
Love Eternal

Your POV

Once you saw Taeyeon and Yoona with EXO you calmed down a bit knowing they were there to keep your friends company. You walked over to the pool where in they were gathered. Yoona was sitting at the side of the pool with her feet dipped at the edge, Taeyeon was seated on a table with a small umbrella on top with a blanket around her.

Everyone seemed like they were having fun. Your friends giggled and sometimes let out their ajuhmma or alligator laughs to the witty scene the boys were playing. Tao and Xuimin, together with DO kept joking around.

A small bonfire was lit on a fire pit beside the pool. The night stars shining above. Paper lanterns were hung up around the pool, their light reflecting on the waters.

Taeyeon and Yoona waved at you once you came in. You replied with a smile toward both of them and position yourself beside the campfire, hugging your legs with your arms. The night smelled of fresh tropical flowers that covered the resort and of chlorine from the dozen pools. It had been a long time since you had a vacation with your friends or anyone in fact. You had to admit you missed laughing off and being a young person you were.

Your thoughts were cut off by a pair of arms wrapping a quilt around you. You nodded at Kris who gave you a thin smile. He sat beside you and stared off into the fire.

“So, how’s life?” you asked, breaking the silence.

“Life’s fine. Yours?” he said.

“Getting over the whole amnesia thing.” You replied.

You couldn’t help seeing guilt and empathy in his eyes. Kris’s eyes were back to its deep brown colour. As usual you got lost in his eyes, the one thing you noticed every time you stared at his eyes was the hint of pain and misery that showed around his pupils. They were dull yet so beautiful.

“Hey, you don’t need to pity me or anything. It’s not my or your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault.” You replied looking at the night sky stars.

“I know...but can you keep a promise to me?” Kris asked, still looking at you.

“Yeah.” You replied, still looking at the sky.

“Never get hurt again.” He asked with a serious tone.

Your eyes rounded at his words. You never expected those words from his mouth. Your heart was moved by his simple words. Words that you have never heard before. For a short amount of time the cold heart that tried to shield away every sight of love, away from hurt, opened itself to a beautiful stranger.

“Sure.” You answered, looking back into his eyes.

Taeyeon’s POV

I had to admit I was a bit (a lot) moved by this boy’s actions. The way he cared for me and the way he reassured me through his simple words baffled me. He soothed the unruly feeling I had inside me whenever I was unsure or every time I had the urge to flee, he would make himself the reason for me to stay. I observed Beakhyun from afar. What the fudge Taeyeon?

While Tiffany was away, EXO gave us company. They successfully entertained us which was impressive since I wasn’t easily entertained. Everyone was having a good time, laughing, joking, goofing around.

Even though me and Yoona, always saw EXO, we weren’t really close with them. Our relationship was just present because of our link which was Tiffany. But tonight felt alright, like we were genuine friends that always hanged out together.

A gust of wind glided past us, sending a chill. I sniffled a bit and rubbed my arms due to the coldness of the night. Goosebumps were present on my skin. The bonfire was relatively far from where I was seated and the lack of space to sit nearer it was minimal due to the massive number of EXO. I regretted wearing a swimsuit just underneath a thin sweater and shorts. My was freezing. Brr...No one mentioned it would be like the North Pole here.

“Need this?” a kind familiar voice said.

“O-oh B-beakhyun-ssi!” I stuttered. Smooth move Taeyeon.

He flashed a breathtaking smile and wrapped a blanket around my arms.

“Better?” Beakhyun asked.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I replied.

“Mind if I sit beside you Taeyeon-ssi?” he asked.

I nodded of course. He then settled on the chair across mine. His face looked even more angelic. His hair, lightly tousled, his features highlighted by the moonlight. I couldn’t help blushing by myself. Snap out of it!

“Hmm...Beakhyun, you can drop the formalities. We’re the same age.” I said calmly.

“Okay then Taeyeon~” he hummed which made my heart tremble.

After a short amount of time, Tiffany arrived. Me and Beakhyun talked and got to know about one another. He was cool and handsome but the more I got to know him the more I realized he was a dork, which I found extremely cute. Kekeke~ Like me.

The night faded and so everyone settled back onto their rooms.

Your POV

Once it got late and your eyes started drooping the others decided to sleep already. Everyone bid their bye-byes and you did the same. The girls bowed to each EXO member but you just nodded to them generally meaning you were to sleep. You rubbed your eyes while going down the steps out the pool when suddenly a pair of long slender fingers laced through your hands.

You turned around only to see Kris walking away. He looked back and sent you a wink. Your cheeks reddened and your knees buckled.

You looked down and examined your hand. In it was a ring with an owl on it.

You gasped when you saw the little owl. Since you were little you had a weird liking for owls. You found them cute and mysterious at the same time. So pretty!!! But then you thoughts were cut short by Taeyeon’s voice calling you from afar. You stared at the stars for the last time. Gomawo Kris...

The three of you entered your room. Yoona walked straight into the bathroom, Taeyeon sat at the edge of her bed while she took her shoes off, you slumped into your comfty bed and buried your face under your sheets. You took a peek at Taeyeon who seemed as if she was deep in thought.

“Hey, you okay?” you asked, sitting up straight.

“U-um...yeah...” Taeyeon replied while still in thought.

“You said so.” You said.

Once everyone was changed into more comfortable clothes the three of you slept. The cold breeze and the soft sound of the waves soothed you as you slipped off into dreamland. You had a vague dream. It was like the dream you once had.


A little girl was seated on a patch of lush green grass under a huge willow tree with a boy resting his head on the little girl’s lap. The two smiled at each other with so much joy like they were one another’s happiness. They looked like they had no problems, like their world was perfect.

“Tiffany.” The little boy chirped.

“Yup?” the little girl said

“Can you keep a promise?” he asked

“Sure.” She replied.

The little boy sat up and cleared his throat. His face turned into a serious expression and he held the little girl’s hand. He presented a small picture of the girl.

“When we grow up we’re gonna get married.” The little boy said.

The girl just looked at him with a poker face. The little boy blinked his eyes realizing he just made a confession. He let go of the girl’s hand and looked away with a blush.

There was a short silence before the little boy talked once again.

“H-hey I’m sorry for saying that. I didn’t—“ his voice was cut off by the little girl’s actions.

She leaned in and placed her soft tender lips against his trembling one. Her eyes closed as they kissed. All the boy could do was to blink and stare and the little girl’s face. He held on to the patch of grass as the girl broke the kiss. He felt his ears redden as his heart trembled. She gave him her sweet smile...

Your eyes slowly lifted with the sound of Yoona waking you up. “Unnie~” she teased with her baby voice that you always found annoying yet cute at the same time. “Aish~” you said while you sat up. The three of you were lounging around, trying to figure out what to do this day when someone knocked on the door. “Who is that?” Taeyeon said while she stood up and opened the door. A maid in her uniform entered with a huge rack of gowns and dresses. You umma slowly entered the room.

“Good morning sunshines!” she exclaimed to the three of you.

“Annyeong umma~” Yoona and Tayeon said while they gave your umma a hug since they were close with each other.

“What’s up with the clothes mom?” you asked

“Oh! Yes! Today is your dad’s company ball and also our last day here.” She said with a wide smile.

“Aww...our last day?” Yoona said obviously disappointed.

“A ball?” Taeyeon asked with one of her eyebrows up.

“Yes. S.M. Entertainment’s going to have our yearly ball as a celebration of our achievements this year. Everyone from our company is invited and also the important sponsors and people of the industry. We’re also going to have potential universal partners so we need to impress.” Sje explained as she left the room. She just left like that?

“Here are the dresses you can pick from for the ball. Your coordinator and hair and make-up stylists will shortly arrive.” The maid explained as two more maids entered to assist you three.

As if on cue a tall thin man wearing a tight suit with his hair in a sleek ponytail entered. You then boomed with his voice a greeting with his weird accent.

“Bonjour belles dames! I am Ceasar, your outfit coordinator.”

Right away he examined one of you starting from Yoona.

“Ah... modèle comme body. That means you have a model-like body dear. To show off your tall height and your slim body you shall wear a maxi dress. Powder colour to emphasize your porcelain skin.” Ceasar snapped his fingers. One if the maids presented a long ashen dress as they took Yoona away into one of the changing screens the brought with them.

“Moving on! Ahh~ comme une poupée victorienne! (like a Victorian doll). Although you’re not as tall your proportions are balanced. To show height and your smooth skin I’ll give you a short dress.” Once again he snapped and a maid showed a black short dress as Taeyeon was taken away.

“Lastly...our femme fatale! You have natural curves and long slender legs. Light material to drape over your body, emphasizing your curves.” He did the same and a light purple dress was assigned to you.

One by one you all stepped out. First of was Yoona who looked like a goddess as she stepped out the changing screen. She always looks like a goddess.

Next up was Taeyeon who was shockingly y in her short black mini dress. Aww...our unnie’s a woman now.

Lastly it was you. You had to admit you were surprised to see your appearance. I look...beautiful...

After the gruesome hours of touch ups and other preparations the three of you were ready to go. Before you left you snatched the ring Kris gave you and wore it.

The three of you together with your whole outfit crew arrived the main ballroom. The huge wooden doors opened and you, Yoona and Taeyeon stepped in. You didn’t like attention to yourself but it was obvious the three of you looked like Greek goddesses. Soon as you stepped into the scene everyone turned their heads towards your direction.

You had to separate with your friends since you are Lee Soo Man’s daughter you had to entertain certain people and meet you father’s partners. You were escorted by your umma and appa to a table with a bunch of men in suits and tuxedos.

“Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Kang.” You father greeted

“Oh! Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Lee! What a grand party!” he exclaimed while standing up.

“Tsk! You haven’t changed a bit!” your umma said.

“Oh! By the way this is our daughter, Tiffany.” Your appa introduced.

“Annyeonghaseyo. My name’s Tiffany.” You said with a bow.

“What a beautiful young lady. I’d like you to meet my son, Seungyeol.” Mr. Kang said. A boy with dark hair and dark eyes stood up from the table. He had sharp features and deep eyes. You couldn’t help noticing how he reminded you of Kris. Weird.

“Ah...I think Seungyeol would love to get to know Tiffany more.” Mr. Kang proceeded.

Seungyeol irritatedly sighed and held out his hand towards you. Tsk! Guess he’s rude like Kris. “Ah...I-i—“ you were cut off by your father’s voice.

“Of course Tiffany would want that too. Am I right?” he said obviously not getting you didn’t like this Seungyeol guy. You glanced over to your mom who gave you a small nod. Aish.

The two of you walked towards the dance floor. Seungyeol immediately held onto your hand and hip while you struggled on how to position yourself.

“Place your hand on my shoulder and keep your chin up.” He said with an irritated tone.

Obviously you weren’t Miss Sunshine yourself as thought of snarky comment to tell him later.

He then paced with the music leaving you to stumble on your dress.

“God. Don’t you know how to dance?” he said with his same y tone.

“Well I’m sorry. I didn’t really want to dance.” You replied looking away as you muttered “Especially with someone like you.”

“Excuse me? What did you say?” he snapped clearly hearing your brave comment.

You sighed and looked straight into his dark eyes. “You heard me. I don’t want to dance with you nor do I want to even have any skin contact with you.” You bravely commented.

His face was priceless, obviously he wasn’t used to harsh words from any girl in fact girls were head over heels for him but then he smirked. His hand held on to your wrist instead of your hand. His grip slowly tightening until your wrist bruned.

“You know you’re beautiful for a girl without manners.” He smirked at you

You tried loosening his grip but you couldn’t.

“Let go of me.” You demanded

“What if I don’t want to.” He teased even more. let go.

“Then I’ll punch you in the balls.” You snapped.

“Oooh...I like my girls feisty.” He said leaning into your neck. I like my Seungyeols dead.


Once you felt him come closer you started wriggling yourself to escape but you were no match with his strength. Lord! Please don’t make me a victim! Tears were about to form when a voice said. “May I have this dance?” You looked at the person beside you. Thank you God! For sending me this !

Seungyeol let go of you and moved away with a final glare at you. Kris then filled in his spot. Unlike Seungyeol the , Kris gently held on to your hands and slowly on to your hip. He felt your arms tremble. The colour of your face was off.

“T-thanks.” You let out a shaky breath.

“You shouldn’t just dance off with strangers.” He said with concern.

“I know.” You flashed him a weak smile.

Even though you’re smile was half-hearted Kris couldn’t help feeling relief that he was near you to protect you. He glanced and his eyes widened when he saw you were wearing the ring he gave you.

“What’s up with you? You’ve been kind to me all this time.” You asked.

“Maybe it’s because I like you.” Kris said while his face leaned into yours.

You looked away obviously not comfortable with the distance between you two. Your cheeks turned crimson red as your heart skipped a few beats.

“Maybe you feel the same way?” he then went closer.

You gathered all your strength and said “Maybe you’re just bluffing.”

“Maybe.” Kris replied back away.

You stood there while you could hardly breathe. Maybe your heart skipped a beat. Your chest tightened with his words. Maybe? So is it true or not?!


Longer Chap!!! ^o^ It's still test weak but I haven't studied T^T It's because I love you guys~

Hopefully the next chap's them leaving Jeju -_-



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130321 Chap 31 is up! Please give me encouraging comments *sehun aegyo* :3


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jadesone #1
Chapter 31: O.O!!!
Chapter 30: O____O WHOA, WHOA, WHOOOAAAAA. OH HO HOOOOOHHH. "I want you." omg, i died.
Chapter 30: O______________O OHMAIGAWSH ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww;
Chapter 30: I'm really sorry for the VERY long wait. I just got a huge writers block and I kinda got confused with my own story line :( I apologize also for the short-ness of chap.30. Yes, I know I'm an arse. I'll definately try my best to get out of haitus :D
Chapter 29: Waiting for next chapter :/
Imkickassable #8
Nooo please more krisfany :(()