Above The Line 4th member : Choi Aira




by : bgirlayemiyu88 - May 1, 2012 at 13.12 pm.

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Amoeba Culture reveals Above The Line's underground princess!


Finally Amoeba Culture unleashed the last member of Above The Line to the public. Said to be the Ace of the group, Choi Aira (19) is the fast rapper and also the producer of the group. She helped producing their first mini album that will be release on May 18th.

Aira is half Korean and half Japanese. She came to Korea to start her high school year. She has started her music career since she was in Japan with her classical music talent, who would’ve thought that she fell in love with the underground music. When she moved to Korea she joined the underground artists such as Demento, The Quiett, Beenzino etc.  Even before she joins the company she's already busy with her underground activities, netizen could easily found dozen of fancams of her and it seems that she have many fangirls.


Name           : Choi Aira

Birthday       : May 11, 1993

Blood Type  : O

Hometown   : Nagoya, Japan

Position        : Rapper, Producer


Her individual teaser gained lots of attention from the netizens and her undergroud fans saying, "Deserve the 'Ace' title! Aira fighting! ATL fighting!", "She's finally debuting! Cant wait to hear ATL songs! I'm sure it'll be great since she produced it.", "I watched her underground performances before, she's such a great rapper and performer. Cant wait for their debut."




They are scheduled to debut by the end of the month. Still no official statement from the company but we definitely sure there will be more teasers to come before the end of the month. 

Keep tuned on allkpop for more updates of the girls.




Name                          : Choi Aira

Underground name  : Aè

Birthday                     : May 11, 1993

Place of Birth             : Norwegia

Hometown                  : Nagoya

Ethnicity                     : Half Korean half japanesse

Languages                 : English (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Greece, Mandarin (conversational), Bahasa Indonesia (knows a bit because of Seolrae)

Major                          : Human ecology at Yonsei

Persona                      : The troll umma ._.

Other talents             : musical instrument violin and piano and drums lol, drawing, writing, aikido black belt

Personality : people tend to mistake me because of my intimidating sharp eyes but I’m (jiggly like a pudding lol ) actually very nice when you get to know me, can be quiet  sometimes but overall very talkative and sometimes noisy. A good observer, so it’s easy for her to get along to someone since I could easily guessed their personality. A fast learner and open minded. When I was in Japan I was actually famous for my performance in classical music shows.

Family Background  : Since my parents travel a lot I only stayed with my brother, both of us are very close, knows hip hop from one of my brother friends (Demento). My mother was a senior singer but she retired to help run the family company business.


Likes :

- milk esp banana milk

- rainy/gloomy/dark day lol

- blanket, hoodie, jacket,

- sleeping

- gadgets

- dark magic or mythical stuff (fictions story)

- cats ._. and cats and cats and kitten

- reading

- meat ._. *makes hearts* and rice. no rice no life, ask hanin lol

- writing (poem, story, songs, etc)

- ballad songs beside hep hap… hep hap hap hap

- thriller cause this is thrillaaaaaaaaaaaah  ~

- comfort food like cake ice cream chocolate

- alone time in my room or the studio


Dislikes :

- crowded place

- being waken up

- noisy place

- people shouting

- cooking (although somewhat good at it but too lazy to do it hehe)

- being rush

- hot or sunny day or a bright day

- arguments 

- comments

- ants

- people smoking or the smell of smoke

- being disturbed

- a last minute schedule
- can’t stand messy place


Habits :

- act very childish and clingy and annoying and weird when she’s sick, like now and my brain stops working hahahahahha

- always get cranky after waking up (not fun exactly hahahah)

-  making weird expression when she’s bored

- nagging not directly


Hobbies : net surfing, bed surfing, composing, trolling my oppas

Style : hoodie, jegging, oversized tshirt, studs, overall boys clothing


Fun Facts:

- people around her (friends etc) in Japan actually known her for her love to classical and ballad songs

- despite being the umma and the oldest she is very clingy sometimes esp to her older brother but doesn’t showed it to people

- doing aegyo is one of her main weapon to get what she wants (rarely do it), but not with three of you cause it’s weird and I could just force you to get what I want MUWHAHAHAHHA kidding ._.v

- beside doing underground performance she also had a few performance in a classical music shows

- like to tease the  fans her killer smirk

- likes to call guys who’s older with hyung just to tease them 


Relationships :


with family : despite being overseas a lot, me and my brother are very close to our parents, well especially me. My mum was the one who introduced me to the music business, she’s the one who told me to learn musical instrument tho she said it’s okay if I didn’t take the same path as her (as a singer). My mother is my best teacher, I learn a lot from her . While my dad, let’s just say in my family I’m the ‘little dad’ we  have so much things in common so whenever he’s free we would spend time together, and my brother, well let’s just say I wouldn’t be like this if it weren’t because of him.

with members :

Yoon Seolrae : out of those three she’s the most stubborn. My first impression of her was ‘she’s very loud’ so I tried not to get too close to her hahahaha, but after a while we get a long pretty well. Her characteristic is the opposite of mine, so we often argue. Despite that I like being with her, she’s a really good company so I sometimes I will go to her room just to laze around, and I could spend hours with her without talking, it’s really comfortable being with her.

Lee Hanin : I never thought we will be this close when I first met her, she’s the leader yet sometimes she’s the most careless. I don’t think she likes me when we first met hahaha, but since we spend a lot of time together both in the recording room and the practice room since we love to stay up late we become really really close, though she still doesn’t like my jokes.

Park Sunhae : I was really surprised at first someone like her would join this group, and I was wondering the reason why. Turns out she was really enthusiast in training she really look like she enjoys it very well. magnae and I have a lot thing in common, it really felt like I have a little sister, it’s very fun, though sometimes she could be very careless about herself, and her too innocent mind kinda kills me.  

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hey... I can't wait until you update it :)
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading this fic again because yongguk ಠ◡ಠ
lol umma's comment XDDDD HEY THERE CHAN... WHY PROGRESS SO FAST? THAT DM OMG............ EHEYY XD BTW JIIIIEEEH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ XD *baca lg* aaaah kepo with that photo DX what's their past relationship? could it be...............ex?
Baekhyun : “Kyungsoo what are you looking at?”
D.O : eh ? O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : nothing O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : O_O


"From what they seen on tv girl groups usually act very nervous when it comes to couple game but Above The Line they were different"

pfffttt it's simple because we're bap's hoar . . .
okay this is not funny /goes back reading

“Can I pick both of them instead then?” <--- see what I'm saying XD

yongguk you idiot

MY GOD WHAT "A picture of a girl wearing a black hoodie and a brown mask with mustache pattern on it and beside her a guy with his infamous wide gummy smile"

fufufufu you're getting good at putting up a twist, me gusta

*continue spazzing*
Sehun sama Sunhae beraegyo ria*?* yipie.. Tpi knapa himchan DM Sunhae? T^T *aku jealous loh oppa :'(*
Chanyeol udah mulai pdkt sama Seolrae nih critanya.. #cieee
OMG Aira-Yongguk spertinya bakal ada 'sesuatu' nih sama mereka
Poor Daehyun, mendingan jdi couple sama aku aja hehe :9 *lupakan himchan dan zelo sejenak*

Onni fighting for next chap and two moons(ae) p(^0^)q
YAH!!! HAH EONNI~~~ *whine* lo tau ga gue kykny sinting baca ini.. ketawa trus lemes trus ketawa lg.. gitu aja berulang2.. sampe akhirnya gue bgini.. > o<-< *terkapar dikasur* ADUH HIMCHANCHAN <33333333 TTATT btw JIEH AZZEEEK LAH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ ME LIKEY! XD
and.. i forgot what else i want to write =__=
OH! I LOVE YOU (again) FOR PUTTING THOSE TAYLOR SWIFT'S PICTURE XD aaaand last... THEHUN <3 :3 uyeah double combo aegyo from the magnaes *narsis dikit* :p mawr puhlease~~

haha Himchan and Sunhae! yayaya~ and Aira and Yonguk^^ amazing...
I want more ;-)
I want more~ *jumping like little kid.* I'm falling for your stories lullabyme07 :3 everything is perfect. I've just read everything at once^^ and be sure I'll check your girls' fics out XD
And songs, artists and vids you've chosen are very good ¤_¤ I love them! Supreme Team! and I guess you like Aira, Sunhae, Hanin and Seolrae's names coz you used them in Two Moons too~
I know how important are comments to writers so I'll try my best to support you^^ keep going well~
Wow keren nih onni XD
Bnyak bnget yg kpop idol yg d pake,
OMG ada Kris jga "Ayo waddup kreassee.."
Aira sama Yongguk itu nanti ada something happen between them ya?
lol, aira already fell for yongguk XD /lame joke is lame
tsk hanin and krease tsk tsk tsk
short comment because . . . . . because my brain is actually working tonight so . . .
go finish two moons and then update this ~! hahahaha