Back Stage

A Chance To Dance


GD point of view

"Good job out there Jiyong!" Daesung smiled at you and gave you a high five. "Hey, thanks man." You said, returning the high five.

"Go get ready, your performing Wings after I'm done. You're going to nail!" You turned to Teayang, who was siting on a nearby couch and texting.

"Nice job. I think you had some fan girls crying out there today. They loved it."

Teayang looked up at you and smirked. "Hell yeah! I should have taken my shirt off, they would have went wild!"

"Keep your shirt on! We don't want the girls fainting! They still have to watch me!"

"Haha, alright, alright. I wish the 2ne1 girls were here, it would have been awesome performig with one of them. One of them is gonna fall for me soon, I know it. Taeyang smirked and flexed his muscles. You rolled your eyes at him and laughed.

"Yeah yeah sure. Keep dreaming."You turned and walked over to the television monitor and watched TOP perform Turn it Up. The crowd went wild as they watched him moved and rap on stage.

"Hey, You looked kinda distracted out there, something catch your attention?"

You turned are around and looked at Taeyang. Your mind suddenly thought of the face of the girl you saw earlier and your face let up.

"Oh man you guys! Did you see that girl by the left speaker and those lights? She was gorgeous!" You thought back to her, her face glowing from the stage lights.

"What she look like?" Seungri asked. Sounding more enthused than usual.

"Oh man, she was so pretty. But don't get your hopes up, she was holding a GD poster!"

"That doesn't mean she can't fall for me." Seungri said, giving seductive wink and a smile.

"I wish I could see what she looked like." Daesung said, looking up to the monitor and watched as the camera panned the audience.

"You'll see her soon enough, I'm thinking about doing something..." Your voice trailed off and the others looked at you.

"Yah! What are you doing?? Go get dressed! Your going on after Top remember?" A noona came in yelling, holding hair supplies in one hand and a bright red shoe in the other, her hair flinging everywhere.

"Oh crap I forgot! Sorry noona!"

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Aw I wish it can happen to me ;/ ;)
that was magical. im speechless
Hey hey hey! First to comment! :D kyaaaaaa!GD is too charming, I can't even...