Page 6

The Pages Of Their Book

Author's notes: Writing this story had been a wonderful experience and completing it was such a fulfillment. To the 36 people who have included The Pages Of Their Book on their subscription list, as well as to the people who continued showing their support through their comments, I am indeed very very thankful. I am a recent YoonHae fan (less than 2 months old) yet they've completely been the apple(s) of my eyes. Whether or not the romantic side of their relationship is real, I chose to believe in them and I regret nothing.

The night sky was enegmatic that time. The stars weren't that visible, but somehow, their little twinkles complimented the whole scenario of a cold and calm December night.

Donghae was quietly standing at their building's rooftop, waiting for the girl who was the main reason behind the invisible butterflies that was lingering inside his stomach. Earlier that day, the members of Super Junior and SNSD were all gathered at one of their agency's practice halls, in preparation for their joint performances on the upcoming year-end song festivals. During break, Donghae mustered the courage to approached Yoona and asked her to meet him at the rooftop once their dance practice was done. Despite the nervous look she gave him, she nodded and said okay. 

Hours passed by swiftly, and when Leeteuk announced that they were done, Donghae literally dashed upstairs. He actually felt like throwing up at that instant, but he took hold of himself as he heard the sound of incoming footsteps. He turned around to see a nervous-looking Yoona who, upon locking gaze with him for a mere second, bowed her head instantly. 

"Hey." Donghae greeted.

Yoona raised her head and gave him a weak smile, probably to decreased the tension. She started to walked towards him but stopped when she was at a fair distance, and instead of facing him, she looked up at the sky and softly said, "It's a beautiful night."

Donghae stole a glance at her before looking up as well. He smiled at the fading lights of the stars, but instantly looked down and turned his back at Yoona who followed him with her gaze. His heart was beating really fast but he shoved  it off and forced himself to talk; it's now or never.

"Yoona, I think you perfectly knew why I called you here." he started. "I... I know I told you that I am willing to wait until you are ready, but I think... I think I cannot hold my feelings anymore."

Donghae could feel his whole body shaking, he doesn't know if it was because of the winter weather or because of the tiny droplets of water that started flowing freely from his eyes. Still, he continued  talking, "I really want you to be mine, Yoona. It may sound selfish but it's true. I want you to be my girlfriend... my other half, the one whom I am going to marry, the only one whom I will make love with and be the mother of my children as well as the one whom I can shower with my hugs and kisses and..."

Donghae stopped as he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Yoona was holding onto him tightly. He could feel she was crying too, with the way her voice cracked when she started to speak.

"I'm sorry, oppa. I'm sorry for being such a coward all these time. I love you. I really really do." she said, in between sobs. "Eversince we were trainees, I already have feelings for you. But you know what? you were such a playboy that time that I honestly got scared." she confessed.

Donghae chuckled at this. It was true. Back in his younger days, he was usually spotted flirting with girls. He did all of it for fun until that day Yoona entered the company as a trainee. Her beauty was the first thing that caught him off his guard, but as he gradually got to know her better, he realized how he truly see her.

"... there were even rumors about you and Sica-unnie; a friend even showed a video where look-alikes of the two of you were kissi..."

Donghae did not let Yoona finish her sentence as he turned around and kissed her hungrily. The girl was, of course, taken aback but much to Donghae's surprise, she started kissing back. He tightened his grip on her as he deepened the kiss. He could feel that she was almost out of breath when suddenly, a flash of light startled the two of them.

They broke apart and looked at the source of the sudden flash and found all the Super Junior and SNSD members giggling at the two of them.

Jessica, who was then looking at her camera, stepped forward and said, "Now this aren't look-alikes!"

Yoona instantly realized what she said and blushed a thousand shades of red. She swiftly hid herself behind Donghae whilst saying, "U... unnie! It's not like that!"

"Awww... our Yoongie is embarassed!" both group members shouted.

"Stop it." Donghae retorted.

"Now, now... Donghae. Don't be that mean. We were just kissing... I mean... teasing her." Leeteuk said, smirking.

Donghae narrowed his eyes at all the people in front of them and asked how much they have heard and seen. 

"Let's just say we've been here even before the two of you started talking." Eunhyuk answered.

Donghae widened his eyes at this and said in disbelief, "Don't you all know the meaning of privacy?" .

"Consider it as an invaded privacy then." Heechul whisked sarcasticaly. "Anyway, this calls for a celebration! You two finish what you were doing and meet us downstairs. We're eating out." he added as he motioned for the others to follow him.

When both of their  groups were nowhere in sight, Donghae inhaled deeply and pulled Yoona to face him.

"Were you really that embarrased being caught in such a situation with me?" he asked as he  cupped her face with his hands.

Yoona firmly shook her head and almost shouted, "No oppa! I was just surprised to see them all standing there!"

He smiled at her for the umpteenth time before planting a kiss on her forehead. "Are you... well... we are... we are  boyfriend and girlfriend now right?" he asked.

"There's no reason for us not to be." Yoona replied, blushing.

No words could describe how happy Donghae was that time. He embraced Yoona tightly as he gently placed his lips against her ear and whisphered, "This is indeed a beautiful night."

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kaiyoonhae #1
Chapter 6: thank u for this wonderful story... please make lots of yoona fan fic... yoonhae gyoon topyoon. I must say you are a good writer u know very well how to boost the readers excitement... thank u
kaiyoonhae #2
Chapter 3: yeah yoonhae is the best....
Chapter 6: Wohoo they kisss yeahhh and snsd sj is jjang they hear n sica unnie how can you do taht to yoong ehheheh so cute .... yoona blushing and donghae protective daebakk love it !!! Wohoo im glad to read it i wish this will come true in real life YOONHAE FIGHTING !!! author write more about yoonhae plzzz kamsahamida
Chapter 5: What the .... they saw yoonhae kiss and kangin who the one who found it wohooomSJ jjang hehehe they support their brothernlove it
Chapter 4: Yooona ya you scare me ... goshhh why you say you love siwon hahah luckily donghae didnt do something bad back then
Chapter 3: Donghae KISS yoona for real omommmoo daebakkkk dongahe love yoona huhuhu pyros forever yeahhh
Chapter 2: Gahhhhhh donghae you so sweeet hahahahbn very childish to hehehne
Chapter 1: Wohoo who that member ?? Heechul ??? Hehehhe just guess .. yoona only call leeteuk n siwon oppa other still sunbae hahhah poor the others ... i think donghae is jealous of siwon the most hahaha
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
nerdscandy #10
All the fluff at the end and hae's jealousyyyy
Please please please write more!