Chapter 23: Confessions

I Do! (Not Really)

-Renee's POV-

I'm surrounded by the pitch black. I look around and I see something faint. I ran closer to it. Kyuhyun? I tried to call him but nothing uttered out of my mouth. I ran after him but he drifted away. My hand went through his. He looked so transparent. I felt a prescence behind me. Taemin was behind me.

"Taemin why are you here?" No answer. "Taemin please answer me!" He ran but I caught up to him.

"My umma told me not to talk to strangers!"

"What do you mean? You know me!"

"I don't know any old person like you."

"Come on, I've known you since we were little!"

"I don't know what you're talking about lady!"

"I'm Renee!!" I stammered

"No you're not Renee, she's younger than me and I don't look as old as you!" Of course Taemin's 7. He would have no idea what I would look like in the future.

The blackness went away and I was in a corner. "19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 here I come ready, or not." I looked in the slide.

"Aww how did you find me here?" Taemin pouted. I grinned.

"It's so easy finding you." I looked behind the building. "This is too easy! You guys should choose better places."

"Aww, you know this place better than us."

Later I was sitting on a bench.

"Why do you not call me oppa? I'm waaaay older than you and taller!" Taemin asked.

"Because it reminds me of old fart and farts don't smell good! Especially if they're OLDDDD! So to me I would be calling you a stinky old fart that came from someones ." Taemin giggled.

I got off the bench and I ran into a crowd of people.

"Taemin, Taemin, Taemin, where are you??" I was ducking between people.

-Taemin's POV-

*Yawns* Yesterday was a busy day. I walked down stairs. "Taemin, Taemin, Taemin..." Renee sleep talks? I'm amazed!! I should probably wake her up though... What should I eat? Well there's always the leftovers from yesterday but I don't want to be kneed again. I still haven't healed from the last one. I rubbed my stomach.

-Renee's POV-

I feel some shaking. I opened my eyes to see Taemin eating the mac and cheese I made.

"Good work on the mac & cheese!" He said. I bet it would have been better if you ate it yesterday! "Want some?"

"Sure." The nerve of some people, asking if I want a meal I made out of hard labor for them and they ask if I want some... OF COURSE I DO!!!

"So what were you dreaming about?" You know stalking may have worked for Edward Cullen to woo Bella but I find someone watching you as you sleep quite creepy. But maybe Bella was a little wacked out also. She had a choice between Edward and Jacob!!!! And she chooses EDWARD?!?!?! Not to be mean but I don't remember Jacob stalking, eating people, wanting to drink my blood, OLD FART, and etc (there's so much more)... People are surprised I've read it
(I read Twilight starting on page 100 because thats what Sulli said is where the good stuff happens, and the rest of the series? I read the cliff notes. Who cares if Jacob gave Bella the tools to almost kill herself. Blame it on EDWARD! What a clingy girl..)

"Why do you want to know?" I glared at him.

"Because you said my name in your sleep without anger, angst, a cuss word, murder threats and so on. I rarely hear those!" Listen I'm not always homicidal!

"I don't feel like telling you." I just woke up, I have sleepies in my eyes..

"Then no mac & cheese."

"What, why? GIVE IT TO ME!!! YOU WON'T LIKE IT WHEN MY PMS IS KICKING IN!!!" Best threat against any guy: PMS

"Uh uh" I growled at him. I gave him a glare. He shot one back at me. Fine, only because my PMS is being controlled by my stomach.

"FINE! It was about memories of our past.. NOW GIVE IT TO ME!" Taemin stepped back. He gave me his mac & cheese. That will do for now my minion...

"Why did we ever drift apart from being friends." I was eating the mac & cheese and no I don't care about germs!

"Because someone had to point out all the little mistakes in someone else and rub it in how better he was! Then the other person after months of pain came back and kicked him up his . There it created the battle that would last for a while!"

"That's not how it really went!"

"How would yoy know? Ok so I kicked you up in the mentally."

"You really think that I went on and on about how perfect I am?" I looked at him.

"Yes! 'Oh Taemin is such a doll, he is so perfect, I don't know why you would hate such a person like him', and then there was the teasing you sent people to do for you! 'I can see why Taemin didn't want to be friends with you anymore'. How can I not forget about the speech the principal gave about one of the tops students: Lee Taemin. 'Why can't you be more like him? He's a gentleman, smart, handsome, charming, and he even has started on his own succesful career! What have you done?' and the list goes on!"

"Is that what really has stuck in your mind about me?" I nodded my head. "That's different than my thoughts about you in high school." He actually thought about me?

"I thought how lucky you were that you passed classes that you skipped. Maybe if you applied yourself you could be one of the top students also. It amazed me how you made it through school with your simple mind." -_- thanks a lot, my thoughts on you aren't that off from the real you.

"Like everyone else, 'apply yourself, apply yourself', you've never had these thoughts on why some of your closest friends have abandoned you, caused suicide, or have done some illegal things that ended them in jail. You've never wondered what will happen to yourself or never felt the pain of other people's because its happened to you. I'm jealous of you. Your whole life has been given to you by your parents while some people struggle with day-to-day things. All your life you've been pampered and groomed with the best, they gave you anything you wanted. Most likely that wasn't enough for you, so you decided to test with love, only to realize you don't love that person, leaving the person feeling used. It's a cycle that you don't seem to break." There seemed to be some silence. 

"Is that another thing you think of me as? Someone who uses people to get what they want."

"Trained by the best. Manipulating people and let them think your their best friend that would never abandon them. Most of my life I've been trying to prove to people that I was better or just as good as you. We always get lumped together."

"How ironic, most of my life I've been trying to win your approval, when we were still friends you did give me approval on some things. All I wanted was your approval, and now it seems I subconciously still want it. I never even got a 'congratulations' at the graduation from you. People hand me approval to me for doing just the simplest of things."

"That is the only thing you want out of me? Is that all I'm good for?" I closed my eyes. Tears were going down my face. Why am I so useless? When will I learn to stop running away from my problems? I never think of the things I do.

"Please stop crying. You criticize yourself severely" He handed me a tissue. "Some of the best things about you are right infront of you, you just don't realize it. On some things my mind would be racing around to find an answer and for you it just comes naturally for you. For you, creativity is endless, while all the people at our school combined couldn't see the things you see. Not even the best scientists could show me the prettiest things like you have. You stand up for people who doesn't have a backbone to do it for them. There are more good things I could say about you. The things I admire about you. Those things make you one of the prettiest girls I know."

He wiped the tears off my face.I got off the couch and laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. Maybe my 'brothers' were wrong. Our friendship could have been genuine.All of this could have been a mistake... Taemin went and laid next to me.

"So what made you push me away?" He asked. I laid there and thought.

"You asked me about sleeping with you..." I laughed" I asked my 'brothers' about it. They told me that's a big NO because I was asking about it. They told me once you lose it, you can never get it back, and one day you may regret it. They helped me a lot on my decisions even if they were drunk at times."

"Didn't you know? All I wanted  was you and that you would never forget about me."

"I'm almost a year younger than you, things that happened to you didn't happen to me yet. I was too young to understand love. I never really thought hardly about what you asked me again." I laughed "What a weird first date! Too bad you didn't have an older brother for advice."

"I watched too many romance movies with one night stands." I laughed

"Obviously! You needed someone to tell you 'hey its only one girl'!" We laid there laughing on the ground.


A/N: I didn't realize how long the chapter would be when I first thought of it... I had to cut some stuff out (I'll write that stuff later)

They needed a chapter to (or two) work out their 'differences'. I really hope I'm not contradicting other parts of the story (since I added this at the last minute)...

Oh and if you want to know something: I'm a bad co-author, I get too impatient and do the unthinkable: wing a chapter for the author and hopes it will work

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Nichichan #1
very unsatisfied with the ending T^T...and i dont really get your a/n ~ if you have a good story ill read it and give you feed back :D
Nichichan #2
@midnightdreams sooo true T^T that and the fact that the middle east is basically a war zone right now...<br />
lolzz double rainbow XDD<br />
...renee's dad is technically 3rd generation right?? he eats cookie dough?? woww...thaaaats not good XDD<br />
depends on what the other chapter im kinda undecided
midnightdreams #3
@dolo_0 which convo? if it's between Sophi and her dad, she's 2, if you've ever been around 2 year olds the most you can get them to pay attention is like 5 minutes, after that they start saying a bunch of random stuff and walk around the room for no reason (I have a neice and nephew ;D) <br />
@raishowna thank you ^^ <br />
@Nichichan uugghh we have so many law breakers. no wonder why gas is going up....
lovelyrai #4
Your story keeps gettin better and better
Nichichan #5
aww~~ renee's so nice :D<br />
and about ur little unfun fact, yeah my friend had to do a report on it... i think it was around 70K for each prisoner =_= i could go to college w/ that kinda money :O
Nichichan #6
woww...luckyy!! she gets to be a baby again!! XDD<br />
but in all seriousness that ..TT^TT i would hate to see someone i cared about like that T^T<br />
but sophi's so cute in the beginning with her 'ninja powers' XDD
lovelyrai #7
oh how sad poor victoeia