Chapter 2

Lucky Lucy

His voice sounded exactly like Kris. Emma was leaned against the other side of the phone, trying to hear whatever she could.

"Uhm, yeah. Hi... This is going to sound kind of weird... but, may I ask who I'm speaking to?" I said awkwardly, hoping it wasn't some random stranger.

He cleared his throat.

"It depends, are you the girl I gave my number to at the fan signing?" he asked, though it was a rather silly question.

"Yup, that's me!" I said, a little too excited. By this point, Emma was jumping around on the bed, trying to contain her squeals of pure Emma-ness.

There was a silence, so I decided to ask.

"So, why did you give me your number?" I questioned, though truthfully I couldn't care less. I just happy that I had his number in the first place.

"Okay, well... You might not believe this but, I remember you... from auditions."

"What are you talking— Wait. You remember me from all the way back then? How? Why? What?" I couldn't even begin to think of only one question to ask at a time. They flooded my mind, bouncing off the walls of my head. How does he remember me? Why did he give me his number? What the heck is Emma doing now?

He laughed, clearly amused at my confusion.

"Well, I remember seeing you at the auditions, and I couldn't help but want to go talk to you. You were by far the most beautiful girl there, and probably the most talented too. I was surprised that I didn't see you later when I became a trainee," he said, pausing for me to respond.

But I couldn't. I was silent. I was speechless. I was exploding (not literally). Kris wanted to talk to me. Kris thought I was beautiful. Kris thought I was talented.

"And well, when I was training... I know this will sound even crazier, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. I didn't even know you. Actually, I don't even know you now. I don't know what it is about you, but I just can't get you out of my head. So, when I saw you at the fan meeting today, I couldn't help what I did. I just did it," he continued, waiting for a response again.

Breathe! Say something! Lucy! I mentally yelled at myself.


"Sorry, I was just uh... helping my friend up. She... fell?" I tried to make an excuse.

"Oh, is she okay?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, she's fine, she was just being excited because... she always excited actually. So you were saying?"

"Will you go out with me?"

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fangirl4life #1
Lol then all my stories would be about kai and tht would be boring xD plus this one is for my friend, whos bias is kris
Hahaha!! Then why didn't you writ ethics story based on Kai instead? Hahahaha!!!
fangirl4life #3
lol yeah maybeeeeeeee
fangirl4life #4
Haha, maybe xD
fangirl4life #5
Thank you!
And I know right? (though I would switch Kris for Kai)
This story is cute!! An idol dating the fan.
This is the dream of many fans!!!
fangirl4life #7
Lol who doesnt? XD