Calling You

I'm Engaged to a BEAST???

Yuri’s POV

My brother . . . hates me now.

But . . . he was being unbelievably unreasonable! He did not even give me a chance to explain, to tell him that it was all Appa’s doing! He never even gave me a chance to speak! How could he?

I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to spill and I didn’t have the strength to wipe them away. I felt . . . numb. Like I’ve died or something.

I tried calling Cheon Doong, Seungho and G.O so I can explain to them but none of them picked up. Are they all avoiding me?

I hesitated to call Mir. In the end, I didn’t. It wouldn’t be any use. He probably wouldn’t answer the phone either, I bet.

I don’t know how long I sat there for, on my bed, with my phone in my hand. I was staring at the wall in front of me, not thinking of anything.


I jumped at the sound of Kikwang’s voice form the door.

He had, apparently, been watching me for a while, not sure what he should have done, when he came inside and took in my unpacked bag and my faraway gaze.

“Are you okay?” he asked hesitantly.

Then only it was when I realized that tears were falling down my face. I quickly reached up to wipe the tears away, looking down.

He came over to me. “Are you okay?” he asked again, a look of concern in his eyes. “Why are you crying? What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

I didn’t say anything.


“Can you leave me alone for awhile?” I tried to sound as nice as I could but it still hurt him. I knew because I saw the hurt in his eyes.

But he nodded, hugged me, stood up and left, closing the door behind him as he did. A few seconds later, Doo Joon came barging in, his eyes growing wide and I have a feeling that Kikwang told him that I was crying.

Aish, what an overprotective fool this guy is, Doo Joon.

He came over to me and put his arms around me. “What is the matter?” he asked. “Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you crying?”

I buried my face in his chest. Since I was more familiar with him, I felt comfortable telling him why I was crying. “My brother called me just now. He was angry. He told me that he and MBLAQ saw me on the television just now when they were watching the report of your debut. I was standing the crowd. They were mad and he yelled at me because he thought I chose BEAST over MBLAQ, that I preferred to go and support you instead of him. But it wasn’t like that! I support the both of you. It’s just that my appa was the one who made me come here! I actually wanted to go see them first but he wouldn’t let me!”

“Did you tell Joon that?”

I shook my head.

“Why not?”

“He wouldn’t let me,” I wailed. “He kept cutting through, yelling and not giving me a chance to speak. Then he hung up on me. I tried calling the others but none of them picked up their phone! Are they avoiding me? Oppa, why does this always happen to me?”

He hugged me, frowning. “Sweetie, I wish I knew,” he murmured. “I know you’re still in love with Mir. I know that it hurts that you have to break up with him and marry Kikwang when you barely know him.”

I sniffled and he just hugged me tighther. “Oppa, I want Mir back,” I cried.

He kissed my temple. “I know, dear, I know,” he replied sympathetically. There was nothing else he could say and I didn’t blame him.

After awhile, I pulled apart from him and looked up to his eyes. “Oppa, can I be alone for awhile please?” I asked.

He hesitated but then nodded. “All right.” He kissed my temple again and stood up. “Please unpack your clothes while you’re at it. I know you’re upset but you can’t ignore the clothes.”

I sighed as he exited, leaving me my time alone. So that was what I did. I unpacked my stuff. I tried calling them again but no answers. I even gathered the courage to call Mir but he didn’t answer my phone calls either.

When I was done packing, I got into my bed and went to sleep.


Doo Joon’s POV

I’m worried about my god-sister. She stayed in her room for the rest of the afternoon. I cannot believe that Joon was so stupid. But then again, it’s Joon. He tends to overreact and he never bothered to let other people tell him their side of the story. He believes that the only version that was right is his version.

What an idiot.

When it was time for dinner, I told Yoseob to get her as everyone else gathered around the dining table to eat. I sent him because I was hoping that the visual maknae would be able to make her happy with his bubbly attitude. When he went inside, we heard partially the conversation.

“Hey, Yuri, it’s time for dinner,” he said cheerily. “Let’s eat! You must be hungry!”

“I’m not hungry,” we heard Yuri replied dully.

Everyone else on the table were confused except for Kikwang, who looked worried.

“Oh. I see.” Yoseob came back out, pouting a little, for he was disappointed that he couldn’t make her happy. “Hyung, I failed,” he said miserably. “Why does she look so unhappy? Did I say something wrong?”

“Of course not,” I reassured him. “You said nothing wrong. Don’t blame yourself.”

“What’s wrong?” Hyunseung wanted to know, looking at the door with a worried face.

Kikwang shot him a glare but he didn’t notice.

“Just leave her alone for now,” I said and everyone turned back. “I’ll get some food for her to eat later. Let her rest.”

“Why is she upset?” Dongwoon asked.

Kikwang shot him the look now.

I rolled my eyes at him and he shrugged defensively. But to the others, I lied, “She’s not unhappy; she’s just tired.” I didn’t think that it was their business to know. And besides, they might get offended over the fact that she preferred MBLAQ over BEAST, ignoring the fact that she has known them longer than she’s known us and that her brother and her ex-boyfriend are in the group.

Kikwang looked at me suspiciously because he knew that I was lying. I made a mental note to tell him later. But not right now, with the others around.

Shrugging, we all dug in.

After dinner, Kikwang offered to take food for Yuri and I didn’t object. I just hope that he doesn’t get his hopes crushed or whatever.


Kikwang’s POV

When I entered the room, Yuri was sitting on her bed, her knees up to her chest, her hands wrapped around them, her blanket covering her legs, and Yuri was just staring into the distance.


She looked up, startled.

I held out the plate of rice. “Food for you.”

“I’m not hungry,” she said softly.

I sat down next to her. “You have to eat,” I replied. “I’m sure you’re hungry.”

She hesitated before nodding slowly. She reached out and took the plate from my hands before eating her dinner. I smiled, watching her. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear so it wouldn’t fly to .

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly. “Has it got to do with living here with us?”

She shook her head. “Anniyo.” She looked down. “It’s got to do with my stupid brother jumping in conclusions,” Yuri muttered.

“What up?”

She told me what was bothering her. When she was done, my jaws were hanging. I cannot believe her brother is so dumb! How could he not have asked her for her side of the story? Why didn’t he asked her for an explanation and she would have given one which would have cleared up this mess and she wouldn’t be upset.

“How many times have you called them?”

“A couple of times,” she muttered dejectedly. “But they didn’t pick up.”

“Maybe they were busy and weren’t anywhere near their phones?” I suggested.

“Mayeb,” she mumbled. She was about to say something when her phone rang. Her eyes lit up and I wondered who was calling her now. “Excuse me,” she said and answered the phone.

I decided to give her some privacy and walked out of the room. But I was really curious so I decided to hang about in the hall to listen to her conversation.

Luckily no one was outside. Everyone was in their room already.


Mir’s POV

Finally we were allowed to actually take a rest. Even though we came home a few hours ago, our manager asked each of us to individually rehearse our parts for our songs and dance in front of him.

I have no idea why.

I think it was because he needed to make sure that we know our steps and what not. That was a little stupid seeing as we’ve been practicing our arse off to get the moves down. By the time we were done, it was around seven in the evening.

Deng, I’m tired.

We were hungry so we headed off for dinner. When we came back, all of us realized we’d left our phones in the apartment. How we knew? We saw five lights flashing in the darkness as soon as we walked through the door. When we turned the lights on, we saw our phones lying on the coffee table.


Someone called us.

We rushed to check our phones. Who knows, it might be an emergency.

Blood was drained from my face when I saw that I had six missed calls—from Yuri.

“I’ve got six missed calls from Yuri,” Seungho spoke up. he looked up to us.

“Same,” we all said in one voice.

Except for Joon, who looked mad. He scoffed. “She’s just probably trying to make an excuse or something for being there for BEAST instead of being there for us,” he replied but I was already calling her back.

Seungho glanced at me warily. “Are you sure that it’s a good idea for you to call her?” he asked.

But I’d already gone into my room, locking them all out, hoping Yuri would pick the phone up.

Finally I heard a click and the call got through.


“Yuri,” I said, clearing my throat. “Hi, it’s me, Mir.”

“I know. Your name appeared on my ID. I called you guys. A lot of times.”

“Yeah.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “Yuri, listen . . .” I trailed off. What can I say? What if it turns out that she really does support BEAST more than she supported MBLAQ? But before I could even ask or say anything, she was already asking me something.

“Mir Oppa, can we meet up? I need to talk to you.”



Omo! Omo! Omo! They're going to meet up! Huaaaaaaa~ :D but, Kikwang is listening to the conversation! D:

Sorry for the extreme late reply. Uncle came over, kicked my sister out of her room so he could sleep in there. She's bunking with me. So I can't write stories as much as I want to on the computer because she needs her sleep and sometimes she needs to use the computer for her college work. :/

Sorry if I kept you waiting! I hope you guys are happy with this not-so-heartbreaking chapter after so many heartbreaking chapters! :D

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Chapter 77: Aw! All those munchkins... So cute!! :D
b2utygonnabastalker #2
Chapter 36: I never knew Coca-cola was so dangerous o.O...because of it...Junhyung and Jonghyun got into fights...
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Chapter 1: Aish....If only I read your story earlier author-nim..
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Chapter 76: Jw , How did onew become another godbrother? u only become god siblings when there parents do the sign of cross on u o.O, and their kids and you are siblings unless ur parents/theirs had more god kids....?
Chapter 21: IM LIKE CRYING RITE NOW AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 77: Awwwww i loved the story!!! (Besides the , but iskipped over it) . Anyway, i love how you incorporated alternate endings. It would have been hard to choose! Excellent story, with excellent characters and plot. *applauds*
Chapter 67: Omo!! This story is sssooooo great so far! Minahe for not previously commenting. :) i cannot wait to read the rest. You really know how to capture an audience, or at least my attention. :)
For3ver123 #8
Chapter 28: Aww, you bumm): Why do you have to make me cryy?))))))':