
101 Days of Light


4 years later, author's P.O.V 
In the more quite urban place of Seoul, a man with tanned skin, styled black hair and sharp dark eyes, behind black rimmed glasses. He took out boxes from from the back of a moving truck and brought it to him new house, but before he walked through the gate, he stared at his new home, crooking his head to the side. 
"This place looks familiar," he mumbled to himself. 
He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, walking through the front gate to the house, seeing multiples of boxes already in the house from the help of the moving men. He placed the box he was currently holding on the far corner of the house and went back out to help the moving men. 
After approximately five and a half hours, all the boxes and furniture were moved in his new house. He thanked the workers for their hard work and went back in his new home, cracked his neck and stretched his muscles after. 
"I guess it's time for me to clean and organise this place," he muttered to himself. 
However, for some odd reason, he found himself walking up the ladder to the attic. He coughed from the dusted and looked around the dark room. He leaned forward and felt plastic on his forehead. He looked up and saw a lightbulb and a long string dangling above him. He took hold of the string and gently pulled it. The lightbulb flashed on, dimly lighting the attic. He mentally noted to himself to by some lightbulbs tomorrow, as he crawled up on the attic floor and stood up. He slowly glided his eyes around the room, seeing noting out of the ordinary. Brown glossed wood everywhere of the attic, there was a small window on the far back of the room, which probably be the front of the house, and lots and lots of dust. 
He walked towards the window, but before he could get to there, he saw a white-yellow envelope, covered in dust, in the middle of the floor. He took a step and crouched down and picked it up. He flipped the envelope to the back since there was nothing written in the front. He flipped up the flap of the envelop and pulled out the piece of paper in it. He unfolded it and his eyes widen and gasped when he read who it was to. His heart quickened, not knowing what else to do and think, but read this letter to him. 
Dear Minsoo,
                     I don't think you'll ever read this and I hope you won't ever read this, but if you ever do, I just got to say, I'm sorry and please forget me. 
I don't know why I'm writing this letter to you or even writing this at all, but I want to let out my feelings. 
I'm scared, I'm horrified and I don't want to do anything but be in your arms, Minsoo. I always feel so safe when I'm with you, only if you're just standing next to me, I feel like I'm the safest person in the world because I know you're there, I know you're going to protect me, no matter what. I just wish, you have never fallen for me, but it was my fault. 
I'm sorry for breaking your heart Minsoo, but it's for your own good. I don't deserve someone like you. I never did and I never will. You're so perfect, while I'm such a horrible person. I'm horrible for hurting the people I love the most and making them worry me.
If only I could go back in time and made things right, but it's too late now. It's all too late. 
If only you knew, Minsoo, you'll hate me too. You'll hate me for leading you on and make you fall in love with me; making you fall in love with someone who is going to die. I'm so horrible, but I love you. I love you so much that I can't stop myself from not being with you. 
Don't you think it's funny that we've only met about three months and I sound like we've been in love for so long? It is isn't it? But butterflies always form in my stomach when I see you. It always have. 
If only I don't have cancer, then maybe we would be together. If only my cancer could be cured and that tumour growing in my head and lung could be cut out, then maybe we could be together. If only...
It's all too late now, but I'll still love you. Those 101 days I have known and been with you is the most happiest days of my life. Those days are bliss, being with you is bliss. Those were my 101 days of light. 
            Sign, you
"you," Minsoo breathed out, as a tear escaped from his already teary eyes.
"You're such a pabo," he whispered and clutched the letter to his chest and silently sobbed, "I would never hate you. I would never stop loving you. I still love you, you big pabo."
A drop of water spattered on the dust covered floor further behind the man cried in sorrow. A shiver ran down his spine, feeling something, someone, wrapping their arms around his body. He whipped his head behind him, but there was nothing. He looked further and saw 'I'm Sorry Minsoo, but I love you' written from the dusty floor next to the small spatter of water. 

"you," he whispered as another tear leaked out from his eyes. 


A/N The story is really, legit finished! *cries*

Please give me feedback, this is my first angst story and I know I'm lacking in some things. 


As always... please comment and subscribe; and thank you for reading. 


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I'm so sorry! >.< I know I said I'll update and finish this story off on two days ago, but I haven't finished it yet, but I am almost finished!


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Chapter 9: wow... totally sad.
Chapter 7: i love this story!!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor ljoe and her OTL
Chapter 6: that was sweet!
And vivi!
Ur writing style!! It literally made me wonder if it was kid who wrote it or a pro!!

The only way I recognize it was through ur awesome accurate details about everything!!

Hope to read the rest soon! :3
aww!! 6 months!!!
im feeling sad already!! :'(
def going to be a good story
Stop saying BS! :3
Ur no y author~

The story's kinda mysterious to me..
Cancer? And what happened to cousin bro?

Heh no 'update soon' though I need an update..
Hope u did ur 2day's exam well~
i know you wont disappoint me unnie~ ^^
gunna subbie! > ^<)b