Chapter 3

Lucky Lucy


“Will you go out with me?” he asked.

I couldn’t breathe. I motioned for Emma to take the phone, but she shook her head no. I shoved the phone into her hand and tried to make sense of everything.

Breathe. Okay, I went to a fansigning. Kris gave me his number. Breathe. Kris just asked me out. Kris just asked me out. Breathe you fool! I gasped in air, my eyes widening. I looked over at Emma, who was obviously fangirling at Kris being on the phone. I quickly took the phone away from her.

“Kris?” I asked, worried that he had hung up.

“Was that your uh… friend?” he seemed kind of scarred or traumatized or something.

“Yeah, uh, her name’s Emma. Sorry, she’s very… fangirly.”

“No, that might be obsessed,” he laughed.

“Ha, maybe,” I laughed along with him, knowing that it was true.

There was this awkward silence, and I had no idea what to say.

“Yes,” I finally said.

“What?” he asked.

“Yes, I’ll go out with you,” I smiled.

“Really? I mean, awesome! I’ll um,” he cleared his throat, “Pick you up at four tomorrow?”

I gave him the address and everything and said goodbye, falling backwards onto the bed at sighing, hugging a pillow.

“Emma, I’m going to go on a date with Kris!”


“Tomorrow at four!” I exclaimed, excited for tomorrow.

“But…” Emma trailed off, looking at the ground.


“Well, we were supposed to go shopping tomorrow…” she said sadly. She instantly perked up, for no reason whatsoever.

“Wait! It’s okay, you can go,” she smiled.

“Are you sure? I mean, I can cancel,” I lied, hoping she would say it was okay.

“Lucy, we both know that you wouldn’t. Just go, have fun, I know that if I was in your place, you would want me to go,” she replied, smiling cutely. This is why I loved her, she was so thoughtful.

“You’re the best best friend ever!” I hugged her.

“Hey, maybe you can see if Tao’s free too,” she laughed.

“Sure, why not.”

“I was kidding!”

“No you weren’t,” I raised my eyebrow.

“Okay, I wasn’t.”

I honestly debated on asking Kris if Tao had a girlfriend or something. I mean, what if I Kris asked me out again?

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fangirl4life #1
Lol then all my stories would be about kai and tht would be boring xD plus this one is for my friend, whos bias is kris
Hahaha!! Then why didn't you writ ethics story based on Kai instead? Hahahaha!!!
fangirl4life #3
lol yeah maybeeeeeeee
fangirl4life #4
Haha, maybe xD
fangirl4life #5
Thank you!
And I know right? (though I would switch Kris for Kai)
This story is cute!! An idol dating the fan.
This is the dream of many fans!!!
fangirl4life #7
Lol who doesnt? XD