Chapter 2

Confusing love story

Key's POV

When I arrived at the bus stop I saw my crush ________. I felt my heart beating fast just by looking at her. People might think I am weird liking a person like her. I don't care what people say. I like her and its my decision. I saw her sitting on the bus stop seat.  I wanted to go and talk to her but I remembered that I was with Taemin. It might be weird if I talk to her and leave Taemin out. I decided to just sit down on a seat that was next to her.

Taemin's POV

I was walking to the bus stop with my best friend, Key. Suddenly, I saw _________. She was cute listening to music while waiting for the bus to arrive. I wanted to talk to her but I just followed where Key goes scared of being nagged by him. Gosh, I can't stand it when he nags at me. It can go on for as long as he wants to.  Yay! The bus finally arrived. We sat at our usual seats. We sat near ______, which was great as I get to admire her. (Hahaha. K. LOL.)

Your POV

I got down the bus when I arrived school. I met up with my best friends, Sara and Tricia. I had known Sara since last year as I was transfered to this school last year and I only knew Tricia since she was a transfer student this year. I don't know but once we knew each other, we became close and soon we became best friends. We would always hang out with each other. We have fun around each other. We would always fangirl about SNSD. We got our things from our locker. Our locker was beside each other. Our first period was Science. Gosh how I hate science. We went in our class and sat at our seats where the teacher had appointed to us. I was sad when I couldn't seat anywhere I wanted to seat. If I could I would seat with my best friends. The class was really noisy. There were students who were walking around, sleeping and some were playing catching or making tricks. 

"Class! Get back to your seat now!" our science teacher shouted. "Today, we are going to learn about elements," she continued.

While she was talking, I was busy doodling on my notebook. All of a sudden, there was a paper being thrown onto my desk. I opened it and it was Sara asking me whether I was free after school. I wrote down no and passed the paper to Tricia who was sitting infront of me. I read what she wrote. I passed it back to Sara. Soon, the lesson ended.

"Sara! Why did you ask if we were free after school?" Tricia asked.

" I thought of asking you guys out and go to the mall," she replied casually.

" I guess we're going then," I said.

We got ready for our next lesson which was Maths. I wonder why our first period have to start with the subject I disliked the most. It was giving me headache. We do not have to change room for all of our lessons unless it is Physical Education and our break. We were given a worksheet that we were supposed to complete. Before we do the worksheet, our maths teacher would explain it to us. Usually, when I understand the method, I would complete all the exercises when the teacher asked us to finish it.

________________________________SKIP TO BREAK________________________________________________ 

We quickly queued for the food. We found a place to eat. We sat down and started eating and talked about SNSD. We used our phones which we were not supposed to but we break the rules anyway. 

_________________________________SKIP TO THE MALL_____________________________________________

"So what do you guys wanna do first?" I asked.

"Let's go to the shop where they sell KPOP!" Tricia yelled. There were only some people who looked at us with weird faces but we didn't mind it.

We quickly went there and searched for SNSD stuffs. We usually buy our SNSD stuff here. We bought SNSD posters that had just arrived. After buying those, we went to find ourselves some clothes and shoes. Then we went to eat. After eating, we parted ways. I had fun shopping with them.


Heyy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it is boring. I am gonna make it more interesting. 

Those are my best friends in real life. We all fangirl about SNSD. SNSD is Amazing. SHINee is AWESOME too. Hahaha. K. Bye. Leave comments yeah?

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Heyy!!^^ I am stuck writing Chapter 3


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Update soon~!
memememe3296 #2
@Acacia_Nightwing Thank you so much. I'll probably update this on Tuesday since I am free on that day^^
wow i hope there would be more event. Will cheer you. Fighting!