~First Impressions~ (part two)

Infinitely Complicated


Myungsoo’s POV

                “Myungsoo, I have to leave now,” Manager hyung said warmly before glaring at my new band mates, “I’m sure your hyungs will take good care of you, right hyungs?

                “Y-yes, of c-course,” Howon hyung said before hiding behind Dongwoo hyung. Sunggyu hyung nodded his head while Woohyun hyung just crossed his arms and looked at the ground. Is he having a bad day or something? He’s been acting like he’s annoyed ever since I got here.

                “Okay then, I’ll be going now,” Manager said as he walked to the door and opened it, “Oh! I almost forgot! One of you guys have to teach Myungie the dance moves and you’re all going to your singing lesson in about 2 hours. DO NOT BE LATE. Goodbye my lovely trainees~” he said before he slammed the door behind him.

Myungie? This manager is seriously starting to scare me! And why does he keep changing his mood? Is he bipolar or something? No wonder these people were so scared of him. Speaking of my new hyungs, why aren’t they saying anything?

I looked up and saw they were all staring at me like I’m some strange alien that just popped out of nowhere (except for Woohyun hyung, he’s still staring at the floor and mumbling something about a “stupid creepy kid” and “position stealer”, seriously, what is wrong with this guy?)

                “Um, Hi,” I said, trying to break the awkward atmosphere. Seriously, the awkward silence was starting to creep me out.

                “Oh, sorry about that!” Sunggyu hyung said. It seems like he’s the only one who noticed because the other hyungs were still staring, or in Woohyun hyung’s case, sulking. “We’ve been practicing since this morning so we’re kind of tired,” Sunggyu hyung continued sheepishly.

                “It’s okay Sunggyu hyung,” I said as I smile at him, “so, when am I going to start practicing?”

                “You can just call me Gyu hyung, and I guess Howon can teach you since he’s the best dancer here” Gyu hyung pointed at Howon who was still hiding behind Dongwoo.

Dongwoo and Howon hyung who were still staring at me up until now finally snapped out of it after they heard Sung- I mean, Gyu hyung’s order.

                “But hyuuuuuung! Howonnie just came back from the dead! He didn’t faint hyung, he died! he  DIED! He needs time to rest!” Dongwoo  hyung said as he hugged Howonnie protectively.

                “Ok then, I guess YOU’LL have to teach him Dongwoo, since you’re the second best dancer,” Gyu hyung said as he narrowed his eyes at Dongwoo. He really shouldn’t do that, I can barely see his eyes now.

                “But hyuuuuung! Dongwoo hyungie has to take care of me!” It was Howon hyung’s turn to complain.

                “FINE! Woohyun-ah! You’re in charge of teaching Myungsoo! Don’t start complaining too or I swear I will slap that greasy face of yours so hard, your children will have birthmarks with the shape of my hand in their faces!” Gyu hyung exclaimed.

                “But hyuuu-“

                “DON’T START! Ugh, I’m getting a headache, where’s my medicine bag?” Gyu hyung said before grabbing a little red bag (his medicine bag I think) and stomping out of the dance room. Howon and Dongwoo hyung followed soon after.

                “Bye-bye Woohyunnie and Myungie~ we’ll pick you guys up in 30 minutes!” Dongwoo hyung said before closing the door. Is everyone going to call me Myungie now?!

                “I guess I’m stuck with you now,” Woohyun hyung said with a frown, “Just watch me and try to copy what I do.” He the stereo and loud music started to play.

When he moved his body and started to sing along with the music, I was... I don’t even know what happened to me! All I know is that my body was frozen and it felt like my internal organs were doing cartwheels.

This man is the living definition of perfection. His voice is as sweet as lemon candies and the way he moves his body is as smooth and beautiful as a cherry blossom tree blowing in the wind (I am a man of many talents, being poetic is not one of them).  His body… oh my god those abs! if I were to die and be reincarnated, I would want to be reincarnated as a fangirl just so that I can drool at his body without looking like a freak.


Don’t get me wrong! I’m not in love with him or anything! I’m just admiring him like a role model. Just because I’m gay, it doesn’t mean that I would fall in love with every single man that has nice abs! He’s not my type anyway!

                “I know I’m attractive but can you please stop drooling and start dancing! Dongwoo hyung is going to pick us up soon and I haven’t changed! Manager hyung is going to kill both of us if he finds out that I haven’t taught you anything!” his stupid attitude is just one of the many reasons why I am absolutely NOT romantically attracted to Nam Woohyun.

I quickly apologized and we started to dance together, with him leading and me copying. I’m not the best dancer in the world but I have taken some dance classes and joined the dance club in school. Dancing has been something that I like to do for fun, but today, I really wanted to do my  best, for some reason, I really wanted to impress Woohyun hyung like how a little kid would want impress his older brother.

                “You’re not too bad,” Woohyun hyung said after he turned the stereo off, “But you’re not so good either, you’re going to need a lot more practice.”

                “Will you help me?” I asked, this might be a chance for me to get to know him better!

                “Y- No!”


Woohyun’s POV

Why do I feel like I’ve just stolen a balloon from a little kid and then popping it in front of them?

                “O-okay,” he said after I’ve cruelly rejected him. He sounded so hopeful when he asked me to help him that I almost said yes. I couldn’t help it! He looked like such a cute little puppy that wanted to-

NO! He is NOT a cute little puppy, he is an evil little child who stole my position!

But he looks so sad now-

I will NOT feel guilty! It’s his fault! He shouldn’t have stolen my position.

But I guess it’s not really his fault, I’m sure he didn’t ask to be the face of our group-

NO! Just stop feeling guilty and just stop thinking about him Woohyun!

Suddenly, the door banged open and Dongwoo stepped inside, followed by a smiling Howon and a grumbling Sunggyu.

“Hello everyone! How was the dance practice?” Dongwoo said as he rushed over to Myungsoo and hugged him.

                “It was great hyung!” Myungsoo said politely. No, I did NOT just feel guilty again after hearing his sad tone!, “Woohyun hyung is a great dancer.”

                “I’m sure he is, but my Howonnie is the best dancer ever!” Dongwoo said, he stopped hugging Myungsoo and went back to Howon and hugged him.

                “Don’t say that hyung! You’re making me shy!” Howon said as he hid his red face in Dongwoo’s shoulder. Seriously! When will these two idiots stop being so lovey dovey?!

I looked at Myungsoo and saw that his head was bent down low. Oh my goodness, Nam Woohyun can you PLEASE stop feeling so guilty!

                “C’mon guys lets go, we can’t be late right?” I said as I ran out of the door and into the car.

Everyone else followed me inside the car and fortunately they were too busy with Howon and Dongwoo’s latest drama to notice my sudden change of mood.

The ride to our vocal lesson was rather quiet (Except for Howon’s continuous compliments about Dongwoo’s driving) and I couldn’t help but notice because I’ve been secretly stealing glances at him that Myungsoo seems really sad and quiet.

I quickly looked away when he turned towards me and stared out of the window.

~20 minutes later~

We finally arrived at our vocal lesson and I can finally stop looking at Myungsoo’s sad face.

Our vocal lesson went on as usual and Myungsoo was actually quite good, but I guess he needs a bit help with his breathing.

“…Okay Woohyun?” our vocal teacher asked. Oopsies, I wasn’t listening.

                “Sorry, what did you say?” I asked.

                “You’re going to be in charge of coaching Myungsoo,” Our teacher stated, not requested, stated.

                “WHAT? Can’t Sunggyu hyung teach him? I already gave him dancing lessons!” I protested.

                “Good, that means you’re already familiar with each other!” Our teacher said, “You guys can use this studio anytime you want to practice. Just make sure that Myungsoo has learnt something new on our next lesson, okay Woohyun?”

                “Fine…” I said, there’s no point in arguing anymore.


Myungsoo’s POV

I secretly thanked our vocal teacher after he forced Woohyun hyung to become my personal vocal teacher.

I’ve noticed that this hyung doesn’t really like me, but I really hope we can be good friends!


~Author's notes~









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Chapter 3: wooow intresting
i wonder how myung xill treat woohyun
well..he wasn't nice either!!
Chapter 3: update soon! omg!! this is so interesting!
I love it^^ Please update soon :)
kimminnie #4
WHERE IS MY SUNGYEOLLIE??????!!!!!!!!! nd sungjong.... but mostly, I NEED MY SUNGYEOLLIE IN THIS FIC!!!!!!!!
kimminnie #5
wait a sec... myungsoos not the lead vocal...
woosoogyu #6
Great! Thanks for the update... ^^
So Myungsoo is joining the fun... Imitating Woohyun's dramatic expression...? haha... Think it's going to be hilarious...
Author, so you are having a writer's block now...? No worries, I'll still wait patiently for your updates... ^^
SHE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKK!!! You finally updated yay!!! I was starting to get sad that you would never update again! I'm so happy! It was SO GOOD. Woohyun is such a drama queen xD it's so funny!!! I can't wait to see Myungsoo's revenge!
woosoogyu #8
Wow...! This story is so captivating & interesting...! Can't wait to see sparks flying off myunghyun...!
Authors... if time permits, please update soon... ^^
woosoogyu #9
wow... authors... your 1st chapt has already left a great first impression on me... makes me continue reading...!