Chapter 3

Confusing love story

Your POV

The sun was shining brightly when I woke up. It was another day of school. I did my daily routine and ate breakfast. Soon, I left my house. As I was waiting at my bus stop, I felt someone staring at me. I had always felt that someone was watching me since last year but I did not bother about it. I was used to it. But what I didn't know was that the ones who were staring were the kingkas, Key and Taemin. The bus arrived and I went on it. I sat on my usual seat. 

*BEEP* I recieved a message. It was from my Sara. She said for me to meet her in the class for an emergency. I wonder what it could be.

I quickly alighted the bus and took my things from my locker and hurried off to my classroom.

"Hey Sara! What is the emergency?" I asked Sara when I reached the table she was sitting at.

"It's about Tricia," she replied worried.

"What happened?" I questioned her.

"Let's talk during our break ok?" she said when the teacher arrived.

I went to my seat and looked infront and saw that Tricia did not come to school. I was really curious. I decided to doodle and not listen to the teacher since it was History lesson. 

"I am now going to give you guys a History project. You will have to be in pairs and I would choose," the teacher said.

Well, I hoped it was with my best friends. My class is an odd number class so, there would be a group with three people instead of two. Oh yeah did I mention? The kingkas were in the same class as me. Most of the girls were dying to be paired up with them. 

"Key, you are paired up with ________," the teacher announced.

I was shocked when I heard he will be paired up with me. When I looked up from my desk, most of the girls were giving me death glares.

Key's POV

I felt both excited and happy that I get to be partners with ______. I saw that most of the girls were giving death glares to her. Hahaha. Be jealous that I got partnered up with _______. I seriously hated some of the girls here. They were snobbish. Luckily I didn't get partnered with one of them.  Well, I sort of wish that Taemin would be paired with me and ___________. I didn't want him to get paired up with those girls that I do not like. I was relieved when he got paired up with Sara and Tricia, __________, friend.  I felt that they were not snobbish like the other girls here. I just can't wait till we start the project.

Taemin's POV

I was quite disappointed that I did not get to be partnered with __________. At least I was partnered with her friends. It was better than being paired up with the other people here. Except for Key and _____. I was also jealous that Key got ______ as his partner. 

"Ok now go to your pairs and discuss," the teacher ordered us.

I went to Sara's table. There were only two of us since Tricia was not here. Sometimes I find myself staring at Key and ________. Fine. I was jealous. Luckily, Sara did not caught me looking at them.

Key's POV

I walked to _______. It will be the first time talking to her. My heart is beating really fast. I am so nervous. 

"Hi! I am Kim Kibum. Call me Key," I introduced myself to her taking oout my hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I am __________," she said while shaking my hand.

Awwww. How cute. She is like the most adorable person that I met other than Taemin. I sat beside her and started discussing. I can't help but stare at her. Soon, it was our break. 

"When are we going to do the project?" she asked me.

"How about today?" I asked her.

"That's fine with me," she replied me.

"Meet me outside the library," I told her.

After that, she went to the cafeteria. I went to the cafeteria with Taemin.

Your POV

I still could not believe that I was paired up with Key. Now I know why most girls envy me being paired with me. I hahve not noticed it before but he was hot. I am now in the cafeteria with Sara.

"So what did you wanna tell me about Tricia?"I asked.

"Well, she is in the hospital right now," she said.

"What?!" I shouted but only loud enough for us to hear, "What happened?"

"Her mom called me just now morning and told me she was in the hospital as Tricia was involved in an accident that occured yesterday. She said she did not want to call me yesterday as she was scared that we wouldn't go to school today. She told me to tell you this also," she explained.

"Let's go see her today," I said forgetting that I had to do a project with Key.

"Sure. She's at __________ Hospital," she said.

We quickly finished our food and went back to our class. That's when I remembered that I had to do a project with Key after school today. I guess I will have to cancel it.

"Hey! Um... Key? About the project, I can't do it today. My friend, Tricia, is in the hospital right now and I will be visiting her today after school. I hope you will understand this and we could maybe do this project tomorrow?" I said.

"Okay," he said and I heard a hint of disappointment in his statement.

So, I went back to my seat and took out my English book. I don't really care about English as I had lived abroad before. Sara too.

Key's POV

I was disappointed when she cancelled the project we had to do today but at least she said that she would do it tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. 

Heyy! Another update!^^

Thanks for those who subscribed. :))

Luv u <3

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Heyy!!^^ I am stuck writing Chapter 3


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Update soon~!
memememe3296 #2
@Acacia_Nightwing Thank you so much. I'll probably update this on Tuesday since I am free on that day^^
wow i hope there would be more event. Will cheer you. Fighting!