Happy Ending For All

World Domination

-Min Ah POV-
I am,a useless child. I am,a defending doofus. I am,nobody.
I used to have chingus,best chingus I ever seen in this yeppu world.
But cause i am,too agreesive.
I looked at my arm,legs,hand and face... Scars,scars and more scars if u said so...
Scars that made me realised i am not only hurting self,i've hurted many more people than anyone .

I am,a bad guy... Look at Jun Hong,Hyun Ae,Hye Woo and Dae Hyun... Their faces look fierce
I am,a killjoy. Look at how i hurted Joo Ri and her chingus...
" What are you doing? " i mumbled to my self

" who am i?" i asked myself,seriously.

I stared at the sky,realising its too late.
I should apologise,no,apologies wont do.. Must be a better way...
Ship myself to China? Run away from family and lose chingus?
Or go apologise when all people will scold me?
Am i a proper unnie or noona? Should I even be on this living place?

-Joo Ri POV-
Who knew? Jun Hong and Dae Hyun just helped me revenge on that evilish unnie...
But,she is poor,just look at her scars.
" hey..." Jun Hong holded my hand,panting heavily as he returned safely from the field
" wassup?" DaeHyun made a peace.
Im speechless,am i the cruel one? Am i the one wrong in the first place?
" please,answer me,dongsaengie" Jun Hong shaked me

" should i apologise?" i asked both of them.

their faces turned black,shaking their heads like they are bobble heads.
No? or yeh?
" yeh?" i spoke too soon.
Min Ah went stomping in as soon as i said "yeh".
What should i do??

-end of all POV-

Min Ah and Joo Ri faced each other,looking at each other then staring at the ground.
Joo Ri was about to talk when Min Ah kneeled down infront of her.
" what are you doing,unnie?" Joo Ri asked with a shocked face and her face turned green.
" mianhae " Min Ah bowed,knocked her head on the ground. Scars on her head started bleeding,the blood drops dropped on the floor "di dup"sounds
Joo Ri looked at her,smiled the most happiest smile and she starts falling tears.
" it was my fault,mianhae..." she offered Min Ah to stand up,and sit on the bed.
DaeHyun and Jun Hong on the other side,called all the members to see the so called "DRAMA"
" im too agreesive,too selfish and stubborn~" Min Ah smiled,and hugged her dongsaeng
All the others were speechless,but they started to fall tears too.
" i should not have revenge on u,u are jjang as always.." Joo Ri accepted the hug and cuddled her unnie
YoungJae and Hyun Ae came in late,and saw the scene...
" we are sorry that we never believed u and trying to destroy u" Jun Hong said with tears swelled up in his eyes,about to fall down when Joo Ri wiped it away.
" we ALL are sorry " everybody yelled with sore voices,flinched by the scene.

2 weeks had pasted,B.A.P successfully made a comeback. PARTay also did the same.
And as for Min Ah,she entered back to the group and promised to take good care of all dongsaengs.
In the meanwhile,Joo Ri and Jun Hong went to the park.TOGETHER.
" Joo Ri-ah" Jun Hong patted her shoulders'
Joo Ri turned her head around and Jun Hong pecked on her cheeks.
She blushed like so crazy,its really like Jun Hong's fav cherry tomato.
" will u be mine?" Jun Hong used the fancy but funny voice and smiled at her
Joo Ri nodded and took his hand

walking,the path to conquer the world...

dont be sad! but i wont be continueing this fanfic...
As What A Lucky Life I Have and World Domination is already 2 fanfics of daelori,we stop here
But i'll be writing more fanfics! JUST U GUYS WAIT


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awww cute ending
looking ford to your next fan fic
omo :S
awww kyopta <3
HAHA your welcome =) nice chapters hop she well get well soon
JungLoveYoung #5
Thx Tashey :)
Author-nim you have a big imagination ! haha keep it up :D
ITS THAT EVIL GIRL , Aish chinja !! update soon its fuuuuuun
IM Loving this !!
me Likey <3