Chapter 3: School Part 1



You groaned as your alarm clock divorced the sweet marriage between you and dreamland.

You got dressed and ready for school. 

Suho and Baekhyun were in 12th grade.

Kyungsoo and Kai were in 11th.

Chanyeol and Sehun were in 10th.

You were all alone in 9th grade.

As you got dressed, you thought about your family.

You and Kai were your parents' only children.  

The rest of your brothers had been adopted by your parents.

Your parents had loved all 7 of you guys equally. 

You missed your parents.

You had no idea where they were, or how they were.

You couldn't even talk to Professor Cho anymore, which really .

He was like your 2nd father.

He was the one who gave Kyungsoo that horrible half-bald haircut last year. 

He was the one who had cared for you and your brothers while your parents went off on spy missions.

He was the one who had cleaned wounds and dealt with everyone's issues.

He was there when your parents weren't, which was pretty much always.

You still loved your parents, but between them and Professor Cho, you and your brothers would pick the latter without hesitation.

You missed him.

You missed Planet EXO.

Chanyeol walked into your shared bathroom.

A small tear escaped your eye, and Chanyeol hugged you and wiped it away with his thumb.

"Hyuna ~ Everything will be okay, arachi?"

You nodded your head.

He smiled.

Chanyeol was the protective brother. 

The father figure.

You loved Chanyeol.

He wasn't even your real, biological brother, but you still loved him anyways.

You brushed your teeth and tied your tie.

Weird noises were coming from Chanyeol, who was desperately trying to get his tie to work.

You chuckled at your crazy older brother.

"Mentally deranged maniac Chanyeol can't even tie his own tie," you teased.

He gave you a light shove and you punched him back playfully.

You tied his tie and the two of you went down for breakfast, that Kyungsoo was faithfully serving.

Eggs and ham.

You ate and sighed in contentment.

"Bali! Bail!" Kyungsoo yelled.

"We need to be early to school so we can get our information!  This is the 2nd quarter!  We need to impress our teachers!" the overachiever, Kyungsoo, said.

You guys put your dishes in the sink and Kyungsoo urgently handed everyone folders, binders, and other school supplies.

He rushed you and your brothers out of the room.

You waited at the bus stop with your brothers.

"AISH! Bali! Bali! I need to pee!!!!" Sehun whined.

Just as Sehun was about to wet his pants, the bus came.

"Oh thank you!  Thank you!" Sehun hugged the bus driver, who stared at him, bewildered.

You were the last of your family to get on the bus.  Everyone else had already found a seat.

Aish ... Cruel boys ... Just leave me to die alone.. you thought.

You didn't understand. 

All the girls sitting alone moved their backpacks to the side, blocking a seat, and all the boys put their backpacks on their laps.

You sat by a boy with a cute smile and brown hair who lived in your community.

He smiled at you.

"Hi, I'm Mir! " he said to you.

"Hullo ~ I'm Hyuna." you replied.

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before."

"Yeah, my brothers and I just recently moved in."

"Oh really? How many brothers do you have?" 

"Six.  Five are adopted.  Do you have any siblings?" you replied.

"Yeah, I have a sister, Eun Ah." he said.

"You're from the House of Korea, right?" he asked.

"Yeah... What are you from?"

"The House of Japan.  My dad wanted the House of Korea, but my mom liked the House of Japan more, so that's the one we moved into."

"What grade are you in?" he asked.



The rest of the ride to school, you guys made small talk.

You got to school an hour early.

Kyungsoo gathered everyone's information and wrote down everyone's locker numbers and combinations for everyone.  

You got your schedule.

Mir found you.

"What classes do you have?" he asked.

It turned out that you had the same exact schedule.

"Hyuna-sshi! Come with me!" Mir grabbed your hand and dragged you somewhere.

It was the dance room.

You liked dancing. 

Kai had taught you before.

"Hyuna-ssi.. Do you know how to dance?" Mir asked.

"A little..." you replied, shyly.

He some music.

"Do you know this song?" he asked.

It was an upbeat song.

"No.... What is it?"

His mouth formed an "O" shape.

"It's called "Oh Yeah." Do you know MBLAQ?" he asked.

You shook your head no.

"I-It's a band I'm in.  I'm the rapper.  Wanna hear?" 

You nodded your head yes.

He started rapping his part for OHYEAH.

He finished.

You clapped your hands together rapidly.

"Sunbae! That was so good!"

He blushed.

Little did you know that you were being watched........

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exclusivex3 #1
please update soon^^