D.O’S POV:                                                                                                                      

It’s been 2 weeks since Sulli left. And I’m okay now. She did visit us every Saturday afternoon in the same place. And she calls very often too. So I feel like she was just near.

Well, today’s June 11, 2012. It’s the first day of classes. Miyoung’s never been this excited before. She’s flooding me with text messages like ‘THIS IS IT’ ‘THIS IS THE DAY’ ‘CHANYEOL OPPA!’ ‘OH MY GOSH!’ I can’t believe her. I think she’s gonna be inlove with Chanyeol with her whole life.

What’s taking them so long? We’re gonna be late if they’re not here any minute now. I called Miyoung.

“Hello?” She said.

“Where are you now? Are you with Chin already? You guys are taking up so long. We only have 15 minutes before the bell rings.” I said.

“Relax, Kyungsoo. We’re near now okay? Tatatatatatatatatata.” She said and I can imagine her smiling really creepy.

“Just hurry up. Tatatatatatatatatatatatata!” I said while mimicking her voice and then I hung up. Aish.

In a minute, they’re here.


MIYOUNG’S POV:                                                                                                              

“Relax, Kyungsoo. We’re near now okay? Tatatatatatatatatata.”  I said while smiling with excitement.

“Just hurry up. Tatatatatatatatatatatatata!” He said while mimicking my voice and then he hung up.

“Oh my Chin. I will get to be in the same class as Chanyeol’s. I still really can’t believe this!” I said.

“I know, I know. Now would you calm down you’re blushing so much.” Chin said. Am I? Oops.

I hold a breath and sighed. “So, where’s Heechul oppa?” I asked Chin.

“He is there already. He said we’ll just meet at recess.” Chin answered.

And now I can see D.O staring at us like, can’t-you-walk-any-faster look. And we’re here. So it’s just 3 of us now. Oh how I miss Sulli so much.

We are now entering the school hall. Now the building. We’re heading up the stairs. Oh my god. My heart. It’s beating faster. I can now see the door with the ‘CLASS 3-A’ written on it. O em. This is it.

D.O opened the door. ASDFGHJKL;;


And the very first person I saw was Chanyeol. He is sitting at the back with his friends Kai, Sehun, Suho and Baekhyun. How cute he is! He is joking around with Kai. Oh my. He’s looking at me. He is looking AT ME. AND HE SMILED A BIT. I think I’m gonna burst. So cute^^ D.O sat next to Baekhyun. D.O’s close to Baekhyun but to the other’s not much, yet. Chin and I sat in the 2nd front row. Arggh. I can’t see him in here. I can’t always turn around to stare at him. Aish.

Hmmm. Krystal’s not here. I guess she’s in 3-B. Well that’ll be great. I won’t see her all the time with Chanyeol. :D Chanyeol and Krystal has been on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, and on…again since sophomore. Isn’t he getting tired of that? If only he knew that he really belongs to me^^ LOL. Now I’m humming Taylor Swift’s You Belong with Me song in my head. Lalalala~ ♪ ♪ ♪


*kriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnngggg* The bell rung. Suddenly a woman entered the classroom.

“Good morning class. I’m Ms. Victoria Song, and I’ll be your adviser for school year 2011-2012.”

The teacher continues to discuss and explains to us the school rules and regulations, which really bored us all because we’ve been hearing those rules since freshmen year.


I heard Chanyeol laughing at the back. It was so loud that almost everyone turned they head to see what Chanyeol is laughing at.

“PARK CHANYEOL?” even the teacher’s attention was caught by his laugh.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“What are you laughing at?”

“Eh, nothing…ma’am.” He looked at Kai and Kai was trying to stop his laughter.

“Would you please exchange seats with Hae Chin?” the teacher said.

Hae Chin? Omo. But Chin’s on my left side. Chanyeol’s gonna sit beside me? Omo omo. I looked at D.O and I can see him smiling at me and he showed me a thumbs up. I bit my lip, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. I think I’m gonna explode~


Chin stood up, got her things and winked at me.

Shiz. Chanyeol is now walking towards Chin's seat. Towards ME. ASDFGHJKL. I faced the blackboard and let out a deep sigh. Suddenly, I heard him put his bag and he sitted down.

"Okay. Now let's continue." Teacher Victoria said.


My gosh. His eyes, his eyelashes, oh so beautiful! ♥.♥ I never seen him this close.

I keep on stealing glances at him. It's so great that he doesn't catch me. keke^^


"Now can you please answer this sheet. You are just going to write what you expect for this school year and what activities you want the school to conduct.”

As the teacher distributes the paper, I was so schocked when a deep voice talked to me.

“Hey Miyoung can I borrow a ballpen?” Chanyeol said. HGGJHVFJRXFCIUT:IO:J~!!! HE KNOWS ME???

“Uhh. Sure.” I said and handed him a G-tec ballpen.

I turned around and saw Chin with her face like this:


LOL. I smiled a bit.

“Here you go. Thank you.” Chanyeol said as he hands me back my ballpen. OMG. I touched his fingers. I TOUCHED HIS FINGERRRSSSS~ Can we be seatmates forever?? :””>


“Okay class. You have a 30 minute recess.”

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Why still no updates? I'm still waiting. ;;
Kyungsoo1231 #2
Chapter 28: WOW! Your story is jjang! Please update it A.S.A.P! I love your storyyyy so much! This is the best story i ever know!! Fighting!!
Chapter 28: Omg girl! This is so amazing story ^^ My Chanyeol feels are so aedesfrssfffdff now. He is my UB. <3
I stayed awake for whole night bc I couldn't wait to read next chapters, but now I ended all ~so sad T.T~.. Pls update it as soon as you can. I'll be very happy. ^^ Thank you once again for that wonderful fanfic. :)
Update~! love this story <3
Chapter 28: I am so dying for a comeback...

Actually i think i died waiting already -.-
soooyeon #6
Chapter 28: NONONONO... YEOL.. ajshajshja ugh... and D.O too.. i dunno who.. T-T


Chapter 28: Waiting for your fanfic to update is just like waiting for Exo's comeback lol curious tho about the next update
Chapter 27: I JUST--CHANYEOLLLLL!! cliffhanger
Hi there guys! I really appreciated your comments I know how excited all of you are. :)) I'm sorry for being a late author HAHA. I had summer classes, I hope I can update tomorrow. :)

@creepyeolie :D I hope I won't make you wait again for ages, just a few weeks. :D

@Yue-sama why did you change your username? :p

@OhSehunnie *catches baekhyun* I wont bring baekhyun back anymore he's mine now. =)))

@baekororo just hang in there okay =)))

soooyeon #10