
Speak Up [hiatus, but will finally continue soon]

Hi everyone~!! I’m sorry it took me so long – as you may have noticed I try to update every 3-4 days – but I’m pretty busy as these are my last few weeks of school and I just need to give it my everything so I can really enjoy my summer vacation in two weeks!^^ But also this chapter is quite long, at least compared to my previous chapters, but I really hope you like it and it was worth waiting for;D Also, I just want to say how HAPPY I am with all my subscribers!!! And especially the people who have commented and I saw with my last chapter a lot more people commented than before so I hope the number of comments is gonna keep growing cause seriously, YOU GUYS MAKE MY DAY~!!!! You even make me a little emotional T.T of joy of course^^ So, sorry for the long A/N but I just thought it was needed~ Well, get reading!;p



All four go sit at the table silently, relaxed although very hungry. Luhan his lips while looking at the food for a moment. A little while after he, Taeyeon and his parents have started eating his mother opens .

“So Luhan, how is your school honey? We’ve been so busy last week that we couldn’t even have a good conversation about it; I almost feel ashamed. So tell us, how has it been until now?” Both his parents look anticipating while chewing. Taeyeon just stays focused on her food and only glances to the side to Luhan once, not that interested.

“Well, it has been quite strange actually,” Luhan replies, only at the end of the line realizing what he just said. His parents give him a slightly surprised look. “Um… Of course, b-because it’s all new and stuff,” he tries to make it logical.

“Ah…” his parents both nod understanding immediately.

“Of course, but next to that, did you meet anyone yet?” his mother continues. The first person that pops up in Luhan’s head is… Sehun. No Luhan, no way you’re going to tell that! Wait…

“Oh my god,” he starts, to be honest accidentally out loud. “I… I didn’t even tell you about Baekhyun yet!” Why didn’t I actually? Was I really… thát busy with other things? Like Seh- Luhan, stop it!

“What?” his parents as well as Taeyeon now ask surprised but mainly confused.

“Yeah, you remember Baekhyun, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course we do, but…”

“Well, apparently he has moved more than just once. Apparently he ended up in this town and I go to the same school as he!”

“Well honey that’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. We still need to catch up about a lot but there are many things we’ve been able to talk about already, so I’m really happy. Oh, and I also met this guy Chanyeol, who was already Baekhyun’s best friend, and he’s actually a great guy as well, so…”

“Well, it seems like you’re doing totally fine,” his mother says with a big happy smile.

“Yes, I am. I am…” he suddenly says a bit softer as he thinks of Sehun and Kai.

“That um… That is quite a event in just your first week and I’m happy for you,” his father throws in while slightly nodding, snapping Luhan out of his thoughts. “And… did anything else happen next to that?” Luhan thinks.

“No, not really. Just… normal school stuff next to that,” he says while showing a little, slightly awkward smile. Taeyeon notices it, as well as the strange combination of happiness and sadness in Luhan’s eyes. He doesn’t see her look though. She takes a good look at his face for a while and right before he looks to the side she looks down at her food again and continues eating. After a few seconds the rest of the family does the same. Taeyeon thinks. Never thought I would feel the need to ask this, but… Luhan, are you alright?


Then the bell rings.

“Oh, finally!” Baekhyun says exaggerating while holding up his hands dramatically. Then he turns to Luhan. “I don’t know why but this day seemed longer than any other school day. Glad it’s finally done!” he says laying his head on his desk for a moment before coming up again with a smile and quickly standing up. Luhan follows Baekhyun as he starts walking towards the door. Luhan can’t relax yet. Luhan’s day isn’t over at all. He’s even afraid that the next 45 minutes, approximately, will feel longer than the whole day that’s behind him now. When they’re out of the classroom and Baekhyun starts to walk towards the outside door he’s soon confused as he doesn’t hear Luhan’s footsteps behind him anymore. “Luhan?” he calls while turning around.

“Don’t you remember?” Luhan replies. “I’ve got this extra lesson to teach,” Luhan says, not really believing or understanding his own statement yet. Baekhyun’s face immediately changes.

“Oh, yeah. Of course. I forgot for a second,” he says a little annoyed with a little sigh somewhere in the middle, at least that’s how it sounds to Luhan. First he waits for a moment but just as Luhan wants to ask him if something’s wrong Baekhyun continues already. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he says loosely waving while he turns around and doesn’t look back again.

Okay, now I really don’t get it anymore.Baekhyun has been like this constantly the last couple of days. The first few days he was totally happy and nice, but… but then it sort of changed. He knows both Baekhyun and Chanyeol think it’s going to be very difficult if not impossible for hi, to communicate and understand Sehun, but to react like this…? Luhan really wants to confront him about it, but every time he wants to do so he considers he’s maybe just overreacting and if not he thinks about how he’s going to ask exactly. But right now… Luhan has to focus on other things. He breathes in and out deeply once and then walks through the hallways, up to the right classroom. The moment he sees Sehun standing there the nerves make him come up with hundreds of questions. Did he even agree to this himself? Did the teacher or principal or his parents just choose for him? Does he care about doing this or does he maybe even hate it? The guys were right… How ám I going to communicate with him?! Is he maybe just going to sit there and do nothing? What do I do if he acts like that?! Oh god, what have I started… Nevertheless, he can’t back out now so he walks up to him and just opens his mouth so something will maybe automatically come out of it.

“Um… Hi.” Seriously, that’s all you’ve got? Luhan thinks to himself. Yeah okay, that ís all you’ve got. Sehun just bows with his head only – no smile, emotion, nothing – and keeps standing still until Luhan gestures to him that he can enter the classroom . It’s a small classroom compared to most others. As Luhan heard, it’s barely ever used for regular classes but for extra lessons like this it’s indeed perfect. Sehun sits at one of the tables and after a bit of hesitating Luhan decides to sit in the seat next to him. Okay Luhan, no need to panic. Just… Just think of what this lesson is about in the first place.

“So… Have you got your books?” Luhan asks trying hard to sound relaxed. Sehun nods slightly and gets his books out of his bag. Luhan soon does the same. “Um… Okay, l-let’s just start with the exercises we need to finish for next Thursday. And that’s at um… page 26,” Luhan goes on while flipping through the pages of his book. He just can’t help to be over-aware of Sehun sitting so close to him, close enough to hear him breath, especially in this silence. Sehun himself doesn’t really seem to notice. His breathing rhythm sounds quite regular. “Um… So… So we’ll just start here and if you don’t get a part just tell me. Or… show me. Yeah, t-that’s what I meant,” he correct himself a bit awkwardly. Sehun doesn’t even nod anymore, he just opens his workbook and starts with the first exercise. Luhan already did the homework but while Sehun is working he just reads the texts with information and explanations  at the top of the page.

A little while later Sehun stops writing and keeps reading the exercise for quite a long time and Luhan, as alert as he is right now, immediately notices. “What part don’t you get?” Sehun seems a little surprised that Luhan noticed before he had to pull his sleeve or something. Luhan leans in a bit closer to be able to look at Sehun’s workbook. “Well, at least you answered the first questions right, but… Ah, I see. You probably don’t understand how to solve the formula, right?” Sehun, to Luhan invisibly, glances to the side and nods. “Okay, let’s say… You’ll need to end up with only ‘P’, right?” Sehun nods again. “Well, you’ve just got to equate these two to each other, so then you get ‘3P-150=-4P+300’. From here it’s actually just math, so all you’ve got to do now is solve the formula. So you move ‘-4P’ to the left so you get- Yeah, that’s right,” he says as he sees Sehun has started to write the answer down. “Yes, that- No, wait,” he says while moving his finger to the part Sehun just wrote down and he accidentally touches Sehun’s hand which makes both of them silently gasp and pull back their hands a little. They both keep quiet for a second and stay still. It’s not that it’s weird, it’s just an accident, but… What ís weird is how  it unintentionally makes Luhan feel. Even Sehun seems a little bit nervous, but he’s not sure of that.

“D-Don’t um… forget to make that ‘450’ positive,” Luhan tries to continue without too much stuttering. Sehun nods quickly. After that they just continue working like that for a while. When most of the hour has passed already Luhan suddenly remembers something. “Okay, let’s do something different now.” He grabs his bag and eagerly looks for something. Sehun follows his actions a bit confused. A moment later Luhan takes out a few magazines. Now Sehun looks even more confused and squeezes his eyes little. Luhan had drawing class today and they needed to make sort of a collage with pictures from magazines and other stuff. What he just realized is that in these magazines, that he got from his sister, are also some quizzes. It might be a good way for Luhan to get to know Sehun at least a little. He picks one magazine and flips through the pages. “I thought this had a- Ah, right there,” he says sort of excited while pointing at the page. “Well Sehun,” he continues while looking at him. “Why don’t you fill this in for a moment?” Sehun now looks straight at him, with his head a bit crooked. “If you don’t want to do it… I could always make it an assignment. I’m your tutor after all,” Luhan says with a tiny satisfied smirk on his face. Sehun doesn’t react that much, but he does soon move the magazine in front of him and picks up his pen again. He takes a short look at the, quite random, questions. In this quiz all questions are ones where you need to choose between two things like: TV or computer, chocolate or vanilla, 100 friends or one best friend, singing or dancing, etc.

“Ooh, me too. I lóve chocolate,” Luhan suddenly lets slip out at the third question, surprising himself a little as well. Sehun stops for a moment and blinks a few times before just continuing. Next he circles ‘one best friend’. If he only knew Í would want to be that for him… Luhan thinks, actually unintentionally. Then Sehun has to choose ‘dog or cat’. “I like dogs too, but… Maybe that’s because I was once attacked by a cat when I was little,” Luhan says while looking forward and nodding. Suddenly… a soft chuckle leaves Sehun’s mouth. “Have you ever seen the nails on those cats? Highly dangerous,” Luhan explains simply continuing. Then Sehun chuckles again, but this time a bit louder. Now Luhan’s sure he heard it. “Did you… Did you just laugh at me?” he says with a serious voice. Sehun immediately looks down again, the former smile untraceable. “Come on, I was still so young! And that cat… That cat was vicious, believe me!” Luhan suddenly says just as serious trying to defend himself, although a smile is certainly visible. What Sehun doesn’t realize is that Luhan was actually more surprised of the fact that Sehun was laughing at all and Luhan knew he wasn’t really laughing át him. “Truly evil! He even tore my pants. And no, not at my knee or something, at my !” he continues still serious but exaggerating in such a funny way that Sehun can’t hold it anymore. “Even though I was young, you have no idea how embarrassed I was!” Halfway Luhan’s sentence Sehun starts laughing out loud, even though still softly, but Luhan lights up even only at the sight of Sehun’s face; a wide smile, baring his teeth, his eyes squeezed so much that barely any part of the white is visible. For a little while Luhan just sits there, looking at Sehun, simply admiring the sight in front of him. It takes a few seconds for Sehun to realize and as he does he’s immediately quiet again and gives Luhan a bit of a weird look. Luhan quickly averts his eyes from Sehun and only then remembers the quiz again. “Right. Only now I remember how I got to this story. Um… Let’s just go on,” he says without looking at Sehun again, still quite excited though about what the rest of the quiz might bring up.

Sehun soon starts circling again, now with a tiny smile on his face the whole time; he’s finally having sort of… fun in it, apparently, sort of surprising himself. Luhan doesn’t even see. He’s probably too afraid to look at Sehun again today because of embarrassment. Out of ‘singing and dancing’ Sehun chose ‘dancing’ and he seems to make the decision really quickly compared to all other questions. “So… you like dancing, don’t you?” Sehun looks at Luhan, seeing only the side of his face as Luhan keeps looking forward. But Luhan still sees the little nod Sehun makes though. “Well, Í like dancing too, but if I had to choose I do think it would be singing I love most. Can you show me some of your dancing?” Sehun looks a bit shocked at Luhan, who looks back at him this time. Luhan chuckles. “Just kidding Sehun. I’d never expect you to do it just like that. Although… you did make me curious of course,” he says while slowly looking away and acting like he’s thinking deeply. “I bet I’ll get to see it once, but not now,” he states not even asking for a respond. Okay, next question. With the one ‘family or friends’ Sehun seems to think quite a long time, to Luhan’s big surprise. He thought as Sehun didn’t have any friends he would immediately choose for ‘family’, but apparently he doesn’t. “Sehun why are you-” He cuts his own sentence off when he sees Sehun drawing a line through both answers and he notices Sehun’s face has become completely emotionless again. “Sehun… Sehun?” Luhan calls while trying to meet Sehun’s eyes. After they both have sat still for a little while, Sehun suddenly takes his workbook and starts to write something in the middle of the page. When he’s done he moves it towards Luhan.


That’s the only thing Luhan reads on it. Luhan hesitates. “What ‘why’?” Luhan tries to ask first.

All this.

Luhan thinks for a moment, very deeply. He knows what Sehun’s trying to say. “I… Um… Is it weird if I say I’m not that sure either?” Sehun looks at him again. “But… I think the best answer to give is… Because I want to be your friend,” he says in the end, trying to sound as certain and serious as possible so Sehun knows he really means it.  He múst understand. And again, Sehun writes…


“No. Stop with all your why’s! Are you a philosopher or something? No, you’re not and I’m not either. When I say I want to be your friend I mean it, okay? I don’t even really care if you want to be friends with mé, but all I want now is for you to just realize that I mean what I’m saying and, again, that I’m not like the others!” He pauses for a while to let it really get to Sehun, if that’s even going to happen. “I want to be your friend. All I just want to know for now is if you’re willing to let me be that. So… are you?” Luhan then just waits, waits until Sehun does… anything. It stays quiet. It stays quiet quite a long time, Luhan thinks. But no, he waits. He just has to wait. Then finally… finally Sehun looks up again. Luhan takes this chance to stick out his hand. After just a few seconds… Sehun takes it. Then both of them show a gentle smile while shaking their hands just a little. Of course Luhan feels like he could just die of happiness. He can’t stop the light shiver that goes through his body. To be honest, actually he doesn’t want to let Sehun’s hand go at all. No Luhan! What are you thinking? Don’t be so… weird! Eventually they let go. Again Sehun looks at him with that look in his eyes that Luhan also saw at the pool before; like he’s trying to figure him out, like he thinks he can find out Luhan’s reason and thoughts just through his eyes, only this time with that gentle smile. Then Luhan looks at the clock.

“Well… I guess our time’s up already. Other people need this classroom now,” Luhan informs as he turns around to pack his books and stuff. Sehun soon does the same while glancing to the side several times, thinking. Hé stands up first and already takes a few steps towards the door before waiting there for Luhan. “Yeah, I’m almost done,” he says, not needing any words from Sehun, while looking at the magazine. He suddenly notices the ‘family or friends’ part that Sehun drew a line through. Sneakily he takes his pen that was still on the table and, ignoring the line, circles ‘friends’ before packing up his last things as well. It’s a quiz Sehun. You have to choose one of them… Luhan thinks trying to make up some sort of excuse for himself. Even though Luhan may think otherwise, Sehun did see it in the corner of his eyes. He smiles, a bit unintentionally, while turning to the door to hide it. Soon Luhan is standing next to him and they walk out of the classroom together; Sehun trying to hide his smile, Luhan just trying to reduce his own to a smaller size.


The next day~

It’s around midday as Luhan has his first class with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They’re both listening to Luhan telling about yesterday, about Sehun, of course still adjusting and more importantly leaving out a few things.

“Wow Luhan, I’m proud of you,” Chanyeol says at the end of the story and lays his hand on Luhan’s shoulder. “You’ve made a wonderful achievement,” he continues exaggerating with a bit of a affected voice, making Luhan chuckle softly.

“Well, how much does it really mean?” Baekhyun suddenly throws in, surprising both Luhan and Chanyeol. “I mean… It’s not like he has talked to you yet or something. And still, you know him for only a bit more than a week. How much do you really know about him? And what does he know about yóu? Seriously,” Baekhyun keeps chattering with an agitated voice.

“Bacon, Bacon relax!” our happy virus says with a smile but not less serious.

“Chanyeol you know you shouldn’t call me like that,” Baekhyun now says even more annoyed.

“Come on Baek, I’m just kidding, but somehow it does always make you listen to me,” Chanyeol states while lifting his shoulders a bit. Luhan can’t even speak, he’s too… startled even.

“You know, um… I’ve got to go to the bathroom for a moment,” Baekhyun then says with quite a low voice, avoiding both other guys’ eyes before raising his hand for the teach to see. He soon stands up and leaves the classroom. A few seconds after that Luhan and Chanyeol exchange a weird look and don’t have to say anything to understand each other. But then Chanyeol just shrugs his shoulders and looks forward again. Luhan keeps thinking though. Okay Baekhyun… We réally need to talk.

The bell rings and the break has arrived. Luhan immediately takes his change, since Chanyeol walks out of the classroom in front of them, to grab Baekhyun’s upper arm and drag him towards one of the bathrooms, the one that always seems to be the least crowded.

“Yah!” Baekhyun protests but Luhan doesn’t care at all. They have to talk, now. When they’re inside, even though no one else seems to be there, Luhan’s still afraid someone comes in so he drags Baekhyun into one of the toilet shacks and follows him before locking the door. “Seriously Luhan, what ís this?”

“Baek just-”

“This little space is making me very uncomfortable!” Baekhyun nags, especially since he suddenly remembers the awkward moment between him and Chanyeol at PE last week. He ís right. They’re not even a meter away from each other, there’s just not more room for that.

“Yeah, well just deal with it. I need to talk to you.”

“About whát?!”

“About this! See the way you react to me?”

“That’s because I’m uncomfortable!”

“Oh no, that’s not all. And I’m not just talking about nów, I’m talking about the last… four days, and that’s excluding the weekend!” Now Baekhyun listens more closely and looks a bit down. “We’ve just found each other back again about a week ago and… The way you’ve been acting the last few days, towards mé only… I just don’t get it.”

“I… I-I haven’t.”

“Baekhyun don’t lie to me!” Luhan says even more fierce and loud than before. “You seem to be mad at me all the time and yo-”

“No, that’s not it! I-”

“Well, that ís what it looks like. If it’s something else I’ll believe you, but then just tell me! What did I do?!”

“Luhan it’s not about yóu, you babo! I’m just jealous!” Baekhyun suddenly blurts out unintentionally. Luhan immediately keeps quiet and just looks at Baekhyun.

“W-What?” he now says very softly. Baekhyun hesitates.

“Just like I said! I’m jealous.”

“But… But why?”

“Well, because…” Okay, I give up! Baekhyun then thinks. “Well… Have you really noticed how you have interacted with Sehun? The things I just said in class… I meant them, but not in the way you probably thought. You… You know Sehun for about a week, Sehun who has never even talked before as far as we know, and he already wants to be friends with you. Luhan that’s incredible, really! But when I hear something like that, I just don’t understand why Chanyeol, who I’ve been best friends with for many years now, has nó freaking idea that I’m in love with him!” Baekhyun almost cries out. After that a silence follows, where Baekhyun tries to maintain his breathing rhythm and Luhan just stares at him with big eyes. He can’t believe it. He can’t believe he’s really in…

“Y-You are… I mean, you… Really?” Baekhyun nods slowly, while looking down. “And… And Chanyeol has no idea at all?” Luhan asks suddenly very soothing, surprising Baekhyun a little. “And you have no idea if he likes yóu?” Baekhyun shakes his head disappointedly and Luhan sees a bit of tears gathering in the corner of his eyes although he holds himself. He does look seriously unhappy. Baekhyun was already surprised that Luhan didn’t think weird or him or something,  but not that Luhan suddenly hugs him he’s even more surprised. As he feels the tender hug of his friend he can’t help to let one tear roll down his cheek and he hugs back right away, although he cán hold the sobbing.

“That’s also why I reacted so weird when you were talking with Chanyeol, laughing and having fun, while I was just standing next to the two of you. I don’t know, I… I just have this feeling… I-I’m afraid I might lose him.”

“Oh, Baek. No, he’s not my type,” Luhan says with a serious voice, making Baekhyun chuckle, almost choking on one of his soundless sobs. “I would never steal him from you Baek, really,”  Luhan says softly before taking a step back again and laying his hands on Baekhyun’s shoulders. As soon as he sees the tear on Baekhyun’s cheek, still rolling down, he wipes it away with his thumb. “We’ll just make it a mission, to find out if Chanyeol loves you too. I’m sure we’ll find out. So cheer up,” he says while softly tapping Baekhyun on the cheek twice, Baekhyun chuckling because of Luhan’s failed attempt to say cheer up in a cute way.

“Thank you. Really, I appreciate it a lot. So you… don’t feel weird that I’m in love with a guy?” Baekhyun asks still a bit hesitantly.

“Well, you can’t choose who you love, now can you?” Baekhyun chuckles again.

“Yeah, that’s true. God, life certainly is a sometimes.”

“Tell me about it,” Luhan replies exaggerating. Finally Baekhyun really smiles again and keeps smiling this time. “So…” Luhan then starts. “Would you um… let me be your best friend again?” Baekhyun looks up.

“Well… I can have two best friends, right?” he says before smiling brightly.

“No, you can’t.” Baekhyun looks surprised. “One best friend, one boyfriend.”

“Ah, I see where you’re going. Well, I like your positivity, I always did.”

“It’s going to work. Trust me.”

“Ah well…” Only then they realize where they are again. “Um… Maybe we should get out of here. It’s still pretty uncomfortably small.”

“Yep, totally agree. Let’s go,” Luhan agrees and unlocks the door right away and they soon walk out of the bathroom ending up in the hallway again. Well Luhan, in just one week you got yourself two missions already, Luhan thinks to himself. Mission one, a.k.a. Mission BaekYeol: Find out if Chanyeol loves Baekhyun; Mission two, a.k.a. Mission Impossible: Make Sehun speak.


Somehow when Luhan comes home he feels exhausted; maybe because it was just a long day, maybe because a bit of drama was included as well. He drop his bag on the floor of his bedroom as soon as he walks in.

“Luhan sweetie?” Oh mom, why don’t you let me rest for a second, just a second! “Your father’s friend from work could arrive any moment so just fresh up a little,” his mother calls from downstairs. , I forgot! Supposedly his father has met a man at work and they seem to get along so well that that man and the rest of his family are going to have dinner with us today, as sort of a descent acquaintance.Out of all 365 days we have in a year, why nów?! He sighs. Ah well… He’ll just have to deal with it, even though he’s tired. Then, speaking about the devil, the bell rings.

“I’ll get it!” his mother calls immediately. Luhan just puts on a different T-shirt and shakes up his hair a little bit with his hand. Then he goes downstairs again, relaxed. While walking down the stairs he already hears both his parents and another couple greeting each other excitedly. When Luhan is finally there, his heart stops beating for a moment and his eyes get huge. About a meter behind the unknown man and woman is standing a young guy.

“Wha-Wh… What are you doing here?” Luhan asks him completely flabbergasted. Before the guy can even answer his mother already opens .

“You must be Luhan! Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is our son-”

“Mom, I think he knows my name already.”

“Wait… Are you saying you know each other?”

“Oh yes, we do,” the guy replies while taking a step closer to Luhan and throwing an arm around his neck. Then he moves his mouth close to his ears and whispers… “Hey pretty face.”

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14-09 I promise my lovely readers, I promise I'll be back~


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Update please?
When update Dx
Please update pretty pretty please? ;u; <3
Chapter 9: I'm sure Kai has strong reason why he's acting the way he is..but still, there's no excuses to harm poor Thehunnie://
Can't wait for new chapters^^
Chapter 9: Is this why Kai is a bully and mean ?
Chapter 9: CARELESS, CARELESS, NO ONE WHO CARE ABOUT ME? Sorry that's just what came immediatly to my mind after reading the teaser :D
I'm glad you didn't give up on this story and and and... Sehun spoke! (okay I know I'm late) Plus this is going to be more kai centric from now, right? I think it has become urgent anyways (well, when I read others' comments i feel like he needs some background not to be hated too much x), I can't wait!
Wasn't that you who went to Paris? I hope you enjoyed your trip there :D
Chapter 9: Ooh, what's gonna happen with Kai >.<
Chapter 9: Kai so sad ;_____;
Chapter 9: so the reason kai being jackass and bully sehun because he's lonely nobody care about him?