
as the [C 0 0 K i E] crumbles

"This is awful." Onew noted, chewing his food dutifully.

Kim rolled her eyes as she maneuvered around him in the kitchen. "Well then why are you eating it?"

Onew swallowed down his mouthful, picking at the chicken. "Because it's food and it's in my kitchen."

"Right, of course. That makes so much sense." Youhee gave him a dry look, shuffling a deck of cards.

"Seriously ." Angel gave a hefty sigh, glancing at the time on her cell phone. "Who wastes time wedding planning on a Friday night? A club night?"

Onew pulled a face as the soft sound of feet padding down the stairs and a single voice came into earshot. "My sister."

"... and we're leaning towards fruitier cocktails, right?.... yeah, I'll see if he can manage that." AhRi came into the room, her phone pressed to her ear.

Joan bristled in agitation and snatched the phone. "Hello? Katy?... Yeah, it's Joan.  AhRi will have to call you back tomorrow, we're running late right now.... Okay, see you later girl, bye."

She ended the call and held the phone out to AhRi, who snatched it back. "Rude."

"You can finish planning when we meet Katy at the club, let's go already."  Youhee said, placing the cards down on the table.

"She's not meeting us there, she's sending Junho's brothers to make the decision instead." AhRi told them matter-of-factly.

Angel frowned. "So you're going to be doing business?... At the club?"

"Forget that, Junho has brothers?" Joan asked. "Are they fine? 'Cause Junho isn't bad looking, do they look like him?"

"Tch, single women." Kim sneered teasingly.  Joan gave her a small, playful glare.

"One, it isn't business, I'm helping a friend.  She's your friend too, last time I checked." AhRi said. "And two, I expect all of you to behave."

'Of course~" Youhee gave her version of an innocent look.


"If this is behaved, I don't want to see them acting out." AhRi told Kim dryly as the two of them stood by the bar, watching their friends.

"We're at a club, AhRi." Kim nudged her. "Loosen up."

AhRi sighed and glanced around. "Maybe after I help get the bartending straight for Katy's wedding.  She said Junho's brothers look exactly like him, but I don't see any mini Junhos running around here."

"Maybe because you need to look a little higher.  Like a giant Junho." Kim nodded her head in one direction.

"Hi, I'm Jihoon." A man who uncannily resembled Junho approached. "And this is Joon, we're Junho's older brothers.  You're AhRi, right?"

AhRi's mouth formed a small 'o' as she studied the two men before snapping out of it. "Yes, that's me.  And this is Kim.  Nice to meet both of you."

"Wow hyung, Junho didn't say the bridesmaids would be so pretty.' The shorter one, Joon, gave a dazzling smile.

Kim gave a soft snort and touched AhRi's elbow. "I'm gonna go make sure the girls didn't get into too much trouble."

AhRi watched as Kim headed off, before turning back to the two men and giving a polite smile. "Well, shall we get started?"

"Of course." Jihoon smiled right back. "I was told that Katy was interested in something a little sweeter."

Joon interjected before AhRi could speak. "As much as I'd like to stay and taste the little girly drinks, I think I'll hit the floor now.  Let me know when you get around to the hard liquor."

Jihoon shook his head, watching as Joon ducked into the crowd. "That boy is trouble.  I thought I was a good influence on him, I guess not."

"I'm sure he's not that bad." AhRi said. 'You're the oldest then?"

"Thirty one this year.  I'm getting old." Jihoon sighed.

"Really?" AhRi raised an eyebrow. "You don't look it.  Thirty one is far from old anyway, you've still got a lot of kick left to you."

Jihoon laughed. "Such comforting words when they come from a young beauty."

"Well," AhRi flashed a smile, feeling her face heating up just slightly. "Shall we get down to business now?"


"We've been here for how long and you haven't been on the floor yet?" Youhee frowned as she approached the bar where AhRi was. "Some guy named Hyun-somethin' is all over Angel, and Joan's got it bad for this hot guy Joon, and you, Miss Constantly Single, are over here-"

"Working out the drink menu with Jihoon." AhRi interrupted. "Junho and Joon's older brother."

Youhee blinked and glanced over at the man.  An apologetic smile instantly spread across her face. "Oh, hi. I'm Youhee, nice to meet you."

"Jihoon." He smiled back and shook her hand.

"Well then." Youhee gave a sly smile and took a step back. "I guess I'll leave you two to business.  Have fun~ Take initiative~"

'ChaChi.' AhRi warned.  Youhee wiggled her fingers in a wave and quickly departed.




This is where it pauses for now.  I know you see quite a bit of AhRi and not so much of the other four, but I'm just nudging things into place. And this chapter did set up quite a bit of stuff!

I'm quite confident none of you have any idea where this is going, and if you do, by the end you'll look back and see how wrong you were. ^.~

So many loops I have to put you through, the next chapter gets more into it.  Depending on when I get my homework done and how much more work is assigned, I'll have that done somewhere between Wednesday and next Monday.  As it is now, I've got an essay due and a test on Thursday, which isn't too much work.  But then I should read up on Psychology, and I have no idea what my history professor is gonna assign.

See if you can make any guesses to what's gonna happen in this story.  It won't have much to do with the ending, 'cause I have A LOT to reveal but maybe it might apply to the next few chapters.

Hate the writing in this but hope you enjoy anyways~

Oh, and this is one of the chapters that should have called for interaction, but gosh darn it my history professor loaded me down and I forgot to ask. You could do a club outfit for this chapter if you wanted to and I'll go back and stick up the link.

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lmao Hyunseung is an airhead xD ah we're getting serious huh? sa-weet~! *pumps fist into air*<br />
check you out, you got a date with Jihoon ;D go AhRi! xD<br />
good luck to Kim & Daesung~<br />
update soon~!
WOOT!! XD Ahri´s finally giving in to Jihoon´s charm! (although he´s old and stuff LOL)<br />
It´s so funny how Junho´s brothers just got themselves dates simply by making decisions on cocktails (and who know´s if they did that job well XD).<br />
Hyunseung better prepare to meet our high standards for being Angel´s bf! ;D<br />
<br />
LOL, Laudry seems to be pretty relaxing for you^^
You're an angel ♥ LOL short but sweet. FINALLY, they're going on dates, so happy :'D And yeah that's right, Katy got her way ;) LMAO I'm glad you've made up your mind, and yes, break's coming, so exciting!
so you made up your mind now? :)
lady you better not say that about your writing again! >.<<br />
it was a short update but I loved it :)<br />
Hyunseung is in a world of hurt if he messes with Angel xD jk<br />
girl kick Jjong out of your place xD<br />
anyway waiting for the next update<br />
hwaiting! <3