Chapter 1

Eye Contacts

-Tao's pov-

Here i am, walking in the same corridor with my friends like we always do. I’m kinda bored to do the same stuff everyday. Waking up, going to the school, chatting with friends, going to the classes, eating, coming back to home, eating again and sleeping. But one day, at this school in Korea, where there’re not many chinese, except me and my friends, i saw some other chinese people. I knew that they were also chinese because of my unnecessary talent. When i saw someone i could tell where that person was from.  Anyway these guys seem to hang out together like me and my friends. I wonder why i didn’t notice them before. Well maybe because i don’t get out of the classroom much.

Days have passed and i started looking at these chinese people more. But there was someone that took my interest the most. He had blonde hair, but of course that wasn’t his real hair, he must  have dyed it.


One day at the cafeteria of school, i saw him and his friends at the line to get their lunch. Me and my friends were at the line next to theirs. While i was staring, i mean looking at the blond guy, he looked at me back. Because of this unexpected eye contact i panicked and looked at somewhere else. I really wasn’t expecting him to look at me. He must have think that i’m weird, looking at somewhere else just because our eyes met. But that was kinda understandable from my point. Because since the day i noticed them, i was always following him with my eyes. I really don’t know why, but i was just doing it.

After a few seconds i looked at him again and all of a sudden he also looked at me. I blushed a little because of the embarrassment of getting caught twice. I wonder why he looked at me again. But of course i broke the eye contact once again.


Day by day our eye contacts continued, they didn’t even last a second but there were lots of them. -And i wasn’t blushing anymore.- Whenever we have been in the same place, our eyes found each other at least twice.

These eye contacts became something i look forward to have everyday, it’s kinda weird for guys to keep looking at each other even though they don’t know the other one but what the hell…


One day after the biology class, i saw Luhan and Xiumin talking and went to join their conversation. They were talking about a girl. Seems like Xiumin had a crush on this girl.

“Do you know her well?” i asked.

“Actually, no.” Xiumin answered with a sad face.

“Seems like he doesn’t know anything about this girl,” Luhan said. “I’m thinking about following her to her classroom, to see which classroom she’s from.”

“Then I’ll join you, we can ask her name too. But isn’t that what people call stalking?”

“No, we’re just going to follow her for once, it’s not like we’re gonna hurt her anyway.”

“What are you guys talking about?! She will understand that you’re asking her name for me!” Xiumin interrupted.

“Relax, you said she doesn’t even know you. How can she understand that?”

“Y-yeah, actually you’re right…”

“Okay, let’s follow her then. Where is she now ?” I asked.

“Oh there she is.” Luhan said while pointing out a girl with his eyes. She was a really pretty girl and Korean.

Once she started walking, we started following her. Xiumin didn’t come with us. While we were following her, i saw the blond guy and his friends coming right to us. I mean not to us but to this way. A few seconds later i noticed him, he noticed me too and our eyes met once again.  This time he broke the eye contact and looked at the girl we were following with a grin. I didn’t understand the meaning of grin but he stopped the girl and started talking to her. When the distance between us was only a step he turned his back to us and started walking with the girl. His friends joined him too. Why did he grin ? Why is he talking to her ? Are they going out ? I hope not. I mean… Xiumin likes this girl and i don’t want to stop making eye contacts with him. Because it would be more weird if he had girlfriend. While i was thinking these stuff, he turned his head back and looked at us, looked at me while still keeping his grin on his lips. I’m afraid he understood that we were following that girl.

He turned at girl, started talking to her again. Who the hell is she anyway? I really hope they’re just classmates. I felt jealous of her. I didn’t know i could be jealous of a girl before. Wait, why is he the only one who can make me jealous? -It can’t be just because of eye contacts i share with him, right?- I mean, some of his friends were also chinese, but i only looked at him. I have never been interested in anyone before. Does that make me gay ? No, no! I’m just interested in him, i don’t like him in that way. It can’t be, i don’t even know him.

“Hey, she’s entering that one.” Luhan said while pointing out a classroom.

“Now we found out her classroom, let’s call her and ask her name.” I said.

“Yeah.” Luhan replied and entered the classroom, i followed him, he asked her to come to outside for a bit. I wanted to see where blond guy was sitting, that was the reason i also entered the classroom and there he was, at the right back corner, talking with his friends, not with the girl now.

She got out of the classroom, so did we. Luhan asked her name and said not to misunderstand. She answered him but she didn’t look like a kind person from what i understood the way she speaks.

After that we returned to our classroom and Luhan said “Hey Tao, I didn’t know you knew Kris, when did you guys meet ?”

“Who is Kris?” I replied, i had no idea who he was talking about.

“That blond guy who has been staring at you, and i saw you looking at him too. Then he smirked at you but at that time you weren’t looking at him, i guess. Also he got out of the classroom right after us too. Then looked at you again. Anyway, so i thought you guys knew each other.”

“No, i don’t know him,” I replied with a smile. He did get out too ? And looked at me? “How do you even know him? I didn’t see you guys talking to each other.”

“Actually we don’t know each other that much but we were in the same class once and since we both are chinese, we introduce ourselves to each other. He’s a nice guy but kinda selfish too, i guess.”

“Oh, i see…” So his name is Kris. It really suits him, so does being blond.

“Hey, you’re smiling a lot lately. It’s nice but also weird for me to see you smiling this much. I’m not used to it, i mean seeing the cute side of you.”

“W-what?! Cute?!” I was shocked. I’ve never been called that way before. People always called me cold, someone who liked the distance. Also it was true that i was smiling more than usual, because something new was going on with my life. It wasn’t something big but it was making me feel nice. It’s actually really weird, i mean one person I don’t even know makes my day better. And people actually noticed that. If i knew Kris better, i wonder if i could change more and get rid of this cold impression i leave on people.

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I LOVE THIS ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Chapter 5: gosssshhh!! this is so fu*king cute.

MY TAORIS FEEELSSSSSS ;A; Thank you authornim :)

sequel juseyo~
Japanda #3
omo so cuteee!!!! i want a little more, are you gonna do a short
This was so cute!!! Tao~ ♡ ♡
tiarafishie #5
It's really a cute story ;A;
Xandra #6
Omg. Taoris ftw. xD so cute!
Haha so cuteeeee!!!! I totally love Taoris!!
Bliss_Destiny #9