~The Start of a Beautiful Friendship~

Infinitely Complicated


Woohyun’s POV

It has been approximately three hours and forty-five minutes since we’ve started our vocal lesson and we are STILL not finished, I swear my throat is going to burst soon from all this singing! If that witch lady tells me to sing twinkle twinkle little star one more time, I am going to explode! ( I don’t even know how singing this childish song 20 times is going to help my vocal skills!)

                “We’ll wrap it up for today guys, you all did great, good job guys!” The witch finally said.

Oh thank god!

                “ you can all go back to your dorm now-“


                “-except for Myungsoo and Woohyun”

Hahaha, to be Myung- oh wait a minute-

                “WHAT!! WHY CAN’T I GO BACK WITH THE OTHERS?”I exclaimed. This is so unfair! I had to sacrifice my resting time to teach our dance to Myungsoo and now I’m not allowed to go home!

                “You only have to stay back for a few minutes, you and Myungsoo have to arrange Myungsoo’s singing lessons ,” She said.

                “Why do we have to do it now, can’t we do it later? And how come the others can leave first? Why do you hate me so much?!” you can’t blame me for complaining, I’ve been having a bad day and this stupid teacher isn’t making it any better!

                “Stop asking stupid questions Woohyun! You have to do it now because you would probably forget about it by tonight and poor Myungsoo won’t have his singing lesson! Seriously, you can be so forgetful sometimes!”

                “I am not forgetful!”

                “Says the person that almost got into a car accident because he “forgot” that red means stop!”

                “Hey! That was only one time! And it wasn’t entirely my fau- wait a minute, how did you know about that?!” no one, except for me and the members (and some police men that I have threatened into silence) was supposed to know about that incident! That was the first time and (hopefully) the last time that the great Nam Woohyun made a fool out of himself!

                “I have my ways…” she said mysteriously with an evil smirk on her face.

Before I could ask her any more questions, I heard soft giggles somewhere behind me and they sound very much like Dongwoo and Howon.

                “YOU!” I said after I turned around and pointed at both of them, “I TRUSTED YOU, HOW CAN YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS?! I THOUGHT WE’RE BROTHERS?!! WHO ELSE DID YOU TELL? HUH? THE WHOLE SOUTH KOREA?”

Dongwoo and Howon cowered away from me while hugging each other and looked up at me with HUGE puppy eyes that looks like it's going to produce water like the Niagara falls (they’re fake I tell you, FAKE! DO NOT FALL FOR IT!)

                “Stop screaming Woohyun! You’re giving everyone a headache. Why don’t you just make it easy for all of us and just do as I tell you?” the evil witch said.

                “FINE!” I finally gave up, not because I actually wanted to help the stupid kid, but because her screeching is starting to make my ears bleed!

She smiled victoriously and led the others out of the studio. I frowned and stuck my tongue out at her retreating back.

Sunggyu walked up to me and placed his hand gently on my shoulder, “I wish I can stay, but manager told me to buy some groceries and the shop is gonna close soon, “ he patted my shoulder sympathetically and went out of the studio (oh Sunggyu hyung, what will i ever do without you <3). Dongwoo and Howon walked out soon after him, but not before they decided to annoy me again by giving me flying kisses and tried to imitate my heart throwing, which they both failed at miserably, probably on purpose, because they really are that annoying. They quickly ran away before I could throw a chair at them.

I slumped down to the chair that I was going to throw at those two annoying members and sighed loudly.

                “I’m really sorry if I’m bothering you hyung, but maybe this is the start of a beautiful friendship!” The brat said.

                Friends? I don’t think so kid ,after ruining my day like you did, don’t expect me to start calling you buddy, I almost said, but instead I said, “Whatever. So when do you want to do this?”

                “Well, since I still have to go to school, maybe on weekends, but I might have to work on Sunday nights, so maybe just saturda-“

                “Ok. Saturday, 5 PM. Be there.”


Myungsoo’s POV

 “Ok. Saturday, 5 PM. Be there.” And then he left.

He just left. I haven’t even finished my sentence and he just left!! Who does he think he is?? Does he really hate me that much because I joined his group?! The others seems like they don’t mind, why does he have to be so childish and mean?! I just wanted to be friends!

I suddenly had the urge to cry my heart out like those girls in those dramas when the love of their lives rejected their feelings and then they would run to the streets and then it would start raining.

I shook my head and slapped myself a bit to stop me from being depressed.

Kim Myungsoo, you are not a weak little boy anymore! I said to myself, so it up and stand up straight like the confident soon-to-be-man that you are!

I smiled at my own encouragement and lifted my head up proudly like I’ve just received an A on a math test.

My new found happiness soon disappeared after I remembered how Woohyun treated me, and my smiling face soon turned into a frowning one again, but not because of sadness, it’s because I suddenly felt very annoyed and angry.

“I do NOT deserve to be treated like that!” I said out loud, even though there is no one else in the studio. I tend to talk to myself when I’m upset, it’s a habit that I’ve had since I was small, it can be a bit embarrassing sometimes, but I can’t help it!

                “If this is how you want to act, then I won’t be so nice either!” I slammed the table and stood up straight with a confident smile on my face.

                “Two can play at this game,” I said with a smirk before I walked out of the studio and locked the door.


~stupid author's note~


I've been having this stupid writer's block, actually, it should't even be called a writer's block because i'm not even a writer! it should be called a wannabe-writer's block> ;A;

I AM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ;AAAAAA: *bows 360 degrees even though it's not possible, but nothing is impossible in aff*

this chapter's not finished yet, I'll hopefully finish it soon, I PROMISE

i lost a subscriber *sobsobsobsobsobsobwewewewewewesobsobsobsob* i probably deserve it ;A;


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Chapter 3: wooow intresting
i wonder how myung xill treat woohyun
well..he wasn't nice either!!
Chapter 3: update soon! omg!! this is so interesting!
I love it^^ Please update soon :)
kimminnie #4
WHERE IS MY SUNGYEOLLIE??????!!!!!!!!! nd sungjong.... but mostly, I NEED MY SUNGYEOLLIE IN THIS FIC!!!!!!!!
kimminnie #5
wait a sec... myungsoos not the lead vocal...
woosoogyu #6
Great! Thanks for the update... ^^
So Myungsoo is joining the fun... Imitating Woohyun's dramatic expression...? haha... Think it's going to be hilarious...
Author, so you are having a writer's block now...? No worries, I'll still wait patiently for your updates... ^^
SHE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKK!!! You finally updated yay!!! I was starting to get sad that you would never update again! I'm so happy! It was SO GOOD. Woohyun is such a drama queen xD it's so funny!!! I can't wait to see Myungsoo's revenge!
woosoogyu #8
Wow...! This story is so captivating & interesting...! Can't wait to see sparks flying off myunghyun...!
Authors... if time permits, please update soon... ^^
woosoogyu #9
wow... authors... your 1st chapt has already left a great first impression on me... makes me continue reading...!