You Don't Deserve Her

I'm Engaged to a BEAST???

Kikwang’s POV

I looked at the clock. Yuri has been out for over an hour now. She was out with Mir. No one knows about that except for me. I overheard her conversation last night with Mir. It was rude of me, but I couldn’t help it.

When I heard she was arranging plans to meet up with him, I wanted to tag along and eavesdrop even more but then I thought twice about it and decided to let her have her privacy with Mir.

So now, I sat outside in the living room, anxiously waiting for her to come home. I looked at the time. It was seven in the evening. She left at five forty-five. How long did they have to talk?

Yoseob and Dongwoon just finished playing video games. Over in the kitchen, Junhyung was writing lyrics for his new song and Hyunseung was watching the maknaes as they played their game.

Doo Joon came out of his room.

Yoseob looked up. “Hyung, I’m hungry,” he pouted. “Can we go out and eat?”

“But Yuri isn’t home yet,” Dongwoon pointed out.

He looked at the time and ran a hand through his hair, a vexed expression on his face. “Where the hell can she be?” he boomed. “She told me she’d be back by six-thirty and now she’s half an hour late. She could have called!”

“Where did she go?” Junhyung asked.

He shrugged. “She just told me she’s going out,” he replied, “and told me what time she would be back.”

“So you don’t know who she went out with?” Hyunseung blinked. “Hyung, how could you? What if something bad happens to her?”

I began to grow worried. Hyunseung is right. But she’s with Mir, I reminded myself. She probably just lost track of time, being with the guy she loves.

I clenched my fist with jealousy.

I decided to speak up and tell them where she was. Doo Joon was getting pretty worried. But as soon as I opened my mouth, his phone went off.

It was probably Yuri.

I sat back in my chair.

Doo Joon whipped his phone out and confusion came upon his face. “Joon?” he said, forgetting about his manners. “What’s the matter? Why are you calling? Is this about Yuri?” He looked really surprised.

Every one of us exchanged glances. Why was Joon calling him? Please, don’t tell me something bad happened to Yuri. I hope he was just calling because he wanted to congratulate us on our debut.

Yea, that was it.

Suddenly we saw Doo Joon’s face turning pale, colors draining from his face. “What do you mean Yuri is in the hospital?” he choked.

Our eyes widened and we all exchanged gobsmacked looks. Yuri is what? What nonsense is this?! What did Mir do to her?!

Images of him beating her up flashed before my mind. I clenched my fist tighter, my nails sinking into my skin.

“What?” Yoseob gasped.

He better not be the reason why she’s in the hospital or else I will personally beat him up.

Doo Joon hung up. He grabbed his keys without saying a word and strode out of the apartment. The rest of us got up and followed.

Dongwoon, being the last one out, turned the lights off and locked the door behind us before hurrying to catch up. We thought Doo Joon would have gone off without us but luckily he was waiting for us in the car.

We all trudged in wordlessly, too shocked and angry to say anything. Yuri better be all right. She better be fine. I hope she’s okay.

“Hyung, what happened?”

“A car knocked her down.”

The two maknaes gasped and covered their mouth with horror. Hyunseung and I exchanged worried glances, not believing this, while behind us, we heard Junhyung muttering, “Oh, .”

Doo Joon concentrated on the road.

It was a bad time to be having a jam because he was really impatient. “,” he kept cursing. “Come on. We need to beat this jam. We have to get to Yuri.”

I started feeling guilty. Maybe I should have followed her, made sure she was all right. Why did I leave her alone? I could have just followed her but stayed clear out of her way so she wouldn’t see me eavesdropping and so I can’t hear her but I can see her.

Then before she left, before the car banged into her, I could have walked up, acting surprised to see her and walked her home safely.

That way, she wouldn’t have been hurt.

Damn, why am I so stupid?

Once we got to the hospital and had parked the car, the six of us dashed out of the car and hurried inside. Doo Joon, who was always able to remain calm during a crisis even though he was practically screaming inside, asked the nurse at the reception about Yuri and she directed us to her room.

We ran.

When we got there, we found all of MBLAQ, her friends from Teen Top, Taemin and Minzy all waiting outside of her room.

The sight was depressing. Minzy was crying. Chunji was hugging her, comforting her. Taemin, Niel, Ricky and Changjo were crying as well. CAP had his arms spread around to hug the four of them, whispering soothing words to them while looking upset. L.Joe looked like he died.

Seungho’s face was paler than usual. G.O was trying to hide his tears. Cheon Doong didn’t bother hiding them. Joon kept blinking, staring into space.

“How is she?” Doo Joon asked hoarsely, stopping in front of Joon.

Joon, ashen-faced and pale, shook his head slowly. “Molla,” he whispered.

I glanced over at Mir who was . . . in anguish. He looked terrible.

Did he do something to her?

“How did it happen?” Hyunseung wanted to know. “I mean, where did she get hurt? Why was she there? What was she doing there?”

Seungho shook his head. “We don’t know,” he replied simply. “All we knew was that Mir saw the whole thing. He was walking down the streets when he saw her. She was about to cross the road to see him when the car came and crashed into her.”

I looked at him, frowning. He looked down, not wanting to meet anyone’s gaze. That can’t be right. They should have met each other at six. We only heard about it just now, when it’s after seven.

“What time did it happen?” I blurted out.

Mir didn’t answer.

G.O turned to me, sadness and worry in his eyes. “It was said to have happened around six forty-five like that,” he replied.

Something is definitely not right.

“Mir, can I have a word with you?” I asked him, ignoring the stares of everyone else.

He looked up lifelessly but nodded and followed me to a corner, far away from the others.

“Yeah?” he asked tonelessly.

“What did you and Yuri talk about?”

He frowned. “Didn’t G.O hyung just told you? I saw her crossing the road when it happened.” He was starting to get defensively.

“Look, Mir,” I snapped, my patience wearing into thin line, “I know that you’re lying. I was with her when you called. I stepped out of the room but I wasn’t too far away from her when she asked if she could meet up with you at six at the park. So don’t lie.”

He scowled. “Why are you eavesdropping on her?” he asked. “Are you jealous that she was hanging out with me? Why didn’t you follow us, then?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What. Did. You. Two. Talk. About?” I asked through gritted teeth.

He didn’t say anything.

I was starting to get irritated so I grabbed him by the collar and pinned him up against the wall. He gave a yelp, attracting everyone’s attention. They turned to see and they all yelled, shocked, at the sight. They all came toward the both us.

“Kikwang! Put him down!” Doo Joon ordered.

“What’s going on?” Seungho wanted to know.

“Kikwang!” Hyunseung exclaimed, aghast.

I ignored them, not caring if I was choking Mir. “Damn you,” I hissed between my teeth. “Whatever you did to Yuri, if I find out that it was your fault, I’m going to make sure that you will never be able to reproduce.”

He smirked, his face reddening. “Too late,” he sneered. “Why don’t you ask your precious fiancee how it felt like, being with me?”

I gasped and in my shock, my grip on him loosened, letting him fall to the ground with a thud. Groaning, he rubbed his neck. Seungho rushed to his feet and helped him up. He glared at me.

“What the hell is your problem?” he asked.

I fixed my eyes at Mir who was glaring at me. “You’re only saying this to get on my nerves,” I said, not wanting to believe it. I thought she was a !

Everyone’s gazes went back and fro between the two of us, obviously not understanding our conversation.

He smirked. “Twice,” he replied. “The first was when she found out she’s getting engaged to you. And the second was when you dropped her home from the carnival.”

But . . . that was when we first kissed!

I felt like my heart was being wrenched. I glared at him, taking a step toward him. Seungho blocked him but Mir pushed his leader away, facing me.

“You better tell me the truth or else I will tell everyone what I heard,” I hissed, low enough for only him to hear. “That you lied, that you were actually with Yuri.”

His eyes widened with fear. “That’s blackmail!”

“Take it or leave it.”

He fell silent. “She explained to me why she was with BEAST during your debut instead of being with MBLAQ.”

I could only gape wordlessly at him. “And you didn’t believe her when she told you the truth?!” I screamed at him. “Are you an idiot or what?!”

Tears streamed down his face but I was not going to let him go just because he shed a few tears.

“What else did you tell her?” I growled.

He glanced at everyone, who was still confused, but they looked more worried. “Go back,” he said to them. “It’s fine. He won’t hurt me anymore. I promise. Seungho hyung, just go. I can take care of myself.”

Reluctantly, they left and he turned back to face me. He took a deep breath, shaking vigorously. “I told her I didn’t love her,” he mumbled under his breath, his voice filled with regret. “I said a lot of nasty things to her. I was jealous she was spending a lot time with you. She was upset but she explained to me that when she was hanging out with you because of what the two of you were trying to figure out. After that, she ran off.”

“And when you realized what an idiot you were and went to chase after her, she got into an accident,” I finished for him.

He nodded.

I punched him.

He groaned, but took it. I punched him again. I hit him. I struck him with many blows that Doo Joon and Seungho came rushing to pull us apart.

Everyone else stayed where they were, watching us, not wanting to get in between.

“I hate you!” I yelled at him. “This is all your fault! Can’t you see how much she loves you?! Why are you such an idiot?! Didn’t you know that all this time she was thinking of you? Even when she was with me, she thought of you! She wanted to be with you! How stupid are you? I thought you were supposed to know her better than anyone!”

“Enough!” Doo Joon roared, holding me back while Mir was being supported by Seungho.

I glowered at Mir who refused to meet my eyes but I knew he was paying attention. “You don’t deserve Yuri,” I spat out.



Some of you guys are weird. LOL. It's like, I'm so scared you guys would hate me for what I wrote and did to Yuri and you're like 'best chapter ever'. LOL. Buuutt, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Hehe.

Poor Kikwang. His heart must be in so much pain. But Mir's heart is a thousand times worse D:

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Chapter 77: Aw! All those munchkins... So cute!! :D
b2utygonnabastalker #2
Chapter 36: I never knew Coca-cola was so dangerous o.O...because of it...Junhyung and Jonghyun got into fights...
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Chapter 1: Aish....If only I read your story earlier author-nim..
ORawrO #4
Chapter 76: Jw , How did onew become another godbrother? u only become god siblings when there parents do the sign of cross on u o.O, and their kids and you are siblings unless ur parents/theirs had more god kids....?
Chapter 21: IM LIKE CRYING RITE NOW AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 77: Awwwww i loved the story!!! (Besides the , but iskipped over it) . Anyway, i love how you incorporated alternate endings. It would have been hard to choose! Excellent story, with excellent characters and plot. *applauds*
Chapter 67: Omo!! This story is sssooooo great so far! Minahe for not previously commenting. :) i cannot wait to read the rest. You really know how to capture an audience, or at least my attention. :)
For3ver123 #8
Chapter 28: Aww, you bumm): Why do you have to make me cryy?))))))':