The End

Sweet Love


Hyuk turned the corner and saw their large company building a little bit ahead of him. He started running towards it with the small teddy bear still in his hands but then he slowed down a couple of yards away from the entrance when he saw Leo and another man coming out. They talked to each other for a bit and Hyuk was too afraid to approach. It was the CEO. He had a file in his hand which Hyuk guessed was Leo's contract. The CEO smiled, patted Leo on the back, shook his hand and left. 

Hyuk was breathing heavily as he watched the scene. He felt a little numb inside and he immediately thought the worst. He had signed it. Leo-hyung had signed the contract. He was leaving him. Hyuk swallowed the lump that was emerging in his throat and his eyes started to water.

Leo turned around and saw Hyuk. He was still in his pajamas and he couldn't help but think he looked so cute. He started walking towards him and as he got closer he realized that the maknae was crying. Hyuk furiously brushed his tears away as he saw Leo approaching. 

He didn't understand. Why was he crying? Leo reached out to touch Hyuk's face but to his surprise Hyuk slapped his hand away. The maknae wouldn't make eye-contact. 

"H-Hyuk." Leo called softly as he held Hyuk by his waist and tried to pull him in closer. Hyuk struggled to get out of his grip and finally ended up pushing Leo away roughly. Leo was a bit stunned and hurt at Hyuk's action. The maknae turned around and started walking away. 

Leo looked at his Hyuk's retreating figure as a sharp pain started spreading from his left side. 

Leo called out again, "Hyuk!" Leo started running after Hyuk, "You can't just leave like that!" Leo called out. That's when Hyuk stopped in his tracks. He turned around to face Leo who was a few feet away. Hyuk's eyes were pink from crying. 

"I-I can't leave?" Hyuk managed to choke out as he looked at Leo straight in the eyes. Hyuk was getting a little frustrated at Leo cluelessness. The maknae had a pained expression on his face as he tried to stop himself from crying. Leo took a step in Hyuk's direction before a small white teddy bear was thrown at him. It bounced off of Leo's chest and landed on the ground. It was the teddy bear Hyuk had won Leo. It was the teddy bear Hyuk had ran all the way from the dorm to the building with. It was the teddy bear with the red string tied like a bow around its neck. Leo bent down to pick it as the pain in his chest put a lump in his throat and beckoned his eyes to shed some tears but he didn't. 

Leo stood back up just in time to have more knives thrown at him.

"I-I'm leaving?" Hyuk asked incredously "You're the one who is leaving me!" Hyuk finally screamed out and Leo finally understood. Hyuk knew about his contract.

Sitting in that room with the CEO leaning over his shoulder while he contemplated his decision was stressful but even before coming into the room, he had his decision figured out. He couldn't leave. He belonged with VIXX. He wasn't Jung Taekwoon, the singer, just yet; for now he was Leo, VIXX's Main vocalist but more than anything he was Leo whose heart belonged to VIXX's maknae, Hyuk. The decision was easy.

"I'm sorry but I can't sign this." Leo got up from his chair "I want to debut with VIXX." Leo looked at the CEO straight in the eye to show him that he was serious. 

The CEO sighed "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?"

"I'm sorry but ... but I can't leave VIXX." Leo had his mind set so with that the meeting was over and the two left the building, the CEO praising Leo on his dedication. 

Leo looked at the crying Hyuk in front of him and it broke his heart. How could he ever think that he would leave him? Leo reached out for Hyuk's wrist and pulled him into a hug. Hyuk tried to force himself out of the hug but in the end he hugged Leo back and cried into in chest. 

"Don't leave, hyung. Please." Hyuk whispered into Leo's chest as he hid his face. Leo couldn't talk; a lump was emerging in his throat.

The small white teddy bear was still in Leo's hand. Leo looked down at it. The red string was blowing around in the light breeze that was passing. 

"The string may twist, it may knot up, and it may tangle but it will never break"

Leo unknotted the string form around the bear's neck and tossed the bear onto the grass. He took one end of the red string and quietly tied it around his ring finger on his right hand. Then without explanation(Leo was a man of few words) he took Hyuk's left hand. Hyuk looked up from Leo's chest to see what Leo was doing. Quietly Leo tied the other end of the red string onto Hyuk's ring finger. 

"because those two people are meant for each other"

The red string billowed in the breeze as Hyuk watched it and he understood. Leo let their fingertips touch then intertwined their fingers, the red string inescapable between the palms of their hands. Leo turned to Hyuk and smiled. Hyuk was still a bit confused as he stared into Leo's eyes.


"I'm not leaving." Leo said simply and rested his forehead on Hyuk's. The maknae's cheeks turned a gentle rose color.

If Leo could always feel this way, the way he felt when he was with Hyuk, then things would be perfect. If he could just save all the feelings that were surging through him right now and save it so it would last forever, he would. If he could ... the wind was blowing pleasantly and without thinking Leo took his free hand and held Hyuk face and leaned in and met their lips, removing all doubt. Leo was staying and that's all that mattered to Hyuk. 

The kiss was as sweet as Leo imagined it would be. Their lips seemed to fit perfectly together, every curve of Leo's lips seemed to fit into the curves of Hyuk's lips. And that's how they stayed.

AN: Sorry for the late update guys ;A; I was trying to think of new ideas for more fanfiction but good ideas don't come easily so~ I feel as though I ended it too abruptly. But Thank you to everyone for supporting my story this far ^^ I really did appreciate it! I also learned a lot from my first fanfiction so I'll know how to make future stories better :) So please look out for them? Thank you so much~ Hope you enjoyed the story~

Also, did you guys hear? VIXX is coming to America!! No joke! They'll be performing as the main act on Friday at the Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland!! I can't see them cause I don't live anywhere close to there but for everyone who is going, please support VIXX, they're just rookies and they're already coming to America to perform. They might be nervous so please cheer loudly for them! ^^ VIXX fighting!

Also, if you would like, check out my other VIXX fanfictions:

The Victorious Six | Various Parings | Rated G to PG-13

Shielded Hearts | N/Ravi | Rated M | Coming Soon

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(੭ ˃̶̀ロ˂̶́)੭⁾ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡
Chapter 6: Very wholesome and very sweet. A-very nice
Chapter 6: Jeez this is to cute. While I am reading this, all.I can do is coo over this adorable couple.
Chapter 1: Ouh my gosh. These gifs are making it even more awkward and realistic than it is ???
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 1: aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is giving me a flash back when they all still a fetus
Chapter 6: Awwww so cute!!!
Chapter 6: ....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I think I died! Nice job ^^