Wake up

Best Birthday Ever!

Sunday 8AM

Your bed is so comfy. You hug your pillow close to you as you´re silently trying to avoid to get up. You can already hear voices in the kitchen so you guess your friend and SHINee are already having breakfast. Eyelashes flutter at you open your eyes. A sigh leaves your lips as you forces your tired body out of bed and into some clothes before you join them.

“Hello there sleepy head.”

“Morning…” You murmur as you sit down at the empty chair between Taemin and Onew. “Is there any coffee left?”

“Here.” Minho pours you a cup.

It surprises you, so your cheeks turn a bit red, ad you accept the cup. It´s a bit of a Déjà vu feeling but you´re suddenly aware of the way Minho´s hand touch you probably isn´t by accident this time. You force a nervous smile to your lips as you thank him. He returns the smile and your chest grows feverishly warm.

“T-thank you.” You stutter.

You decides it´s best to avoid Minho since your feelings are growing and because of the fact that he´s actually leaving later today.  Even though you´re not doing it consciously, a sad expression makes you look twice your age at the thought.

“So, what are the plans for today?” You ask.

“Since it´s their last day, and it´s pouring down outside…let´s rent some movies?” Your friend suggests.

You look at your friend for a moment before you look out the window. It´s really pouring down rain outside.

“Isn´t this weather… perfect for horror movies?” You murmur.

Key´s eyes widen. “Yes, that´s right!”

“You actually like horror?” You ask him.

“Yes, I do even though I get really scared.”

You smirk at him.

In the end you borrowed three movies from the local store, and two of them were horror movies where the last one is a love comedy one. It seems as if you and Key are the only ones that look forward to it so you sit down together eagerly. You´re somewhat relieved when Onew sits down on the other side of you. Minho sits next to Jonghyun, and he´s strangely quiet. You force yourself not to pay more attention to him.

The movies start and you instantly feel how the scary music affects you. It´s one of the stories that scares you the most: one about ghosts at a deserted mental hospital.  Everyone laughs when one of you jumps or screams in fear due to the movie. It seems as if Jonghyun is the most jumpy one out of the bunch.

Somewhere through half of the first movie you feel Minho´s eyes on you. You pretend not to notice as you discuss the movie with Key. You wonder if the tall member of SHINee already realized what you´re trying to do.  Your chest tightens painfully, he might even think you don´t even like him. You have to tell yourself that staying away from him is best for both of you.

You sigh deeply as you get up to your feet. You need something to drink.


“Don´t go!” Key mutters as you´re about to get up from the sofa.

“I need some water….” You explain before you head into the kitchen.

You head out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The voices of your friend and SHINee can be heard as you distance yourself a bit. Key´s scream makes you flinch.

Your smile fades. It´s not working: you can´t stop thinking about Minho. Even though you prepared yourself for this day you can´t help but feel hurt by the fact that they´ll leave.  This weekend was like a dream, no, better than a dream and it´s so hard to wake up.  How can you return to school tomorrow just as if nothing extraordinary happened?

You turn around when you suddenly feel a second presence in the kitchen. Your heart skips a beat at the same time as it seems to drop at the sight of Minho standing in front of you.  Your heart starts to beat faster as you see the look in his eyes. Those dark eyes are more mysterious than usual and you can spot a rare determination in their depth.  Minho says nothing as he approaches you.  He´s a little too close for comfort as he stops.

“Do you want some water too?” You ask him in a clueless manner.

“I´m going to kiss you.”  

Your eyes widen at this and the eyes that didn´t dare to fully look at him darts back to his face. Minho regards you intensively, as if he´s judging our reaction, before he leans down towards you. Eyes are fixed on his slightly damp plump lips.

“If you don´t like it…” He looks you in the eye seriously and you can feel his hot breath on your face. “Push me away.”

And he closes the last distance between you with a kiss. Your whole being tingles by the simple yet passionate touch of his lips. It literally takes your breath away. You had no idea that you could mean this much to Minho this quickly. There´s no way you can push him away, not when your whole body trembles from his touch.  Hands grasp the back of his shirt as you lean onto him as you try to keep yourself upright. You return the kiss gently, shyly.  He murmurs your name softly, lips tickling your sensitive skin, as he breaks the kiss. He smiles gently down at you as he holds you.

“You didn´t push me away.” He states the fact happily.

Your face turns red as a tomato as you shake your head. You just couldn´t push him away, not when he was that passionate and serious and not when he made your body tingle like that. You gather your courage as you look up at him, and gently cup his face with your hand.  His skin is so soft and smooth. Minho leans into your touch silently as his eyes are locked with yours. A soft chuckle leaves both of your mouths. Your gaze turns serious after a while.

“What will…happen, from now on?” It takes you a lot of courage to say it.

Is he serious about you? Will he try to work it out even though he´s an idol living at the other side of the planet?

“It´ll be hard but… let´s stay in touch and I´ll do my best to see you…” He murmurs softly.

You smile. Minho is uncertain on how this relationship will turn out like but he´s willing to give it an honest try. Another scream from the living room makes both of you jump a bit.

“Let´s go back before they start to wonder.” You tell him.

Minho nods but he is reluctant to let go of you as you walk back to the horror movie. The two of you try to act normal but the movie isn´t interesting anymore. You steal glances of each other during the three long movies.

Sunday 7PM

The smallcottage is now full with bags and luggage as SHINee prepares to leave. Their manager will pick them up anytime now, and they´ll be headed to the airport to return to Korea.It seems as if Minho can´t look away from you, it makes you strangely happy.

“Here´s my email, phone number, address….”He tells you as he gives you a paper.

You chuckle at him. “Calling to Korea will be expensive...”

“It´s worth it.” Minho smiles.

Jonghyun and Taemin chuckles at the two of you and you blushes like mad. You wonder how much the others know.  Minho doesn´t seem to care though because he hugs you close in front of them all. His body feels nice pressed to yours but you can´t help but feel a bit out of place.

“Don´t forget me.” He murmurs into your ear.

“Isn´t that my line?” You laugh at him. “I won´t.”

“Ewww, get yourself a room.” Jonghyun jokes.

Minho just gives Jonghyun a stare but you can´t help but blush even more. Minho gives you a small kiss on the cheek before he lets you go. There´s a lot to do before their ride arrives so you decide to help them out with cleaning their cottage and carrying their luggage. Time passes quickly and their manager arrives. He seems quite bitter, and he almost doesn´t even greet your friend. You wonder what she had to do to make the manager agree to this weekend.

“Bye SHINee! Thank you so much for everything!” You yell as they enter their cab. “I´ll always support you no matter what happens!”

Minho looks at you as he enters the car. You can see how hurt he is but also how he tries not to show it. You murmur “saranghae” silently and his eyes widen a fraction before a warm smile graces his already handsome face. Brown eyes stare at you through the window as they wave goodbye and the car starts moving. You wave like crazy until you can´t see the car anymore.                                                                                                     

Tears fall down your cheeks. “Thanks, this was … the best birthday ever…”

Your friend hugs you without saying a word.

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CB_Zinger #1
When the ending came I was like: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT MORE
faerie2010 #2
Awesome! I kind of feel like that was me in this fan fic.
Why is it have to be ending?! *Sniff*
AmorGirl #4
will you continue? I want it so bad.. :)
Noooo I didn't want it too end.