Interesting morning!

I am just who I am.

First day at school...

Your P.o.V

''Good morning my dears!!'' I hear Euncho's voice at downstares. ''It's nothing good about this morning!!'' I yelled. I had to wake up so I stand up and I take my school shoot at my closed. I dress it. I remember Onew who was drank last night... I wish that he doesn't have bad hangover... I walked in his room and he was still sleeping.. *facepalm*.. ''Onew you have to wake up, today is first school day.. '' I said him. ''Ok, I am a wake.. And sorry about last night..''Onew said and stand up. I started to laugh... ''hahahahhahhaaa!!'' I laughed hard. ''Kat, what is wrong whit you?'' Onew ask, he only had boxers and I think that his...was standing... ''Oh god...!!'' I yelled. ''What?'' I close my eyes and I pointed his ''buddy''.. ''Oh my ing God!'' Onew said. Door was close so Euncho can't here anything. Onew take the magazine under his pillow and he put it opposite his ''buddy''. ''Onew... Is that magazine?'' I started laugh harder. I was sitting on the floor and laughing.. ''I can explane..'' Onew said. ''Do not explane.... I don't want to here..'' I laugh. ''I think you are full of suprises..'' I said and walked out of his room. But I walked back at the door and I said: ''Btw.. today is first school day so you have to do something to that and you have to be quick because we have only 1 hour left...'' I said and still laughing.Onew throw me whit his pillow. I walk at the kitchen. ''Why you are laughing?'' Euncho asked when I was in kitchen. ''Oh nothing.. I was just thinking that maybe Onew needs girlfriend..'' I said and laugh harder. ''Ok..'' Euncho said and take her jacket. ''Well, I go now.. Have a fun first school day! Fighting!'' Se said and open the front door. ''Fighting" I said. Euncho close the door and she was going to work. ''Hey! You can come now, she is gone!'' I yelled at Onew.  Onew came at kitchen. ''I am sorry..'' Onew said. ''No problem bro. It's your own thing.'' I said. ''So you don't have to said to anyone.'' Onew said. ''I am not like that person, I quess...'' I said and eating. ''Good.. And I am so sorry for last night..'' Onew said and he looks like that he have hangover. ''Don't say sorry to me.. It's ok to me but I think you have to sau sorry to Jonghyun.'' I said. ''Why I have to say sorry to him?'' Onew asked and take some medicines. '' I think that you spew in his shoes..'' I said and drink some cofe. ''!'' Onew said. 

My phone started ringing. iT's Minho. ''Yeobuseo.'' I said at the phone. "Annyeong Kat! are you still at home?" Minho asked. "Yeh! I had to help Onew whit one thing.. Why?" I ask. "Can I come? I don't have nothing else to do.. And maybe we can go to school together?" Minho asked. "Ok, come here. I wait.  See you." I said and hug up. I stand up and walked to my room. I take my school bag and go back to down stares. 

"I Go already! By my sis!!" Onew yelled at the front door.





Sorry about that it was so short.. and weird. :D:D:D:DD I wrote that at the night when clock was about 3 ::D So thats why text like this ;D

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The end is so dramatic and interesting ~ please update soon and CONGRATS TO YOUR MOM^^
Looking forward to your story, please update soon~~ Good luck^^