Chapter 4: "Let's Be Friends"


You and Mir walked out of the dance room, laughing.

You had become really good friends in the past half hour.

He walked you to your locker and you guys exchanged phone numbers.

Then, he went back to his locker and you were alone.

All of a sudden, your shoulder was thrown into the lockers.

"YAH! You stupid !" some girl screamed.

You cowered back in fear.  Who was this girl?  How were you a ? Questions ran through your mind.

"What's your problem, ?" she yelled in your face.

You took one step back

"Answer me, you !" she hollered.

Your touched the lockers.

Dammit, you thought.

"What are you doing with my Mir oppa?" she yelled at you.

There was a crowd forming now.

So that's what it's about, you thought, since he's famous and talented and cute, girls must like him.

She slapped you across the face.

You held your injured cheek with one hand.

"Jia, stop it," some girl said.

Jia stormed away.

The crowd dissipated.

Your savior walked up to you.

"Sorry about... All that.  Jia's been in love with Mir since he moved here in 6th grade, and if she sees him with another girl, she gets all crazy.  I'm Eun Ah, by the way." 

"It's fine... It's my fault, really.  I'm Hyuna."

"I don't see how it's your fault..."

"Are you and Jia friends?"

"More like mortal enemies. I can't stand that girl.  Mir's my brother.  We're twins.  You and Mir are friends, I suppose?" 

"I guess... He took me to the dance room today and rapped for me.  I had no idea he was famous." 

A small smile played on Eun Ah's lips, and she chuckled.

"Let's be friends, Hyuna." 

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exclusivex3 #1
please update soon^^