~First Impressions~ (part one)

Infinitely Complicated


Loud music could be heard from a small dance room as four young trainees danced together in perfect synchronization. It was 12 PM, in the middle of summer and the boys has been dancing non-stop since early in the morning, so it is no wonder that they all look like they’ve been swimming all the way to Australia and back again. Even though they are starting to flood the dance room with their sweat, they kept on dancing flawlessly, that is, until one of them suddenly dropped into the floor dramatically.

                “Howon-ah! Are you okay???” Dongwoo, the second oldest of the four, said as he rushed next to the fallen boy’s side and placed his head on his lap, while the other two, Sunggyu and Woohyun, just stared at them with annoyed faces.

                “I don’t think… I can… go on much… longer” The younger said between gasps of breath before he closed his eyes and lay limply in Dongwoo’s arms.

                “OH MY GOD! HE DIED! SUNGGYU HYUNG, YOU’VE KILLED HIM WITH YOUR HARSH LEADERSHIP SKILLS! YOU SHOULD HAVE LET US REST FOR A MINUTE OR SOMETHING! MY HOWONNIE IS DEAD AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!” Dongwoo cried as he hugged Howon’s limp body and dramatically wiped his (imaginary) tears.

Woohyun and Sunggyu just rolled their eyes and they both sat down next to each other against the wall to take a small break after dancing for god knows how long.

                “Do not cry for me hyung, I will be in a better place where there are no bossy hamsters and all of the trees would be greaseless. And I will wait for you there,” Howon said before ‘dying’ again.

                “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Dongwoo screamed as he shook Howon’s ‘dead’ body, “WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME IN THIS DARK AND CRUEL WORLD??? WHY HOWON? WHY???”

                “You guys disgust me,” Woohyun and Sunggyu said at the same time. They smirked at their own wittiness and high-fived each other.

                “You’re just jealous because Dongwoo hyung likes me better than both of you!” the ‘dead’ Howon said.

Woohyun was about to reply with some smart- answer before the door banged open, revealing their smiling manager.

                “Hellooooo there my dear trainees! How are you today in this fine and dan- WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO SWEATY?!?!?!??!”  


Woohyun’s POV

I was just about to answer Howon with an awesome come-back before our manager just barged into our dance room and started screaming about why we’re so sweaty.

                “B-Because we’ve been practicing..??”  Dongwoo stuttered before he hid behind Howon. Tch, what a scaredy cat!

                “Who.told.you.to.practice?” Manager hyung asked in a very quiet yet intimidating voice. His eyes were closed into small slits, his face was as red as a tomato and his arms were crossed in front of his chest. Oh no, the last time he was acting like this, we all had to do 100 push ups. Howon was the only one who survived, the rest of us fainted after the thirtieth push up!

We all pointed at Sunggyu hyung who is now trying to hide behind me.


Sunggyu hyung flinched. “B-but you o-only told me t-to go to the d-dance room with the other members. So I just a-assumed that you w-wanted us t-to practice aga-“

“I TOLD you to tell everyone to WEAR THEIR BEST CLOTHES and come to the dance room for a VERY SPECIAL MEETING! Weren’t you listening???” Manager hyung shouted before Sunggyu hyung could finish his sentence.

“Oops?” Sunggyu squeaked. Just before our manager was about to explode again, we heard a soft knock on the door.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” someone said from the other side of the door.

Manager hyung took a deep breath and glared at all of us once more.

“It’s too late to do anything now, the new member is already here,” He said quietly

Wait a minute, what new member? Since when were we getting a new member??

I looked up and saw that manager hyung was glaring at me. Oh no, did I just say that out loud??

“Yes Woohyun, we are getting a new member and if I hear ANY sort of complain from you, or ANY ONE OF YOU, this guy might just end up debuting as a solo singer and you guys will be his personal slaves,” Manager hyung threatened.

I was about to apologize when another knock interrupted me. WHY IS EVERYONE INTERUPTING ME TODAY???

“Coming~” Manager said as he opened the door with a big friendly smile on his face. Ugh, stupid bipolar manager!

As the door opened, a young boy, probably younger than all of us, stepped into the room with a shy smile. He’s quite tall and I guess he is quite handsome too (but not as handsome as me of course! I am the handsomest member in this group! After all, I AM going to be the face of the group)

After Manager hyung closed the door, the boy bowed at all of us he gave us all a charming smile.

“Everyone, meet Kim Myungsoo! He’s going to be the lead vocal and he’s also going to be the face of the group,” Manager hyung said with his hand around Myungsoo’s shoulder.

Cool, he’s going to be the lead vocal and the face of the- wait a minute, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE THE FACE OF THE GROUP???

“But hyung! I thought I was going to be the-“ Manager hyung glared at me with his remember-what-I-said-earlier glare before I could finish my sentence.

Manager hyung smiled again at Myungsoo and he introduced all of us to him, everyone smiled politely and bowed to Myungsoo when they were being introduced, but when it was my turn to be introduced, I glared at him and gave a (very) small bow. Myungsoo looked quite surprised but he still bowed to me and he gave me that charming smile again.

“I hope we can all be good friends!  Please treat me well!” Myungsoo said, still with that smile on his face.

Oh don’t worry Kim Myungsoo, I’ll treat you very well indeed.

~Author's note~

I'm sorry if it's too short and I'm sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes! I'll try to fix them if i can! but i probably cant ;A;

ANYWAYS, thank you for those who subscribed! and i would like to thank my campaign manager who forced encouraged me to write this story! 8D


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Campaign manager's changed the poster + bg! :DD


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Chapter 3: wooow intresting
i wonder how myung xill treat woohyun
well..he wasn't nice either!!
Chapter 3: update soon! omg!! this is so interesting!
I love it^^ Please update soon :)
kimminnie #4
WHERE IS MY SUNGYEOLLIE??????!!!!!!!!! nd sungjong.... but mostly, I NEED MY SUNGYEOLLIE IN THIS FIC!!!!!!!!
kimminnie #5
wait a sec... myungsoos not the lead vocal...
woosoogyu #6
Great! Thanks for the update... ^^
So Myungsoo is joining the fun... Imitating Woohyun's dramatic expression...? haha... Think it's going to be hilarious...
Author, so you are having a writer's block now...? No worries, I'll still wait patiently for your updates... ^^
SHE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKK!!! You finally updated yay!!! I was starting to get sad that you would never update again! I'm so happy! It was SO GOOD. Woohyun is such a drama queen xD it's so funny!!! I can't wait to see Myungsoo's revenge!
woosoogyu #8
Wow...! This story is so captivating & interesting...! Can't wait to see sparks flying off myunghyun...!
Authors... if time permits, please update soon... ^^
woosoogyu #9
wow... authors... your 1st chapt has already left a great first impression on me... makes me continue reading...!