Above The Line 3rd member : Lee Hanin




by : koreanchef777 - April 26, 2012 at 12.30 pm.

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Amoeba Culture reveals Above The Line's leader!


The girl in the picture is confirmed to the Leader of Amoeba Culture’s first girl group Above The Line. Not only positioned as the leader of the group, she’s also in charge of rap and dancing along side her fellow lead dancer, Seolrae.

Many people already knew about her after an audition video of her and Exo-M’s leader Kris spread out in the cyber world. Both of them auditioned for SM Entertainment Global Audition 2008 in Canada but unfortunately only Kris got in. They are rumored to be very close to each other since both of them went to the same school back in Canada. That was how the company found her when DynamicDuo and Supreme Team came to Canada to perform in her school two years ago.

She’s very talented both in rap and dance. She has a tough and bold personality that’s why we picked her as the group’s leader. You gonna love her.Simon D mentioned in his interview. 


Name             : Lee Hanin

English name  : Ivy Lee

Birthday          : October 31, 1993

Blood type       : O

Hometown       : Canada

Position           : Leader, Rapper, Lead Dancer 


After uploaded Seolrae's Individual teaser 3 days ago, last night Amoeba Culture uploaded not only Hanin's individual teaser but also a video of her, Seolrae, their choreographer, Ellen Kim and a dancer covering 2NE1's I Am The Best. 





Receiving tons of great feedbacks from the netizens saying "Hanin is such a badass leader!", "They are so y oh my god im nose bleeding.", "I want to see Sunhae dancing too!", "I'm so coming to their every shows."

They also got a nice comment from their seniors.

2NE1's Minzy tweeted : "Thank you so much for covering our song. You guys are amazing! i cant wait for your debut stage! ATL hwaiting!"

UKiss's Kevin : "Please check out these amazing girls! they havent debuted yet but I'm sure it'll be awesome! ATL!"

Simon D : "So proud of my girls :')" 

LED Apple's Hanbyul : "A.T.L DEBUT ****2012!!! no spoiler~ ^^ "

Aren't we just excited for their debut?

Keep tuned on allkpop.




Name:  Lee Hanin

English name : Ivy Lee

Birthday : 31st October 1993

Age : 19 

Place of Birth  : Canada

Ethnicity : Half Korean half Canadian

Languages : English-Korea-Mandarin (fluent), Indonesian (conversational)

Major : Hotel Management (temporary leaving)

Persona: whacko leader, Seolrae’s skinship victim, informality queen.

Other talents : imitating’s people expression.

Personality: Always giving people an uninterested gaze. People always thought that I never interested in anything, but it’s because of her face. Its my natural face. People thinks that I’m rude because I sometime slipped using informality and again because of my expression. But I’m actually a caring person especially to my friends, I’ll do anything to protect them.

Family Background: mediocre family. Father works in a company, mother works in a beer house, brother currently studying music in South Korea.



-       cheese

-       chocolate

-       fried rice

-       free time

-       dancing

-       hugging

-       salty food


Dislikes :

-       lack of sleep

-       annoying people

-       being ignored


Habits : moving her body even from hearing a tapping of fingers on the table, when had nothing to say her derp face will come out.


Hobbies :

-       cooking

-       writing

-       browsing


Style : sweater, jegging, legging, loose t-shirt, stripes.


Fun Facts:

-       Krease (EXO Kris)’s bff

-       Taeyeon’s hardcore fangirl

-       Forming a line with Kris (EXO) , Simon (Dalmatian) and Amber (Fx)



with family : my parents are both very supportive especially about me wanting to be an idol. I'm close with my brother cause he's always around. He always come to our practice whenever he got time after his class, he's currently a music student in Seoul National University.

with members :

Yoon Seolrae : she was the first person i knew when i step in Korea, as she's the one who picked me up at the airport. I like her from the first glance, but not in a wrong way. Surprisingly our dance style matched each other like a puzzle so i really enjoy working at dance section with her.Argued a lot even because of a little, pity things but then we talked again like nothing doesn't happen. Always being dragged everywhere when she wants to escape from the apartment. I'm Seolrae's favorite victim when she wants to do a fan service involving members, but i never mind because i like skinship too lol. Maybe because our almost similar personality, we can read each other's mind and even finishing each other's sentences.

Choi Aira : i thought i'll never get along with her. Her first impression didn't catch me well and at first we can't match. fans matched us up because she's the group's umma and because i'm the leader, automatically i'm the appa and we became the parents of the group. but we have lots of things in common and sometimes i only can talk conveniently with her. she's caring and never fails to reminds me eating vitamin, fruit, health food, everything you name it.
Park Sunhae : my favorite victim when it comes to bullying. but she's really cute when we -yes we, seolrae and aira always join too- bullied her. cutiepie and also a hardworker dongsaeng, she always ask me for dance tutorial and sometimes when she had some trouble. but sometimes she's too annoying for me and over-reacted -things i hate the most-. kinda unsensitive at times and can't read situation.
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hey... I can't wait until you update it :)
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading this fic again because yongguk ಠ◡ಠ
lol umma's comment XDDDD HEY THERE CHAN... WHY PROGRESS SO FAST? THAT DM OMG............ EHEYY XD BTW JIIIIEEEH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ XD *baca lg* aaaah kepo with that photo DX what's their past relationship? could it be...............ex?
Baekhyun : “Kyungsoo what are you looking at?”
D.O : eh ? O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : nothing O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : O_O


"From what they seen on tv girl groups usually act very nervous when it comes to couple game but Above The Line they were different"

pfffttt it's simple because we're bap's hoar . . .
okay this is not funny /goes back reading

“Can I pick both of them instead then?” <--- see what I'm saying XD

yongguk you idiot

MY GOD WHAT "A picture of a girl wearing a black hoodie and a brown mask with mustache pattern on it and beside her a guy with his infamous wide gummy smile"

fufufufu you're getting good at putting up a twist, me gusta

*continue spazzing*
Sehun sama Sunhae beraegyo ria*?* yipie.. Tpi knapa himchan DM Sunhae? T^T *aku jealous loh oppa :'(*
Chanyeol udah mulai pdkt sama Seolrae nih critanya.. #cieee
OMG Aira-Yongguk spertinya bakal ada 'sesuatu' nih sama mereka
Poor Daehyun, mendingan jdi couple sama aku aja hehe :9 *lupakan himchan dan zelo sejenak*

Onni fighting for next chap and two moons(ae) p(^0^)q
YAH!!! HAH EONNI~~~ *whine* lo tau ga gue kykny sinting baca ini.. ketawa trus lemes trus ketawa lg.. gitu aja berulang2.. sampe akhirnya gue bgini.. > o<-< *terkapar dikasur* ADUH HIMCHANCHAN <33333333 TTATT btw JIEH AZZEEEK LAH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ ME LIKEY! XD
and.. i forgot what else i want to write =__=
OH! I LOVE YOU (again) FOR PUTTING THOSE TAYLOR SWIFT'S PICTURE XD aaaand last... THEHUN <3 :3 uyeah double combo aegyo from the magnaes *narsis dikit* :p mawr puhlease~~

haha Himchan and Sunhae! yayaya~ and Aira and Yonguk^^ amazing...
I want more ;-)
I want more~ *jumping like little kid.* I'm falling for your stories lullabyme07 :3 everything is perfect. I've just read everything at once^^ and be sure I'll check your girls' fics out XD
And songs, artists and vids you've chosen are very good ¤_¤ I love them! Supreme Team! and I guess you like Aira, Sunhae, Hanin and Seolrae's names coz you used them in Two Moons too~
I know how important are comments to writers so I'll try my best to support you^^ keep going well~
Wow keren nih onni XD
Bnyak bnget yg kpop idol yg d pake,
OMG ada Kris jga "Ayo waddup kreassee.."
Aira sama Yongguk itu nanti ada something happen between them ya?
lol, aira already fell for yongguk XD /lame joke is lame
tsk hanin and krease tsk tsk tsk
short comment because . . . . . because my brain is actually working tonight so . . .
go finish two moons and then update this ~! hahahaha