Here comes the drama.

Somebody that I used to know.

The next few days, Infnite didn't have much things to do until their manager came in talking about them being in 'Ranking King.'
All the members were excited, and Sungyeol was actually trying to be happy too. Although he knew he wasn't. 

[Sungyeol's P.O.V.]

     Myungsoo dosn't even care that i'm not talking to him. You know how I know? He dosn't even try to start a conversation with me. 'Ha, what a good boyfriend, huh?' 

     "Sungyeol, you coming?" I looked at Woohyun and nodded. "Yeah, i'll be there in a bit." 

      I walked into our van and sat in between Hoya and Sunggyu. I usually sit next to Myungsoo , but we haven't been,yeah. And i'm still trying to distance myself away from him, and it seems he dosn't even notice. Nice...

     "Hey," Hoya whispered to me, "Is anything wrong with you and Myungsoo?" He pointed towards Myungsoo who was playing around with Sungjong. 



     The ride to the set was okay because Dongwoo, Hoya, Sunggyu, and Woohyun were always trying to cheer me up. 'I'm going to miss these people,' I thought to myself and massaged my arms again. Gosh, they hurt a lot. 

      "Hey, turn that frown upside down Choding." Dongwoo said and patted my back.

       I smiled a bit and shook my head, " I am Smiling, see?"

       "That's not your real smile."

        "How can you even tell it apart?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

        "I just know you too well, Yeollie." Dongwoo replied and walked towards the Noona who was calling his name. 

         Yes, Dongwoo was like a mom. He knew everyone a little too well. But, that's what I like about that Dino. I was getting ready, as the Make-up noona was putting a little cream here and there. Later on, I was given the script and was heart broken when I saw all the Myungjong moments that were suppose to happen. 'You got to be kidding me.'


     "Come on guys! Everyone on set, we're about to start filming!" The director shouted as I got up from my chair. 

      The first part of the show was a little funny and all, and I was doing fine until it came to the lunch partner part. The part where Myungjong was suppose to start.

      I silently watched as Sunggyu was paired with Hoya, and let out a little chuckle when Woohyun was rejected by Dongwoo. "Sungyeol, it's your turn. Go up." I nodded at the voice and walked up. Turned around and waited for the people who was suppose to come out, come out. 

      Turning around, I looked at Myungsoo and saw him talking to Sungjong. 'Of course he wouldn't look this way.' 
I surprisingly let out a huge grin when I saw Woohyun holding out a heart for me. But just like it's scripted, I had to say no. But, in reality, I would really say yes. Who wouldn't want this greaseball. I silently walked back to sit down, and things passed on slowly. I watched as SungJong Choose Myungsoo over me. 'It's okay,' I kept telling myself. It's okay.



It was now the break to the show and Sungyeol quickly made his way off set to sit down on a chair. He then started massaging his arm. Wincing from the pain. 

"You okay?" Woohyun asked and sat down next to Sungyeol. The choding just nodded. 

"Here, give me your arm." Woohyun grabbed Sungyeol arm and then started to massage it for him. "Does it hurt a lot?" He asked.

"Yeah." Sungyeol answered. "But, it's okay."

"How is it okay? You need to care for your health Sungyeol. I mean, you're not even going to be here next comeback...You said you would make the best of the times we have now." 

Sungyeol looked at Woohyun and saw the little tear that was dripping down his face as he was massaging his arms. He gently wiped the tear, and smiled at him. 

"If it makes you feel better, I'll..think about it, and maybe i'll stay." 

Woohyun looked up, "Really? You would do that?"

Sungyeol nodded, "Of course. Well, I said I'm going to think.Haha."

Woohyun also chuckled and stopped massaging his arm, "Did you take your medicine to make the pain stop in your arm?" 


"Aish," Woohyun stood up and walked to one of the camera people, asking for the medicine bottle. They gave it to him and he made his way back to Sungyeol. "Here, take it. Feel better. Seems like I have to go now anyways. Your lovers throwing daggers at me, and remember. Everything's scripted, yeol. "

Sungyeol was confused at the last part as he watch Woohyun walk away. He giggled a little and turned to eat his medicine, but in the distant, he can see Myungsoo giving him a look of disapproval.


The filming was starting again and Sungyeol really didn't want to be filmed. At least not in this state of condintion where he had to eat by himself. 

The camera was on him now and he didn't know what to say. He tried hiding his sad face with a small smile, "It's because my hand is injured. I'm eating alone because I don't want to bother the rest," He took a piece of food and swallowed it. Choking back tears. 'Don't want to be a bother to anyone,' he thought to himself.

Sungyeol continued looking at the camera,"It's definitaly not because I got abandoned. Why do I find it so hard to swallow my food?" He let out a little laugh, and beging poking at the meat. He lost his appetite. So, when the camera was off of him, he looked towards Myungsoo and Sungjong. Seeing them feed each other was too much. Especially when he saw the look in Myungsoo's eyes. He dropped his spoon when he felt a big pain hit his arm and took out his pain medicine. He grabbed a glass of water and took down a pill. Hoping to lessen the pain in his arm. And maybe his heart. 


Myungsoo laughed happily with Sungjong as he feed him some of his food. "So, why did you pick me?" He asked.

He watched as Sungjong laughed before replying, "Because you're handsome."

"That's it!?"

Myungsoo shook his head and laughed at the maknae. Pretty. Something Myungsoo describes Sungjong as. He always looked at Sungjong as a little brother. Nothing more. Nothing less. He was having a good time, until he looked at Woohyun and his mood went down.

He remembered when he caught Woohyun massaging his boyfriends arm, and when his boyfriend wiped his tears away. Woohyun even gave him some medicine for his arm. 

"Why can't I be like that?" Myungsoo whispered to himself and continued eating.

Ever since Sungyeol announced that he was going to leave the group, he didn't want to talk to him anymore. Myungsoo was angry, and the only person he can think to go to was Sungjong. 

Recording after that was over and they were going to shoot another part tomorrow. This show wouldn't even be airing until next week anyways. 

Sungyeol walked into the bedroom and saw Myungsoo and Sungjong playing games on the laptop. He watched as Sungjong pouted when he lost, and when Myungsoo ruffled his hair to cheer him up. When the two people finally realize Sungyeol was there, he started panicing. 

"I'm sorry," Sungyeol said. "I'm just going to grab my things and go talk to Woohyun Hyung. Continue on." And with that, Sungyeol quickly left the room. Leaving the two looking at each other and then at the computer screen.


Myungsoo couldn't take it anymore and left the room to go to Woohyun's room. He didn't like the idea of Sungyeol hanging around Woohyun. Not after today when he noticed how close the two were being.


A tear left Sungyeol's eyes as he massaged his injured arm, again. 'It hurts,' he thought to himself while wiping the tear away. No, not his arm. His heart. It hurted. 

Seeing Myungsoo and Sungjong being so close. Before and after the show. 'Maybe he really loves Sungjong? Why the hell am I still with him anyways? We haven't even been talking.'

Woohyun walked in on Sungyeol and saw the tears. He sighed and went to sit next to the 'used-to-be-choding-boy' o his bed.Woohyun placed his arms around the taller boy and brought him closer. He gently pushed Sungyeol's head on his shoulders and whispered things like, 'It's okay.'

Woohyun knew how Sungyeol felt, and he was the only one that comforts him when he's like this. Not even Myungsoo does this, anymore. He always with SungJong. SungJong.


Myungsoo grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to Woohyun's room. He froze when he saw how close Woohyun was holding his boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" He said and asked Sungyeol. Sungyeol, hearing the voice, broke away from Woohyun and wiped his tear. 

"Myungsoo, I was just talking with Woohyun." Sungyeol said.

Myungsoo growled and glared at Woohyun, "Stay away from my boyfriend!" 

Woohyun was shocked and stood up, "Uh, excuse me but who are you to tell me when you haven't even spoke to him once ever since he said he was going to withdraw!"

Sungyeol looked at both of them and grabbed Myungsoo on the arm. "Myung, stop. Let's go-"

"No,Sungyeol...It's true. I haven't been a good boyfriend to you, haven't I?"

Sungyeol looked towards the ground, and back up, "Well-...You-..Honestly, we haven't been talking lately, Myung. And-"

"So I haven't." And with that, Myungsoo walked out. Slamming the door behind him.



A/N;  I said that it would be more sad, but. I lied./Facepalm. Sorry.
Here's another update though.
Comment, okay? 
And no, Woohyun dosn't like Sungyeol.
Next chapter will have a lot more drama. Myungjong, Myungyeol, and Wooyeol. 


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 3: Where r uuuuu
ukissme1991 #2
Chapter 3: Update please >.<
ukissme1991 #3
Chapter 3: please update >.<
TEENTOP10031996 #4
I just want you to know that this fic was the very first fan fic I ever read in my entire life and now, 3 years later, I'm still spiraling in the world of fan fiction hahaha. This fic brings back very fond memories for me. Thank you xp
Chapter 3: myungyeol is being stupid lol.
Keyq1998 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon please~
Chapter 3: I hope you update this soon :/
infinityyyy #9
Chapter 3: Update this pls pls pls pls im begging you author-nim pls pls /cries
Chapter 3: Update soon~