Keep your voice down

Speak Up [hiatus, but will finally continue soon]

I’ve been gone sooooo long! Sorry! Mianhaeyooooo!T.T I… I just… I’m not even gonna come up with more excuses because either way I bet you’ll still be mad at me~ Remember how last chapter ended? Well, to fresh up your memory~

“Wha-Wh… What are you doing here?” Luhan asks him completely flabbergasted. Before the guy can even answer his mother already opens .

“You must be Luhan! Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is our son-”

“Mom, I think he knows my name already.”

“Wait… Are you saying you know each other?”

“Oh yes, we do,” the guy replies while taking a step closer to Luhan and throwing an arm around his neck. Then he moves his mouth close to his ears and whispers… “Hey pretty face.”

Well, let’s continue from there (warning: long chapter, long long chapter compared to before^^)~


“Well, what a happy coincidence,” Kai’s mother simply continues, just like the other adults, including Taeyeon who joined the party recently, completely oblivious. “So… So you know each other from school then, right?”

“Yeah, we do,” Kai answers, immediately giving himself the responding role. “Actually we met each other right at the beginning of the first day; let’s say… He was lost and I helped him out,” he says with a big smile. Yeah, let’s say it thát way… Luhan thinks while looking at Kai in the corner of his eyes, not for long cause he’s afraid the others might see. Keep smiling Luhan, keep smiling… “So um… That’s it actually. I don’t have that many classes with him though but still a few,” Kai just continues pretending like he doesn’t notice anything. He knows it’s better for both of them to act like thís instead of like enemies, which they practically are, so he knows he can kind of do and say whatever he wants to.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Kai’s mother responds again. “So… are you like friends?”

“Well… Of course, we’ve only met about a week ago so we don’t know that much of each other yet, but I think um… you might be able to say that… right?” Kai states looking at Luhan like he’s asking for some sort of confirmation. Luhan knows Kai is only challenging him. He looks back and clenches his teeth for a moment.

“Yes. Sure,” he then says with a little gentle smile.

“Well, why don’t we just go sit down for a moment and do some more talking,” Luhan’s mother throws in as she feels the ice has kind of broken now. The others immediately agree and they head towards the couch. When Luhan can finally loose himself from Kai’s grip he keeps standing still.

“Um… Why don’t I um… just start with the dinner preparations?” he asks trying to escape Kai or any of the subjects that might come up in the next conversation that he doesn’t want to talk about at all. “S-so that you can talk some more first.”Please, please…

“Oh, um…” his mother starts a little surprised. “Well… Sure dear. I-If you want to.”

“Oh yes, I do,” he says before walking off to the kitchen. Yes! He washes his hands and then starts to get some stuff out of the cabinets when he suddenly hears someone approaching.

“I’ll help you out,” he hears Kai’s voice saying happily. Luhan doesn’t even turn around but he knows Kai is almost right next to him. He sighs. No, no, NO! That is exactly what I wanted to prevent! “What’s wrong baby?” Kai now says quite softly so their parents can’t hear, with his back slightly towards them. “Don’t you want my help or something?” he asks with a cute voice.

“That’s right. I don’t,” Luhan states pretty harshly, not that Kai really cares of course.

“Well, what’s wrong about a guy helping out his friend with some cooking? You don’t want to give them the wrong idea, do you?” Luhan keeps quiet. He knows what Kai’s doing. He glances to the side to see Kai with innocent eyes but still a tiny smirk.

“Sure. Go ahead,” Luhan gives in annoyed. Kai almost makes a little jump of, partly fake, joy and now comes even closer to Luhan so their hips almost touch.

“See? Well, this is not so bad. What were you so worried about?” Kai asks exaggerating. Luhan just rolls his eyes. Then suddenly Kai pinches his , quite hard, making Luhan yelp in surprise and his eyes get bigger.

“Yah!” Luhan says a bit too loud.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” his mother immediately calls.

“Um… I-It’s nothing. Never mind,” Luhan lies while chuckling a bit awkwardly. When he turns to look at Kai again all he sees is a very big, satisfied smirk on his face, no shame to be found anywhere. He stays quiet for a while. “Seriously, how long have you wanted to do that already?”

“Oh, long,” Kai responds quickly, totally honestly it seems.

“You are totally shameless. Truly shameless.”

“Yes, I know baby.”

“Could you just stop… j-just… stop calling me that!” Luhan commands slowly getting a bit frustrated, trying to keep his voice down. Kai thinks for a second.

“No, sorry baby.” Luhan sighs with a growl. “Ooh, manly Luhan. You know, it’s quite… y if you do that. Do it again,” he teases.

“Kai, just shut up. Please, you’re giving me a headache. I swear, I’ll-”

“What? Whát will you do?” Kai asks more seriously now. Oh, how that smirking bastard loves to be in charge… Luhan decides to not say a word and he stays like that the whole time; until after about an hour all seven, including Taeyeon now, sit at the table and have started eating.

“But Luhan…” his father suddenly starts after a few minutes. “I’m actually a bit curious why you have kept quiet about this young man,” he says while laying his hand on Kai’s shoulder for a moment. Of course, you’ve wrapped my father around your finger too already.

“Yes Luhan, why did you?” his mother joins.

“Yeah Luhan, why?” Kai repeats, acting seriously curious while raising his eyebrows. Luhan squeezes his eyes to Kai for a second.

“Well, did yóu tell?” he asks Kai in defense. Kai barely even hesitates.

“No,” he says bluntly.

“But Kai keeps almost everything from us.”

“Oh, come on mom, that’s not true,” Kai responds not even trying to sound convincing.

“I know you’re a teenager but I’m still your mother and I feel like I’m completely being left out.” Kai chuckles inarticulately and mouths ‘Like you would even care’. Only Luhan seems to notice.

“Well, it may not be that surprising for yóu, but Luhan always tells ús everything,” his mother then throws in a little frustrated, looking at her son. Kai chuckles while looking down, trying to hold his laughter. Luhan looks at him with a face that says ‘Yah!’ and Kai’s eventually able to hold himself and presses his lips together after looking up again. Right before Luhan wants to defend himself towards his mother Kai already opens his mouth.

“I bet he has just been busy in his head that he forgot to mention me.” What? Kai is… defending me? That can’t be true… And he’s right. “He probably did tell you already about Baekhyun and Chanyeol…”

“Yes, he did,” Luhan’s mother confirms.

“and Sehun…” Luhan immediately glares at Kai with a lethal expression on his face, quickly trying to mask it not to let the others notice. Indeed, no one notices, except Taeyeon.

“Who?” both Luhan’s parents ask in unison.

“Oh. You didn’t tell about him either?” Kai asks Luhan, again, acting surprised.

“Luhan…?” his mother starts with an accusing tone in her voice. “Who is Sehun?”

“Sehun is a friend of Luhan too. A better friend of him than Í am actually,” Kai softly adds, before Luhan even has the chance to open his mouth.

“Is that true Luhan?” For a moment Luhan thinks.

“Um… Yes. Well, he ís a friend, yes, but I know him for just a week as well, so… You know, I’m not that hungry anymore. My stomach is hurting a bit,” he says before his parents can fire away more questions and stands up, heading towards his bedroom. I’m just getting tired of Kai and… just everything about him. Except his looks maybe. He sighs. He was just born with good looks and great acting skills and now he thinks he rules the world. Tss… Yeah, right! Eventually he decides to simply do some homework – to be honest he still has quite a lot to do – and sits at his desk.

A while later, when everyone else has probably finished dinner, he hears the adults’ voices as well as clanking plates and drinking glasses from downstairs before he hears someone walking up the stairs. Soon the person knocks on his door. Sigh.

“Wow, I um… never thought you would be polite enough to knock,” Luhan jokes without looking up. As if he said ‘Come in’ the door is opened.

“What are you doing here, all alone?”

“Kai seriously, you’ve done enough today, okay?” Luhan grunts still without even looking up.

“Well well, someone’s a little upset with me,” Kai concludes while he stands right behind him and starts rubbing his shoulders, soft and slowly. Luhan soon shakes him off.

“You know Kai… I wouldn’t have even really seen it as a problem… if you teased me while you meant it, but you only tease people and never mean a thing of what you say,” he says suddenly getting angry, surprising even himself a bit, and turns his head to Kai.

“Ho, wow, where does thát come from?” Kai thinks out loud while throwing his hands in the air and taking a step back.

“Oh please, don’t exaggerate so much and stop the acting.”

“What acting?”

“All your acting! Kai… I think you’re just simply acting,” he now says softer and more… disappointed than angry, confusing Kai but especially making him listen more closely. “All the teasing, your way of talking, it’s just… I think you can do better than that.” Kai raises his eyebrows. Then he chuckles softly.

“Um… What?”

“Please, don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?”

“That! Standing there like that, acting tough like that, trying to hide the fact that you know exáctly what I’m talking about. And by the way, I don’t even need your confirmation, because I knów it. I knów there’s more to you, inside. Your outside is just fine, it’s just the inside that you feel like you need to hide, while you don’t need to at all.” Although he knows exactly what Luhan’s saying he still takes the part about his outside as a compliment. A heavy, slightly uncomfortable silence appears. After a good while Kai is the first to open his mouth again.

“Why? Why would you even care?” he starts bluntly suddenly, still in a bit of a defending state, trying to hide how much Luhan’s words have shocked him just yet.

“Does it even matter? I just… I know it’s strange, but… Maybe I just want to get to know the real Kai, or at least more of him”


“No, not you too,” Luhan whines unintentionally out loud while thinking back to his conversation with Sehun before. “No, enough with the why’s,” he says while standing up. “I don’t know exactly whát more there is to you,” he starts softly again. “but I just know there ís more, and I know it’s better than this.” Kai thinks a while before giving a rather, to Luhan, unexpected response.

“Well, you are someone who always sees the good in people. By the way, yóu aren’t so real yourself either.” Luhan looks surprised at him.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Oh, come on Luhan,  mister I-always-tell-my-parents-everything.”


“Mister I’m-an-angel-and-everyone-simply-wórships-me.”


“It’s true, isn’t it?” Guess the tables are really turned now.

“No, it’s… I… Even if you were a bit right about the first one, I… What does it matter to you?” Kai’s well-known smirk is slowly showing itself again.

“I guess now you know how Í felt just yet. But um… You’re just a puppet. You think you make your own choices but you’re actually just a puppet.” Luhan wants to interrupt but Kai is too fast. “You can say Í have a certain reputation that I need to protect, but actually, so do you.” Luhan looks at him again, but now rather confused than surprised and while listening and thinking at the same time he slowly lets himself down on his chair again, looking forward to the wall. “You have good grades – yes, I know – you have the… certain looks, you have this innocence and kindness,” he says like he’s spitting out dirt. “and it seems like you really think you’re just being yourself, but… You really think you don’t care about what your parents say, what the teachers say, what everyone says?” he asks, already knowing the answer, getting closer to Luhan again and placing his hands on his shoulders where they started a few minutes ago.

“In fact… you do only what you’re supposed to do, what they think would be the right thing, what at his rate yóu think would be the right thing,” he continues softer and slower. He then lets both his hands wander over Luhan’s chest and the blond doesn’t even notice since he’s so shocked, so confused, thinking so deeply. Even when Kai’s hands reach his groin he only really notices when suddenly Kai grabs his crotch. Luhan’s eyes get huge of confusion and disbelief. He tries to pry himself loose only to find both his arms trapped in Kai’s grip. The grip on his pants is also abruptly getting stronger and his mouth opens just a little. He doesn’t say anything though, he isn’t sure if he even cán right now. “It’s time for you to do what you wánt to do instead of what you shóuld do,” Kai states right next to Luhan’s ear, with almost nothing but annoyance, making Luhan slightly shiver. He just knóws Kai’s smirk has grown now. “What’s that? You like it?” he asks before slowly starting to rub, simply forcing Luhan to let out a little, almost soundless moan, trying not to close his eyes. “Ooh, I take that as a ‘yes’. Well, we’re making immediate progress here.” The first moment Luhan is able to react again is when Kai’s grip on his arms gets more loose and as Kai slowly moves his hands up to get ínto Luhan’s pants he immediately grabs his wrist to stop him.

“Kai, don’t d-do this. Please-”

“But you know you want it,” he whispers fiercely in his ear through gritted teeth, still trying to move his hand to the desirable spot. Just then they hear voices from downstairs.

“Luhan, are you coming downstairs?”

“We’re leaving Kai,” the two mothers call almost overlapping. Kai growls and takes his hand back right away. Luhan stands up and turns around as soon as he can. They stare at each other like that for a while; Luhan all confused, Kai just disappointed and annoyed.

“We’ll be right there,” Kai eventually calls back, breaking the connection between the two of them. It still takes a moment for Kai to actually open the door. “You know you liked it, that’s not the problem,” he says without even a real smirk. “You just have to give in to it,” he concludes before walking out of the room and going downstairs and Luhan soon follows him, cause it didn’t seem like Kai wanted a response to his statement.

“Sorry Kai, both men have a lot of work to do tomorrow so we don’t want to get home too late,” his mother explains shortly. Kai just nods and looks at Luhan for just a second before they all tell how much fun it was, say goodbye properly and eventually leave. Luhan doesn’t really know what he’s going to do. He doesn’t know what he wánts to do either. His mind is so blank right now that he can hear the clock’s ticking louder than ever. While still thinking he just slowly starts walking up the stairs again.

“Luhan.” He immediately turns around, still half frozen. It’s Taeyeon.

“Wh-What?” She thinks while looking at him.

“Um… Never mind,” is the only thing she says in the end. Luhan would normally think this was weird and he maybe still does, but he has enough to think about already, so he simply nods slightly and continues walking up the stairs again. Taeyeon wanted to ask him about tonight, what was going on at dinner, what was going on between him and that guy Kai, but now she has seen this face, almost glass eyes and a confused expression, her need to ask as well as her need to keep it in rises. I really seem to be the only one to notice. Is everyone else stupid or something?! Or am Í the crazy one? In the end, this day has set three people thinking: Luhan, Taeyeon and even Kai.


The next day~

Of course, he expected it, sort of. Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed at him, loudly. Baekhyun still was worried as well, but the complete coincidence and irony of the situation made them laugh almost to tears. Of course he didn’t tell them about the… touching… thing. He cannot, even though he has tried hard to do so, ignore the way it made him feel. He felt many different things; shock, anger, confusion, but unfortunately… pleasure too, he can’t deny. It’s not like I never touched myself, I’m not sacred, but… this just felt so-

“Oh really, out of áll people, Kai!” Chanyeol snaps Luhan out of his thoughts again while they both keep laughing, even when the bell rings and they all get out of the classroom. Suddenly Luhan starts to smile brightly.

“You know what? I don’t really care about what you say anymore,” he says, slightly surprising the other two guys, but soon Baekhyun knows what he’s talking about. Luhan walks up to Sehun and throws his arm around his neck. Sehun softly gasps of shock. Yesterday Luhan decided he’s not going to be so reserved anymore. If he ever wants Sehun to speak he’s got to start doing that himself. And by the way, they’re friends now, right? First Sehun freezes, feeling the touch of his arm so firmly around him, not sure if he likes it or not. Eventually he accepts this posture and Luhan smiles even a bit more when he feels him doing so.

“So, I see you’re all open about it,” Chanyeol reacts to the picture in front of him, more like he’s talking about a couple who only recently got open about their relationship. Luhan shortly shows him a glare. Then Baekhyun stands next to Luhan for a moment and gets very close to his ear.

“You know I’m happy for you Lu, but is this réally what you want?” he whispers, making sure Sehun doesn’t hear. Luhan knows what he’s talking about. He knows almost everyone will think it’s weird and maybe even dislike him, but he doesn’t care and never will. Also, he knows Baekhyun ís truly happy for him, deep inside, but he knows he must be damn jealous, still. Luhan nods determinately, barely a smile visible. Baekhyun nods slightly in response but then again comes up to his ear. “Have you found out anything about… Chanyeol yet?” Luhan chuckles a bit.

“Nope, mission Baekyeol hasn’t progressed yet.” Baekhyun looks at him a little embarrassed because of the name, but most of all insulted since he feels like he’s being mocked. That’s right Bacon, I ám mocking you. “Come one, only a few days have passed since, so-”

“Well I’m sorry, but for mé it has been a bit longer than just a few days so please, just… just ask him something, I don’t know!” he whispers a little desperately, trying to keep his voice down as much as he can. Luhan sighs.

“Okay, okay! I’ll make sure to find out, but I told you that already so please just trust me, okay?”

“What are you two whispering and all?” Chanyeol interrupts only nów, not even sounding as suspicious as they would’ve expected. Oh, Chanyeol can be so ignorant, Luhan and Baekhyun think simultaneously. When seeing each other’s faces they see they’re thinking the same as the corners of their mouth slightly curl and soon they’re softly laughing, confusing Chanyeol even more. No one notices Sehun, smiling almost invisibly since he knows what they’re talking about. First Baekhyun whispered softly enough but when talking about Chanyeol he apparently got loud enough for Sehun to hear. He’s not sure but he also thinks he knows what Baekhyun wants to find out about Chanyeol. He looks a few time from left to right from Baekhyun to Chanyeol, and seeing the look on Baekhyun’s face… Yes, he’s sure now.

“It’s nothing Chanyeol. Don’t worry,” Luhan then just says, Baekhyun sighing of relief as he wasn’t able to speak since Chanyeol opened his mouth so unexpectedly. The tall guy simply shrugs his shoulders and Luhan decides not to give him much more time to get more suspicious. “I’m sorry but I can’t do everything at the same time. Right now it’s time for me to work on mission Impossible,” he whispers to conclude their conversation, completely serious, making Baekhyun chuckle although it takes him a little while to understand why he gave it that name. “Well, come on Sehun, let’s get to work.” Sehun just nods and lets himself get dragged towards the little classroom, still with Luhan’s arm laying on his shoulder. As Luhan can actually completely choose when he wants to give an extra lesson so he decided to just continue today where they left off, since they didn’t really use the whole hour last time. After a while they get inside and start the lesson, a lot… smoother than the first time already.

After about 15 minutes they feel like they’ve done more than they did last time in the whole hour. Most of the awkwardness is gone although Sehun might still feel it, at least more than Luhan, but that doesn’t mean Luhan isn’t nervous at all anymore… Luhan still has difficulty looking him in the eyes longer one second, for example. Ugh… Why can’t I just get rid of the stupid feeling it gives me?! he thinks rather annoyed. I first thought I felt it because of the awkwardness between us, but now that I barely feel awkward anymore… where does this feeling come from nów? Suddenly a note is shoved over the desk ending up in front Luhan.

Something is bothering you, isn’t it?

Luhan looks at Sehun a bit shocked, first of all because he already wrote him more words in one line than he ever did before but especially because he never expected him to notice something’s bothering him. Sehun looks emotionless, as usual.

“Um… Well, I-” Sehun interrupt him very soon already.

Is it about me?

Luhan’s eyes get big for a moment.

“Um… You? About y- No. No, why would it be about yóu?” he blurts out a bit uncomfortably. Sehun doesn’t really notice his sudden awkwardness, or at least he doesn’t pay attention to it, as he shrugs his shoulders.

I understand if you’re embarrassed to be my friend and just to stand next to me.

To be honest, the first thing Luhan notices is the fact that Sehun sort of acknowledges their friendship, making Luhan smile a little inside. Then he gets completely serious.

“What? No Sehun. There’s one thing you have to understand and that’s that I have chosen to be your friend because I’m anything bút embarrassed to be with you.” Do I sound just as cheesy to Sehun as I sound to myself? Ah, whatever… “And how many times do I have to repeat… I’m not like those others. I’m not like K-” No, I’d rather not think about him for a moment, or for the rest of the week if it’s possible. “I’m just not like them, okay? Do you believe me, yes or no? And I want an honest answer,” the older orders while lifting one finger up and slightly pointing at him. Although he doesn’t smile Sehun knows he looks more serious than he’s actually being. Still he thinks deeply. He wants to believe it. He wants to believe him so badly – how many times has someone talked to him like this? – but… it’s just so hard. He sometimes looks at Luhan and tries to think like him to maybe find out if it’s true, at least possible, but what Luhan says isn’t logical in any way Sehun can think of. So actually the only reason why he would say ‘yes’ is because Luhan does give him a good feeling. The… vibe he emits is good to him, unlike with all others. He also seems like someone who doesn’t lie that often, but like he never lies simply because he doesn’t háve to. If that’s true than he must have a wonderful life, right? The more complicated your life gets the more you have to lie, no matter if you like it or not. Sehun knows what that’s like, having a complicated life, lying often or at least concealing a lot. He has experienced that over time he started to lie more and more, because he needed to, that’s at least how hé sees it. Trying to shake all incoming thoughts off he just quickly writes down his answer.


Luhan wants to smile so much already, but he’s got to have patience.

“You promise?” he asks while holding up his little finger in front of him. Soon Sehun intertwines his own little finger with Luhan’s before they press their thumbs together; Luhan having his heart skip a beat but then showing a bright smile, Sehun smiling while slightly looking down. Seriously Sehun, why would nobody like you or… be interested in you? When they, finally, let go of each other’s hands Sehun immediately takes the chance to write something down again, but nóthing like Luhan would have expected.

When is Baekhyun going to tell him?

Luhan freezes just a second, shocked about the way he jumps from one subject to the other as about the subject itself.

“Wh-What? What are you talking about? Tell what? Tell who?” he responds way too nervously. Oh .

He’s in love with Chanyeol, right?

“How do you know? I mean, w-why would you say that?”

No offence but you’re the worst liar ever.

Honestly Sehun wanted to take it back right away, a little afraid for his response. He feels like he’s getting a little bit too comfortable with the blond guy. He isn’t even talking, he only writes and you blurt out something sooner with your voice than on paper. What else is he going to write down before thinking it through enough? But… Luhan just pouts slightly and nods, making Sehun chuckle inside.

“Ugh, I know. I’m the worst,” Luhan repeats sort of annoyed by himself. Well, I guess he really hás a care-free life then, Sehun thinks while looking at Luhan still nodding. It takes quite a while for Luhan to notice Sehun looking at him expectantly. “Oh. Right. Um… Well, it’s true, yeah. But… how do yo- Wait a minute! Did you… hear it just yet, in the hallway?” Sehun nods right away. Luhan thinks. “Well, or you have very good ears or Baekhyun really has to keep his voice down next time,” he says while chuckling a bit awkwardly. “But um…”

Baekhyun should tell him as soon as he can.

“What? Why? It’s not like he’d ever tell him just like that. Apparently he has had this problem for at least a few years,” Luhan responds, not sure of why Sehun would actually say that.

If there was someone who loved mé I’d really like to know.

At that Luhan freezes for a little while, realizing what he just wrote and trying to figure out if it’s really true that no one loves him. In the end he bites his bottom lip and nods softly, with a bit of a sorrowful expression on his face.

“Sehun, I… I understand why you would say that, I think, but… they are different. They are in a different situation than you and they have this… great friendship, developed over several years, and there is a chance that if Chanyeol doesn’t love him back… he wouldn’t want to be friends anymore, right? Since it would be too weird or whatever. And then what would he have left?” Sehun lowers his head a little and nods agreeing.

If I were him I would still like to know.

“But why?” Luhan sees Sehun thinks a little while before writing his next response down.

What is friendship when you can’t be completely honest with each other and be yourself?

Luhan looks flustered at Sehun who slowly lifts his head up again. Luhan blinks a couple of times and opens his mouth, but it still takes some time before actual sound is coming out of it.

“That’s… You’re right, actually. It’s… It’s true.”


First Sehun blots it through but then he just starts the same way again.

And of course that counts for everyone.

Luhan squeezes his eyes just a little bit and turns his head a bit to the side while still looking at the other.

“Why… Why would you say that?” All Sehun does is sit still and after he has averted his eyes from Luhan again he only shrugs his shoulders slightly.

I just noticed your reactions. Are you having the same sort of problem?

“Um… I- No! I mean… No.” How could he think something like that while Luhan himself doesn’t even know for certain? He doesn’t seem suspicious on who the person might be Luhan would have feelings for though, luckily. Sehun, just stop it! I don’t… I don’t even know myself! Sehun just continues like Luhan didn’t say a thing. That’s apparently how certain he is of it.

I just want you to not forget what I said. I just want to help a friend, since we’re friends, right?

Luhan is again flustered, maybe a little… intrigued even. But somehow very soon a different thought comes up in his mind, when he has summed up everything.

“Sehun… Sehun, why can’t you just talk to me? Why must it go like this?” Sehun’s eyes get big of surprise for a moment, especially when he thinks he sees a tiny bit of true sadness in Luhan’s eyes, although he’s not sure. It’s takes a lot of time to think of something to write down right now.

It’s safer. It’s safer to write since I’m afraid what I might say. And I haven’t talked in a long time so…

Just when Luhan wants to ask more Sehun quickly interrupts him.

Let’s just get to work again.

That’s all he concludes with before he turns around and bends over his books again, just waiting for Luhan to do the same and he does, with still a confused and slightly sad face. Well, at least I’m now certain there’s really something wrong with him, but just… what ís it? If he could just tell me…


The next day~

He might be sitting right next to him, but it feels like they are miles apart, like it’s impossible to tell or especially ask him anything right now. Luhan looks at the increasingly mysterious boy next to him who lets only air come out of his mouth, at least for now that’s still the way it is. Luhan sighs powerlessly. Since yesterday he has started doubting if he’ll… succeed his mission, ever. Actually he doubts if he’s even going to succeed one of the two. Then suddenly he hears a loud bang of someone slapping his hand hard on the desk. It’s our teacher. Jesus, she isn’t subtle at all, is she? Luhan thinks slightly grumpy.

“Kai, no sleeping in class! Do I have contact?” she says with great emphasize. The sleepy guy pulls his head up from his arm that just yet leaned on the desk and opens his eyes looking bored as hell. “Thank you. Now I can continue again,” the woman says irritated. Actually this is the first moment Luhan notices Kai is here and has, probably, been the whole time. Not that strange since he apparently slept through the whole thing. It takes only less than a minute though for the bell to ring, increasing the teacher’s irritation but relieving everyone else. Even when starting to pack their bags Luhan doesn’t say anything. He’s just not sure if he should. Maybe he should just leave it alone for a while and… be a friend, just a nice and fun friend, nothing more. It frightens Luhan when he suddenly hears Sehun’s bag fall on the ground ending upside down. Luhan immediately jumps in to help him pick up his stuff again. Sehun is obviously trying to avoid Luhan’s eyes, simply nodding to his help. Luhan decides not to blame him or anything and that it’s okay. But… not everything is okay.

“Hey boys, what’s this?” Luhan and Sehun simultaneously look up from the ground to see Kai standing slightly bent with a paper in his hand and looking at it. Not even realizing what Kai’s holding Luhan stands up and stands right in front of him.

“Kai, just give that back. It’s not yours,” he says simply with a not so pleased look on his face.

“Well, if that isn’t Luhan,” Kai says acting like he didn’t see it was him yet. “Oh, and Sehun too,” he says just as surprised while looking to the ground. Sehun soon zips up his bag and stands up as well, trying to keep his eyes averted from Kai. Then Kai continues to read what’s on the paper, not even thínking about giving it back of course. His smirk soon appears and only thén it hits Luhan.

“Kai, give that back! Now!” he says angry while trying to get a hold on the paper but Kai resists, and pretty well. He accepts he can’t stop him from reading it anymore. It’s the second paper Sehun wrote on yesterday; if he’s right there’s at least nothing on it about Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but then it’s still a problem.

“Wow, that’s um… That’s heavy stuff,” Kai says while softly laughing but he still has a certain curiousness in his eyes. Luhan can hear Sehun’s heart pounding faster and faster as he’s standing closely behind him, which Luhan doesn’t particularly dislikes to be honest. Apparently it hit Sehun too now. “Well Sehun, how much would you like it if Í told you I loved you?” Kai continues teasingly while trying to lay his hand on Sehun’s neck but Luhan quickly grabs his wrist and holds it like that for a while. First he thinks he has flustered Kai by his action, but soon the dark guy finds his way out of it because of that same action.

“Does this… make you think of something too?” Kai asks slowly, with a growing smirk. It takes a little while for Luhan to understand what he’s talking about. He suddenly remembers that night and… feels the touch again and how g… strange it felt. He immediately throws Kai’s arm away with an expression just as fierce. Kai chuckles shortly. “You know, you may look so innocent and stuff, but I think you could be quite rough with se-”

“D-Don’t! Don’t… say things like that,” Luhan interrupts him with slightly bigger eyes. “You overed piece of-”

“Now don’t get unfriendly my pretty face.”

“I’m not yours in ány kind of way,” Luhan says with emphasize, even angrier. It stays quiet for a while.

“Well, you did just prove me right actually,” Kai continues getting back to what Luhan said earlier.

“On what?”

“That you’re not as innocent as you look. You were being quite harsh just yet.” Luhan squeezes his eyes for a moment, but Kai doesn’t even pay attention anymore as he continues reading the paper again. “Well Sehun, then you still have a lot of work to do on yóur friendship.”

“Yah. Don’t think you can just tell us h-”

“But are you being completely honest with each other?” Both Luhan and Sehun freeze a short moment.

“We… W-We may be friends but we don’t know each other that long yet, so-”

“So what? My opinion stays the same. Luhan may not have thát much to tell you, but I bet yóu have a lot to tell him,” he says to Sehun with a fierce look in his eyes, making Sehun slightly cringe. “Oh and Luhan, when he has told you please make sure to tell me as well. I’ve been trying to get it out of him for… quite a while now but as you see, no progress,” states while lifting his shoulders. “Well, let’s continue,” he says a little exaggerating as he reads the next thing. “Ooh, it’s such a shame the answer is not on the paper,” he says disappointed while pressing his lips together and lightly shaking his head. “So… Áre you having the same sort of problem?” Luhan takes the first upcoming chance to grab the paper out of Kai’s hand and puts it in his pocket quickly.

“Kai, enough,” he orders fiercely.

“Well, áre you? Are you in love?” Kai asks more urgently now, although still a bit exaggerating.

“No! No, I’m not,” Luhan responds, surprising himself a little for sounding so convinced. “Now just stop it and leave us alone, okay?” Kai takes one last look at both guys and then turns around to see everyone else is gone and they’re the only ones still inside the classroom.

“Okay then. For now,” is the last thing he says before winking at Luhan once and then turning around again to now really leave the classroom. After a while Luhan and Sehun do the same, without looking at each other.


“Luhan, could you come over here for a second?” his mother calls from downstairs. Luhan rubs his temples for a moment and then just walks out of his bedroom and goes downstairs.

“So, what is it?”

“We wanted to tell you something. It’s about Taeyeon,” she starts enthusiastically. Then he spots Taeyeon sitting on the couch behind his mother.

“Okay. So what is it then?”

“Well, you know Taeyeon has been looking for work for a while, something good that she could do during her studies, right?”

“Um… Yeah.”

“Well, we… she has found something now and guess what?”

“What?” Luhan sighs. His mother is always super enthusiastic and tries to make it sound as exciting as possible with things like this, like she standing on a stage with a microphone in her hand.

“She’s going to work at your school, as an intern!” Luhan’s eyes get huge for a second. What? At my school? Why? Why?! From every freaking place where she could work she has to go work at mý school?!

“Oh, that’s um… Wow, surprising,” he responds trying to hide his nervousness, but of course his mother will never notice anything like that on him, especially not with this excitement. Taeyeon looks around at the two with a little smile. Of course. Of course she’s excited. Because, again, it’s about Luhan. It has always been about Luhan!

“Yeah, I know! But it’s still exciting, right?” his mother continues.

“Yes mom. Yes, it is,” he says just to satisfy her.

“Mom, can I talk to you for a moment?” Taeyeon then suddenly throws in while still forcing a little smile on her face.

“Oh. Yes, of course. Well, you can just go upstairs again, or whatever you want to do,” his mother concludes while tapping her son on the shoulder a few times. Luhan looks from his sister to his mother once again and then walks up the stairs, confused and nervous as hell, his heart pounding faster every second. Oh my god… If she sees what’s going on at school and… I don’t know what more is going to happen. Even if nothing much is going to happen my parents will always worry like hell, so if she tells them just anything… I don’t know what more Kai has in store. In just a week he did things I never thought he would even think of, so… And Sehun. Sehun… , why must this happen to me?!

When Luhan is upstairs Taeyeon and her mother stand next to the couch facing each other. Or whatever you want to do, blehblehbleh~ Taeyeon repeats in her head with a nagging sounding voice, a little childish.

“You know, I still can’t believe you’re using me like this.”

“Oh sweetie, could you just drop that fo-”

“No, I can’t and I’m not your sweetie.”

“Of course you are, Taeyeon, you’re my daught-”

“No, because all you care about is hím.”

“Taeyeon, just keep him out of this.”

“Wh-What? Keep Luhan out of this? He has éverything to do with this!”

“Keep your voice down, he might hear you!”

“I’m not even talking that loud. And by the way, what if he dóes hear? Cause, I mean… Why don’t you just tell him mom?” Her mother keeps quiet for a moment. “If he means só much to you,” she continues exaggerating. “then why won’t you be honest him, huh? Then why can’t you tell him that you’re just sending me to that school because you don’t trust him anymore?”

“Taeyeon, please. Don’t-”

“Because for once in his life, that you know of, he has kept something away from you? You’re just using me as your own little spy or maybe even worse than that, just as a babysitter. Mom, he’s 18 years old and it won’t be long until he’s 19. To be honest, I would’ve expected him to make the switch about two to three years ago, at least. Do you really think he’s going to keep telling you everything, that he’s going to keep doing whatever you say, that he’s going to stay your little boy forever? I don’t think so!” she says trying not to shout it out too loud and not even waiting for a response anymore she walks away and goes upstairs to her room as well, leaving a flustered and sad woman behind.

When Taeyeon’s in her room she just sits on the edge of her bed and folds her arms. If she’s really… really honest, she doesn’t háte the fact that she has to work at Luhan’s school. In fact she doesn’t hate it at all. It’s just the intention her parents had to let her work there and it makes her furious. They’re just insane… But she also has to admit that she hás been a little bit worried about Luhan since they moved here. It is true that it’s a little strange that suddenly he’s changing like that. And not just him, rather his whole situation. It’s true that he has never really had a secret, I think at least, and he’s quite a bad liar as well, so… But suddenly he finds his old best friend back and meets the friend of that guy as well, on day one. He meets two other guys that he, apparently, doesn’t want to talk about. I saw the look in his eyes; he didn’t just forget, it’s not like it just wasn’t a big deal, he intentionally kept it away from us. But why? It’s not weird to me that for once he has a bit of a secret, it’s just that I can’t think of why he would do that. And the way he acted with that guy Kai when those people were here… There was this strange tension between them, and I’m not that sure if it was a good tension, actually I’m certain it wasn’t. What did that guy say when they were up in his room, that made him come downstairs almost frozen? Again, I don’t care if he has a few secrets, but… Is it really true that he has… changed? And if so, how much more is he maybe going to change from now on?



Yes I know, the develepment in the relationships are going very slow but it's just the style of this story I guess; I hope you're not getting impatient in a bad way because I promise, it's all gonna happen, Sehun ís gonna talk and for the rest...... Argh, I wanna say more but I can't! Nnngh... Sorry guys~
I'll post more often from now on as school is over and everything and I'm probably only gonna be on vacation at the end of July or something and just for two days so that won't be too much of a problem^^

Again thanks for subscribing and commenting everyone, thank you thank thank you, neomy gamsahaeyo & saranghaeyo!!<3 (do you love me back?:3)

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14-09 I promise my lovely readers, I promise I'll be back~


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Update please?
When update Dx
Please update pretty pretty please? ;u; <3
Chapter 9: I'm sure Kai has strong reason why he's acting the way he is..but still, there's no excuses to harm poor Thehunnie://
Can't wait for new chapters^^
Chapter 9: Is this why Kai is a bully and mean ?
Chapter 9: CARELESS, CARELESS, NO ONE WHO CARE ABOUT ME? Sorry that's just what came immediatly to my mind after reading the teaser :D
I'm glad you didn't give up on this story and and and... Sehun spoke! (okay I know I'm late) Plus this is going to be more kai centric from now, right? I think it has become urgent anyways (well, when I read others' comments i feel like he needs some background not to be hated too much x), I can't wait!
Wasn't that you who went to Paris? I hope you enjoyed your trip there :D
Chapter 9: Ooh, what's gonna happen with Kai >.<
Chapter 9: Kai so sad ;_____;
Chapter 9: so the reason kai being jackass and bully sehun because he's lonely nobody care about him?