
Somebody that I used to know.

Sungyeol sighed and looked around his, Myungsoo's, and Dongwoo's room. He started massaging his arm again and let out a little cry when he felt as if it was hurting more. He hadn't tell the members or manger about it cause he didn't want them to worry about him. He didn't want to be a bother. 

Everything was going bad lately. Myungsoo has been busy with his working, and everytime he comes back, he would spend time with Sungjong. A lot, and Sungyeol didn't like that. They haven't even been talking and Myungsoo's never home when Sungyeol needs help with anything. At least not anymore.

He was even bashed by some fans. Saying how he was just a useless member. How he can't sing or dance. The choding boy sighed and felt himself getting a little dizzy. 'Just forget about it,' He told himself before getting up and walking to the living room. His eyes were red though, and he didn't even notice he was crying. So, he went into the bathroom. Making sure no one saw, But someone did see. Woohyun. 

Once Sungyeol was in the bathroom, he took out his phone and called manager. 'Yes, this is for the best. '

Woohyun looked at Myungsoo and Sungjong in front of him and held back his urge to beat the crap out of this name-stealing-anime person. He was hurting Sungyeol and he didn't even care. 'You stupid person,' he mumbled to himself.

The bathroom door opened and Sungyeol came out with a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. He sat next to Woohyun and then everyone else walked into the room. Sitting on the ground while watching Mnet. 

"Guys," Sungyeol started. "I need to tell you something." 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Sungyeol, continuing him to speak.

"Well, I was talking to Manger and I was thinking about withdrawing from the group-"

"What?" Woohyun asked and clenched his fist. "You can't be leaving us like this!"

Sungyeol sighed and leaned back into the couch. "It won't make any difference. I really didn't even have a role in Infinite."

"Then what about us?" Myungsoo said and stood up angrily. Sungyeol turned to look at Myungsoo and was about to say something, but before he even did, Myungsoo walked away. 

"Hyung, Don't leave." He turned back to the voice and gave an apologetic smile towards Sungjong. He dosn't hate Sungjong. He dosn't. He can't help but love each and every one of Infnite members. 

"Sungyeol, why didn't you discuss this with us before you did that?" Sunggyu asked, and just by his tone, you can tell he was angry.

"It's my choice."

"Think about what image it's going to give Infnite when you leave."

"I won't be leaving until our next comeback anyways. I'll just make it best until it's time for me to go.And who knows, maybe i'll change my mind." Sungyeol  answered and leaned his head on Woohyun's shoulder. 

He then looked at Dongwoo and Hoya. Both of them were looking towards the ground. "Sungyeol, what is going to happen to You and Myungsoo?" Dongwoo asked and finally raised his head from the ground. A few tears forming. 

Sungyeol sighed, "I don't know. I really don't." He looked towards the ground, "It's like I don't even know him anymore.." He whispered.


Sungyeol went into the room and stopped when He saw Myungsoo lying on his bed. His bed. Sungyeol's bed. 

"Please don't go," Myungsoo said and looked up with teary eyes. Sungyeol was shocked. He had never seen Myungsoo cry over something like this. 

"You still have the rest of Infnite with you,having me gone isn't any different."

"Yes it does. You're my boyfriend, and if you do leave, they won't let us see you anymore."


"You know what, forget it." And with that, Myungsoo went out of the room. Sungyeol sighed and went out right after him, but turned back when he saw Myungsoo going directly to Sungjong. 

Myungsoo was leaning against his shoulder. Arms wrapped around his waist.

"Stupid Myung," Sungyeol said to himseld before silently crying in the palms of his hands. 

So, starting from that day, Sungyeol started to distance himself from Myungsoo too. He wanted the younger boy to know the feeling without him being there. But Ranking King was at it's limit with the Myungjong moments.


A/N; Late update. SHHHH. Before you say anything about Sungyeol leaving the group. I'm kind of making it like-..yeah.
And no, Myungsoo and Sungyeol haven't broken up yet. Not through words, lol.
So, yeah. This is short. But, I'll try my best to make them longer.
Okay? Okay.
P.s; It's going to get sad in the next chapter with fights going on. So be ready. Har.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 3: Where r uuuuu
ukissme1991 #2
Chapter 3: Update please >.<
ukissme1991 #3
Chapter 3: please update >.<
TEENTOP10031996 #4
I just want you to know that this fic was the very first fan fic I ever read in my entire life and now, 3 years later, I'm still spiraling in the world of fan fiction hahaha. This fic brings back very fond memories for me. Thank you xp
Chapter 3: myungyeol is being stupid lol.
Keyq1998 #7
Chapter 3: Update soon please~
Chapter 3: I hope you update this soon :/
infinityyyy #9
Chapter 3: Update this pls pls pls pls im begging you author-nim pls pls /cries
Chapter 3: Update soon~