Mountain Climbing

Best Birthday Ever!

Saturday 7AM

The next morning you get up early to prepare breakfast. You´re used to get up early because of school and cooking has never been a problem for you.  You decide to prepare a morning feast for your best friend and SHINee. There are still about an hour left until you know they´ll come, so you still have time. You and your friend shared cottage while SHINee shared a bigger one further up the hill, but you all agreed to eat all meals together. After a while of cooking you hear how someone knocks on the door.

It´s Minho.  His brown hair is a bit wavy, as if he stepped out of the shower, and he looks a bit tired as you look at him through the glass door.  The rest of SHINee are nowhere to be found. You can´t help but feel a bit shy and excited as you think that you and Minho will be alone in the kitchen for a while. You´ve to control your feelings so your voice won´t tremble as you greets him.

“Good morning.” He tells you with a small nod of his head as you open the door for him.

“Morning…” You reply with a bright smile. “You´ll get to taste the local cuisine in a minute. Where are the others?”

“Still sleeping.” He smiles softly.

“That´s good. You guys should take this chance to relax.” You tell him as you continue cooking.

“Do you want any help?” He asks you out of politeness.

“Oh, no thank you. Please sit down and let me handle it. Do you want coffee?”

Minho says nothing as he sits down by the table but he nods at your question. You pour two cups of coffee and hands him one of them. His thumb accidentally touches your hand but you manage to keep a poker face even though your heart skipped a beat.  He smiles up at you in gratitude as he takes his first sip of the warm drink.  He seems to be a very calm and collected person in real life. Of course you´ve your image of him, but you pushes it aside as you try to get to know the not-idol-Minho.

“Judging by the look on your face I´d say you want some milk or/and sugar in that coffee?”

You can see a hint of surprise on the Korean man´s face as you tell him this. It seems as if he usually won´t drink his coffee black, since he had a hard time swallowing it, but he was probably too shy, or polite, to ask for milk or sugar. You hand him both milk in sugar without waiting for a reply. You´re quite good at reading people.

“Thank you.” A warm smile graces his lips.

You return his smile. That´s when four others knock on the door and you open for the rest of SHINee. They all seem to have slept well.

“Ah the smell of coffee in the morning…!” Onew chants happily.

“Please sit down and breakfast will be ready soon.” You tell them politely. “I need to walk my soulsister up as well.”

Loud snoring greets you as you enter your friend´s room. She´s still fast asleep. A broad smile grows bigger on your face as you sneak up on her and pulls away her blanket. A loud complaining sound leaves her lips as she´s hit by the cold.

“Wake up Cinderella…!” You . “Breakfast is ready!”

Saturday 11AM

After eatingbig breakfast the seven of you pack some meals before going for a long walk.  Your friend planned for you to climb a hill, or a mountain as she called it, to have some BBQ. It seems it´ll take several hours to reach it. You love nature and walking so you´re looking forward to it.

“Ah, why are we doing this..?” Key complains as he tries to kill a mosquito that was flying close to his face. This makes him look a bit cross-eyed.

Your friend pats Key on the shoulder with a grin on her face. “You´re such a girl!”

Key snorts at this but the rest of SHINee laughs at him. You can´t help but smile. The long walk starts and you walk side by side with your friend. He two of you are trying your best to tell SHINee about your country as you walk. It´s quickly your friend who does the talking and you slip back in the line as Onew talks with her.

“Do you like sports?” Minho asks you suddenly.

You didn´t realize you were walking next to him so your eyes widen a bit in surprise. It seems as if he´s about to apologize for surprising you so you shake your head. You´re always lost in thought as you walk outdoors like this. You smile at him. That´s also when you realize he´s at least two heads taller than you. Wow.

“I´m not so athletic, so I don´t do any sports, but I love to take walks.” You tell Minho with a dreamy smile on your lips. “It helps me clear my mind.”

He nods with a pleased smile on his lips. You know that he loves sports and to be active, you like that, but you feel lazy compared to him.

“What sports do you like?”

“Ball sports like football and basketball… I also like to run.”

“You seem to be the competitive type? Every time I try a sport I get a ball in my head.”

His smile turns into a smirk. “I could teach you.”

You smile at him at his offer but you guess he´s only saying it to be polite. You won´t have time to do sports together this weekend and he´ll return to Korea soon enough and it´s not like he´d want to stay in touch with a fan. It´s impossible. You avert your gaze. Something you´ve learned is that people sometimes say something they don´t mean only to be polite. You just realized you can´t actually expect SHINee to like you, or to become your friends over such a short time. You might never see them again after this Sunday. Your chest throbs at the thought.

Saturday 12AM

You´re walkingon a narrow path through a forest.  The light is sipping through the leaves above and makes beautiful shadows on the ground. To you, it feels like you´re walking in a fairytale together with some of the people you adore the most in this world.  The sound of talking and laughing can be heard as you take the lead.

What you don´t notice is the way Minho is looking at you.  The light is reflected in your hair beautifully and your whole face seems to sparkle with a smile as you look around. This is your element and it´s showing. Minho´s big dark brown eyes are fixed at you as you walk forward happily. What you don´t notice as well is the way your best friend regards SHINee´s tallest member. When Minho notices that he´s being watched he suddenly avert his eyes without a single comment. Your best friend looks at him and you with a puzzled look on her face.

“C´mon, hurry!” You urge them on. “There´s a pretty lake just over there!”

“That´s not a lake, it´s a pond!” Jonghyun jokes.

“Yeah yeah.” You chuckle.

Jonghyun, Taemin and Onew hurries to see it with smirks on their faces. They seem thrilled. Key is sweating a bit and he looks like he´s in pain but he doesn´t complain as he sits down in the grass to rest a bit.

“We should take a quick rest and then continue up the hill.” Minho tells them.

“Minho, why are you so eager??” Jonghyun complains.

“I want to see the scenery at the top.” Is his honest answer.

You take out your phone to take a picture of the lake, or pond that Jonghyun called it, and Key makes a sound upon noticing.

“We must take some photos together!!”

“Is that ok? I mean, would SM allow that….?” Your friend asks.

“Don´t worry, just don´t spread them all over the net later.”

Your eyes widen as Key is suddenly throwing his arm around your shoulder, making a victory sign and tells you to take a picture of the two of you. You don´t the chance because suddenly, all seven of you are trying to squeeze into the picture. A laugh leaves you as you take the picture.

During your way up the hill you take a lot of pictures and time passed quickly.

“We´re finally at the top.” Taemin comments.

You look out at the scenery and are at a loss. You can see a large part of the valley below you, and how the sun is slowly sinking at the horizon.  SHINee rows up close to the edge and they´re all making amazed expressions. You take this chance to take a photo of the five men, their backs against you, and sunlight brightening up their siluettes.

“We need to let them know we´re here!” Jonghyun smirks

He starts to sing one of their newly released songs loudly and his voice echoes out over the valley. It doesn´t take long until the rest of SHINee joins in. You´ve to force yourself not to seem too happy or surprised about it but just hearing them sing makes you heart flutter. It almost makes you cry. Your reaction surprises yourself, and you´ve to turn away a bit. It suddenly got all too real. Your friend doesn´t notice since she walked up to SHINee.

“We are…!” Onew starts

“…Shining SHINee!” The others chant in a choir.

“….and we´re here to take over the world with KPOP!” Onew shouts loudly.

Their voices echo over the valley until it dies out. This moment is magical, you think, as you put down your phone. You can´t see this through a screen.


Saturday 9PM

After some hours of walking, you´re back at your cottages. It has been a long day and your body is aching from all the walking. SHINee decided to get to bed early so they could wake early and do something during their last day here. Thinking about that they´re leaving makes your heart hurt a bit. You sit down in silence at the kitchen table as you´re in deep thought. It´s only when you look up that you notice that your friend has been watching you.

“What is it?”

“Minho, he…” She starts in a hesitant manner.

“What about him?” Your heart feels strange as she mentioned him.

“When I talked about you backstage he showed interest, you know. More than the others.”

“He did?”

She nods in silence. “I think he might like you.”

“But one can´t get interested that quickly, not only from hearing stories…” You murmur to yourself in self defense. “And I´ve only known him for less than two days.”

“I think they have to take a chance if they get one, you know? They´re idols.” She tells you. “He has been watching you quite a lot too. What do you feel about him?”

“I like him,… of course, but I´m afraid that´s only the fangirl part of me that´s talking. It wouldn´t be fair to him if he liked me seriously and I…”

“Just you saying that proves that you won´t accept him only because of his status as an idol.” She smiles at you brightly. “But think about it, he might approach you about it before the end of this trip.”

You turn silent at this and your friend leaves you to your thoughts. You´ve tried your best to not let your emotions get ahead of you, especially since Minho is your bias in SHINee, but hearing your friend saying that makes you lose your grip on reality. You can´t see yourself next to Minho in anyway. You´re so different and you can´t see why he´d be interested in you.

This whole weekend has been like a dream to you, and you fear that you´ve to wake up tomorrow.

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CB_Zinger #1
When the ending came I was like: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT MORE
faerie2010 #2
Awesome! I kind of feel like that was me in this fan fic.
Why is it have to be ending?! *Sniff*
AmorGirl #4
will you continue? I want it so bad.. :)
Noooo I didn't want it too end.