~*

The male next to you looked at you amusingly. *Such a funny girl.* he chuckled and flipped his bangs. 

“Sora!” you heard someone call. You shot up from the bench and looked around. You spotted Yoseob a by the school entrance and waved cheerfully. “Oppa!”

Yoseob ran up to you and leaned forward to catch his breath. “Oppa, you should start exercising.” “Never. Does this cute face look like it needs exercise?” he straightened up and pointed at his face. He did a shy smile and blinked.  “Fine, you’re perfect the way you are.” You rolled your eyes, “But still not more perfect than Chanyeol ~” you swooned.

Yoseob rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead lightly, “Stop fangirling in front of me.” You pouted cutely and furrowed your eyebrows, making Yoseob crack up.

“Yah, Yoseob!” someone hollered. Yoseob stopped laughing and looked around curiously. *Was that..?*

Yoseob saw a red-haired boy by the bench you had been sitting on.  His face lit up and he waved, “Hyunseung hyung!” You turned around and saw the red-haired boy from before walk towards you.

*Oh darn! It’s that boy!* you blinked a few times and exhaled heavily. Hyunseung approached you and smiled at Yoseob as they hi-fived each other. “What’s up, Yoseobie?”

“Nothing much.” Yoesob replied, smiling and slightly nodding towards you. You were busy with twirling a curl of hair around your finger nervously and trying not to have direct eye contact with Hyunseung. *He’ll surely think I’m weird or something..Wait, why do I care about what this guy thinks about me? ASIH!*

Hyunseung reached out his hand to you. You nervously looked up and met eyes with him. *OH SWEET LORD, HE’S PRETTY!* You were struck with Hyunseung’s pretty face and just shook his hand without any emotion.

“Seobie, is this the girl you talked about?” Hyunseung asked. You snapped out of your trance and looked at Yoseob, “Did you talk about me?” Yoseob proudly nodded, “Yeah, this is her. “

You realized that you didn’t even introduce yourself to Hyunseung and you felt slightly guilty. “I’m Jung Sora, nice to meet you!” you almost shouted as you bowed 90 degree.

Hyunseung chuckled and waved his hand, “No need to be formal. Name’s Jang Hyunseung by the way.” He smiled.  You nodded and smiled back at him.

“Hyunseung’s one of the friends that I wanted you to meet, dongsaengie.” Yoseob explained.  Hyunseung raised a brow at the nickname. “Oh, I see.” You nodded. *He seems nice. I hope his other friends also are…*

The three of you chatted for a few minutes, until you decided that you were going to the mall to meet the rest of the friends.

Kyuhyun and Hangeng had been spying on you the whole time. They were hiding behind a pair of bushed next to the gate.

“so, she ditched us to be with him. Why am I not surprised..” Kyuhyun frowned in disapproval. “We can also be funny! We can also call her ‘dongsaengie’ WE CAN ALSO BE CUTE!” Kyuhyun snapped and twisted a branch he was holding. Hangeng silently agreed but kept silent. *It’s true what Leeteuk said. I also have this feeling about him..and it’s not just Yoseob, it’s that Hyunseung dude as well. We should talk to Father about this.*

Hangeng lightly nudged Kyuhyun and he sent him a death glare. “We should go back home and contact Father.” Hangeng said. Kyuhyun nodded and the both of them crawled out of their hiding spot.

Kyuhyun’s hand got stuck under a trunk and he stumbled forward and landed on his on the sidewalk.  “Stupid trunk..” Kyuhyun mumbled and dusted off his clothes and stood up. Hangeng rolled his eyes and stood up.




I think this is the longest chapter I've written in this fic. I don't know if that's a good or abad thing though.. 


Anyhow, subscribers and comments are loved to death! 

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I'M BACK! and I'm writing a new chapter as i write this lol


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okay.. i think she's unlucky and i agree with her needing protection... i think i want to see how their journey will turn out XD
PieLife #2
Chapter 82: I finished this in a day :D its soo interesting ^~^ Hope theres a sequel!
Lee_yhannie #3
Chapter 7: This chap. is soooo Funnyyyyy... stop banging your head Eunhyuk..
2032 streak #4
Chapter 83: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story. It was nice. I thought she would be paired up with Hangeng but this story was good nevertheless :)
krissy25 #5
Chapter 25: omg this story is so freaking cute.. they r all so sweet and innocent rorwards her.. i love it. i especially love how sungmin always clings to her... it funny how they get jealous and over protective of her over the slightest thing.. this is by far my favorite story... it is also very very funny, i mean i laugh at least 3 times in each chapter... good job
Chapter 40: omg that little story of hea's ball calming hahaha
I miss this fan fic T-T it was seriously like my FAVORITE Super junior fantasy story EVER!! I honestly cried the last few chapters, I cry too much. :3
I hope you will make stories like this in the future! I'L SUPPORT YOU!!^^
I Love The Story! :D
Angel9 #9
Chapter 83: ah thank you for making this story buth i really want to know if the rest will be back or not :(
Chapter 82: I really love this story , I want a sequel PLEASE ,PWETTY PWETTY PWEASE ^~^

thank you for making such a great story <3 <3