At First Sight

A Chance To Dance



The crowd was screaming with anticipation, waiting for the boys to enter onto the stage. You looked at your best friend, Amber, who was waving a VIP fansign hard in the air, screaming along with the crowd.

You couldn't believe you had gotten here. You had to pull double shifts at your job and go months without purchasing anything extra, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to make. Now you were here. And your reward? Being able to see your ultimate bias, Gdragon. And up close and personal! You both bought front row seats, so close you’d be able to see the sweat on the boys faces.

Your anicipation rose as you clung onto a poster you and Amber had made the night before. It said “GD Hwating!” in big bold red lettering. Looking at it now, it made you a little embarrassed. there was no doubt he was going to see it, you were so up close. You looked at the time on your phone. 8:29pm. They really wanted the crowd to wait it out.

Suddenly, the familiar music of Haru Haru came on, lights flickered and flashed, then almost instantly, all five of them appeared. You were taken back from the surprise, they were standing there, smiling at everyone. It took you a minute to actually conform in your mind that, yes, they were real, and that yes, this was really happening. They were all so beautiful, they looked even better up close. They starting singing, and their voiced sounded amazing, filling up the speakings and pouring into the audience, everyone cheering and singing along. Amber being to jump and down in excitement, her fasign moving so quickly it looked like she might drop it. You laughed and looked back on stage, eyes looking searching for, ah, there he was. GD. Ever so often you would watch the other members, but your eyes always fell back on him.

After Haru Haru, they preformed Somebody to Love, Blue, then Bad boy. Then all the boys left, leaving Taeyang behind. Amber squeezed your arm and squealed, pointed to Taeyang, and squealed and accotive higher. You laughed at her, Taeyang was her ultimate bias, this was a dream come true for her. Then, “I need a girl” stared into swelled up and the fan girls went crazy. Amber jumped up and down and finally screamed “Taeyang!” at the top of her lungs. Your adrenaline was up, and you both danced and sang with Taeyang, watching him dancing along to the beat. You looked back at Amber, and saw tears stream down her face. This must have been one of the greatest days shes ever had. You wished you were able to personally thank Taeyang for making your best friend happy. The song ended, and Taeyang left the stage, the lights dimming down.

Then the familar beat to “Breathe” was playing. You all looked around for GD, hoping to see if anyone could spot him. Then a single spot light came on, and there he was, standing there filled of confidence and a big smile on his face. You watched him in awe. You held up the sign and waved it around to the beat of the song, singing as loud as you could. GD was all over the stage, running and sliding, having a blast. He finally made his way over to your side of the stage, about to sing the chorus. This was your chance. You yelled as loud as you could “GD!” and waved your poster in the air.

Suddenly, GD looked straight at you. Did he hear you? Your heart skipped a beat, and you lost all the air in your lungs. You saw him look at your sign, and you blushed bright and hard. He looked at your face again, smiled and winked at you. That was real, right? You couldn’t believe it. By the time you had caught your breath, Gd was already on the opposite side of the stage, finishing up the song. Did that really happen? Or were you just imagining things?

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Aw I wish it can happen to me ;/ ;)
that was magical. im speechless
Hey hey hey! First to comment! :D kyaaaaaa!GD is too charming, I can't even...