Chapter 1: Gone


You sat down in the ship.

Everyone had a grave expression on their faces.

Even Chanyeol, your usually bubbly older brother.

You sat by Kai, your favorite older brother, who was staring out of the window.

"Kai oppa, what's going on?" you asked him.

He turned towards you and wrapped you in his big arms. 

"We're leaving." he whispered back.

Before you could reply, the spaceship started going and he handed you a letter.

From Professor Cho. 


" Hyuna : 

Planet EXO is not safe for you and your brothers anymore.

Your parents' spy jobs have been discovered, and they are currently under arrest.

I do not know what will happen to them.

You must flee.

Earth is the nearest planet.

You and your older brothers will go there. South Korea.

They speak the same language, but it is called Korean instead of EXOTIC.

Your brothers have already been notified and know what to do.

You must learn the customs and fit in as a normal human being.

I trust you, the brains of your family, to do the best job possible and to keep your brothers out of trouble.

But remember to have fun.  Melt some ice.  You should make friends.  It will do you some good.  After all, you'll be there for a while.  Maybe even forever.

You cannot contact me.

Good luck, and I hope we meet again.

~ Professor Cho " 

You reread the letter.  Twice.  Three times.

You gulped and looked up at Kai.

His usual mischevous smirk was gone.  In fact, all the color was gone from his face.  From all of your older brothers' faces.

You processed the information again.

Leaving EXO.  Planet EXO.  Going to Earth.  A completely different planet.

That was why they had told you to pack.


For good.

Without even being able to say goodbye.

Your parents.


Under arrest.

And with that, you passed out.


You woke up to six worried brothers.

"Hyuna, are you okay?" asked Sehun, your youngest oldest brother.

You didn't respond.

"Gone," you whispered, "Gone."

They exchanged worried looks.

Chanyeol traded places with Kai.  He pulled you onto his lap and hugged you tightly.

"It's going to be okay.  Don't worry.  Oppa will make sure of it.  If a bad guy comes, oppa will beat him up with his big muscles.  Arasseo?" he said.

You nodded and a small smile played on your lips.

Chanyeol wasn't your favorite brother.

But he was darn close.

Chanyeol made you feel ... Safe. 

He wasn't the strongest.  Or the tallest.  And definitely not the smartest.

But, he was the kindest.

And the creepiest. 

The boys were explaining things to you.

The spaceship had morphed into a plane about halfway into the flight.

"Please unbuckle your seatbelts and exit through the door to the left." [I have no idea what pilot says so... YEAH !] 

You stepped out of the plane.

And with that, you were on Earth and Planet EXO was gone.

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exclusivex3 #1
please update soon^^