‘It has been 3 months and 3 days since their arrival to this world. And the word ‘aliens’ can’t possibly true anymore….I meant, I still can’t believe that they’re actually from…..outer space, and Mato planet? Since when there’s a planet called Mato exist anyway?

And I thought that our galaxy only have 9 planets? Well, if they’re from Sedna, then yeah I’m might going accept that but Mato? Come on….is this some kind of a joke or what???’

You got up from the bed and sat down on it with crossed legs, thinking of the first moment when they stepped into this house.



After came back home from your part time job, you went to your room tiredly and fell down to your bed; feeling tired after all of the busy you were facing for the day. You sighed in relief, feeling how comfortable the bed was.

You eyes were about to close…until you heard a sudden loud thud at downstairs. “What was that?” you murmured. Then, you felt a sudden alert of danger coming upon you.

Quietly, you walked downstairs with a steel bat ready on your hands. You looked around cautiously; seeing nothing but a pitch black dining room in front. Slowly, you reached to the switch nearby you and the lights as you your hands forwardly in ready to hit the unwanted guest.

The room eventually becomes brighter with lights on but no one was around. Curiously, you looked around you again and moved to the living room aside. Same as before, you the switch nearby you and ready with your weapon. Again, there’s no one there.

You sighed deeply as you held down the bat, wondered if the sound that you heard was just part of your imagination since you were too tired for the day. “Maybe I heard wrong….”

You turned to walk back to your room but stopped when you suddenly stepped on something on the floor. You looked down and saw a black bunny looking doll with mask on. “A doll?”

You picked it up and looked at it curiously. “That’s strange; I don’t recall any memories of having a doll in this house…..and what’s up with the blue mask anyway?”

Before you can touch the mask, suddenly you felt a small creature jumped towards you and gripped your hair harshly. “Yah!!! What is this?!! Argh!!!” You shrieked painfully as you moved around the place, struggling insanely with the newly creature on your.

“Let go of my hair, you freak!”

Strongly, you grabbed it off from your hair and looked at it furiously. “What the…..another bunny doll?” you looked at the doll that you just drop on the floor. Your jaws dropped when you saw a few of the same dolls on the floor…..walking…..and moving.

“What….the….” you murmured with eyes fixed on the dolls.

 “@#$#%&!!!!!” you turned to the doll who was struggling to get free from your tight grip hands. This one wears red mask.

You looked at all of them in shock. With all of a sudden, a small explosion popped out as the fogs slightly surround the place. With the sudden weight on your hands, you fell down and end up bumped on something on the floor.

You coughed roughly and opened your eyes to see at your surroundings again. As the place become clearer with fogs slowly disappeared, your eyes grew even wider at the sight in front you.

They are the one that you’ve met few hours ago. Why are they suddenly here? And what’s up with the doll anyway??

 “Yah! Let me go, earthling!”

You looked in front to see another presence of stranger; no, it’s also the same person that you’ve met along with the others. Like hell….what?!

 You widened your eyes at the person beneath you who was looking at you with angry face. So, the bunny just now was actually….him???

“Y….you?!” You stuttered as you jolted aback and scooted further away from them. What the hell is happening here?

“Damn….this earthling again? Don’t tell me that this house already had an owner…..” the purple head guy said.

“But viceroy didn’t say anything about this. She only said that this house was our main base on this Earth…” the blonde said. Main base? My house?

“Are you sure that we didn’t get the wrong place instead? We can’t stay on a place where an earthling has lived in….” The black hair guy said this time.

“Yes, I’m positive! Look!” the blonde respond as he showed him with this one device that shows a hologram images of a map.

“So, what should we do now? He already knows our secret, hyung….” The candy floss haired guy pointed at you.

“He? Yah! I’m a girl! And instead of calling me earthling, call me by name you idiot strangers!” You said in agony and stood up straight, faced them bravely.

“Omo! He’s angry!” One of them said as they all took a step aback, scared at your sudden anger.

You looked at them with hands on your waist, greeted your teeth furiously. “If you have anything else to do with in this house, then you have to deal with me first! Stranger like you don’t deserve to be here anyway….so, get out! Before I kill you….” You cracked your knuckles slowly.

The purple haired stepped forward and faced you angrily, “This is our main base! We deserve to do anything what we want and you, earthling, don’t have any rights to-“a slight punched reached to his face as his body knocked on the wall strongly as the impact breaks the window beside a little.

As his body turned into a thud, again, everyone turned at you in terror. You give them a death glare before continue. “Sit…”

They sat on the floor, followed as you told with face look down. You want to say something but you’re still speechless at the scene that you’ve witnesses just now. You thought that this only happened in some kind of fantasy or sci-fi movies on TV and surprisingly, you’ve experienced it today….in front of your eyes.

“I…..I don’t know how to start….you….you guys are actually from….outer space? Like…..seriously?” you frowned.

“Y…yes….yes, we are….” the black haired guy said.

“And which planet was that? Mars? Saturn? Sedna?” you tilted your head.

“Umm….actually….we’re from….planet Mato….” It was the brown haired guy turn to say that.

You crooked your eyebrows curiously. “Mato? Yah… this some kind of prank or what? Is this a hidden camera program?!” You looked around you to find some hidden camera at the ceiling, not believing what the people have just said to you.

“Hyung….what is hidden camera program?” The pink guy whispered to the brown haired one. The guy shrugged in respond.

“Fine….never mind about that. But please….please explain to me what was going on just now…..a bunny turned into a human? What are you guys really? An alien?”

“Actually….that was our real form, Matoki….”

“Bunny? Hyung, what is bunny?” the pink haired kid asked again. The blonde the device again as he searched some kind of information through it.

“Bunny is actually known as rabbit. It’s a small mammal in family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or kit.”

“Ohh….” They nodded in respond of understanding what the guy just said.

You looked at them with speechless. Is this some kind of a joke? They’re from planet Mato which merely NOT exists in the solar system and they’re an alien called as Matoki? What kind of piece of s**** is this???!

[F.l.a.s.h.b.a.c.k.s – END]


You scratched your back hair furiously in thinking that all of this nonsense might just a dream. But this is not a dream. They’re here! In front of you! Helping you to clean the house and always keep your house in safe and sound from any danger and strangers outside.

Well….merely, you’re the one who force them to do all the work if they want to stay here. Is that the reason why there are 3 bunks of bed in the other room when you first come here into this house? You sighed in disbelief. ‘What did I do with my life?”

You walked to your window and looked outside. You saw Yong Guk was busy watering the flowers outside. While he was doing it, he also playing with the hose as if it was a gun and started to shoot at everything around him until he accidentally shoot at Zelo who was about to approach him from behind.

Yong Guk started to panic when Zelo was about to cry when he was drenched with water. You chuckled at their actions and sighed again as you looked up the sky.

“Mom….dad….I hope you guys were happy up there….even though I’m all alone here by myself, but with these guys; I don’t think I am now….anymore….” you smiled sadly.

Your parents passed away during your last year of high school. You were happy when you’re about to graduate from your high school that day since you already received an offer from a prestige art university in town until you heard the news from a hospital about them involving in a terrible accident.

Every day feel so gloomy to you; the sadness, the loneliness, the memories of your deceased parents….you just can’t get rid of that feelings for how long it might take for you to just snap out from it and back to reality to keep move on.

How tough those moments were until you decided to leave your hometown and moved to the capital; leaving the entire memories of your past and move on to your new life in town.

Things just get better…..until you meet those guys in your life.


You snapped out from your fantasy and turned at the person who was calling you.  Himchan poked his head in your room, not daring or wanting to enter your room. “Ohh, Himchannie…. What’s wrong?”

“Umm…..I….aaa…..” he stuttered and opened the door slowly just to make himself comfortable enough to talk to you. He looked at you shyly before continued, “Can you….teach me how to….cook?”

You blinked at the guy’s favor. “I thought you know pretty well in cooking. Why do you ask so suddenly?”

“Because…..I already make this one dish but….I don’t think it turned out to be as good as what I’ve expected it to be….”

You looked out at the window again; Zelo was busy chasing Yong Guk with water hose on his hand as both played at the backyard childishly. You turned back to Himchan, “Okay….let’s go….”

As you walked downstairs, you saw Yougjae and Daehyun were on the dining room looking at the food curiously that was served on the table. You saw a glimpse of Jongup’s back; busy washing some dishes at the kitchen.

“Is this the food that you mentioned earlier? It looks good though,” You looked at the food and smelled the aroma. It was a small pizza with linguini pasta aside. The way it looks, it brings you a sudden urged in wanting to eat all of it by yourself.

Daehyun was the first one to take a bite as he cut a small piece of the pizza and eat it. Youngjae followed as he also grabbed a bite on the pasta using a fork. You looked at both of them chewing the food until their face turned into an uncomfortable frown.

“W….why? What’s wrong?” you blinked in clueless. You took the fork from Youngjae and tasted the pasta yourself. As you chewed the food, you stopped at the moment when you realized there’s something weird about the taste.

“Himchan-ah…..what did you put on the pasta?” you kept chewing the food and let the taste conquer your tongue.

“Well…in the recipe, it said add up some wine into the cheese but…..” Himchan glanced at the cupboard in the kitchen and said, “It seems like the wine doesn’t help that much at all….”

“Wine?” You looked at the kitchen and turned back at the food. ‘There’s a wine in my kitchen? But I don’t recall any memories of buying one before….’

You took the dishes and smelled it carefully. Now, you know the reason behind the weird taste…..

“You used a lot of olive oil on this pizza…and a lot of vinegar on this pasta, aren’t you?”

“Ehh? Vinegar?” Himchan widened his eyes and glanced back to the kitchen. You felt sudden goose bumps when you saw that reaction. “Haish…..Jongup-ah! Why didn’t you tell me that bottle was actually vinegar??”

“But hyung, it does say that we have to add up wine vinegar…..” Jongup joined you guys with a vinegar bottle on his hand.

“Can I see the recipe, please?” Himchan handed out a folded paper as you opened and read all the ingredients on it. You looked at the vinegar bottle on Jongup’s hand and sighed.

“Himchan-ah….the vinegar that you used was not the wine vinegar; it’s actually malt vinegar….”

“Malt vinegar?” Himchan scratched his back hair. “What’s the difference? It’s still vinegar anyway…..”

“Yah….some vinegars are quite strong in taste and don’t fits with certain food. For this pasta, you need a small amount of wine vinegar to mix up with everything….not lots of it~”

“Opps….sorry~ haha,” Himchan chuckled. “But, it’s not taste that bad wasn’t it? Right?”

You and the others started to look at him in silence, not knowing what to say about his cooking skills. The guy was quite good in cooking….only his favorite food. But, other foods? Hmm…..don’t think so.

“No comment….” Daehyun walked away and went to the kitchen. You and Youngjae followed him from behind as the three of you drink some water to get rid of the taste.

Himchan stood there pouted, looking at his dishes sadly while Jongup stood silently (and smiling) like an idiot. “Why are you smiling? Are you happy about this?! Hmph….” Himchan sulked childishly as he went out from the house and joined the other two outside.

As you there busy at the kitchen, you heard a beep sound from the dining room. ‘That beeps sound again….’ You murmured in your heart.

“Noona…..we’ve got a meeting. We’ll be back soon~” Youngjae said to you as both of them walked out from the room, leaving you all alone in the kitchen.

That’s their routine for like every day in this house. When there was beep sound echoed in the house, they will go out from and vanished in thin air for few hours. You have no idea where did they went to and disappeared all of a sudden. You also don’t have any idea where did that sound come from.

They always said that they didn’t go out somewhere else place far away, but they didn’t mention anything about their whereabouts….or so called ‘main base’.

It’s in this house….but where?

You started to feel uncomfortable with the feeling of having them staying in this house without telling you their plans about world domination. Are they really planning in taking over the world permanently? That means….your world was in HUGE DANGER!

“I can’t let them have this world….not until I said so….” You walked in fast pace to the entrance door and looked through the peep door; you saw them walking cautiously to the backyard.

You opened the door carefully; tried not letting anyone to hear it as you followed them from behind slowly. You bent down and leaned yourself on the wall while walking towards them like a spy.

As they make a turn to the corner, you stopped for awhile and take a deep breath. “Are they having a teleport device in my backyard? Or was it just a small spaceship especially for them to have a meeting?”

You poked your head at the corner and looked at scene in front of you. Empty.

“What?” you stood up and looked around you. “Where are they?” there nothing wrong with the place. The pots are okay, the water hose that Yong Guk had used before was in the right place, and the place was just…..normal.

Except for the wet ground since those guys were busy playing with water hose.

“It can’t be….there must be some kind of passageway somewhere….they can’t just gone and disappeared in seconds like that. There must be a way….”

Your eyes stopped at this one small storage room that connects to the underground next to the wall. You haven’t (probably never) used it before so don’t remember having items being placed in there. “Now that I remember….I’ve never open this storage room before….”

You pulled the door upwardly as your mind was blown away by the mere sight in front of you. A deep down passageway with neon lights leads to the ground. It’s like some kind of small high tech elevator appeared in front of you.

You looked down in amazement. “Woah…..this is so…” You completely forgot about your real purpose until your leg accidentally slipped on the wet ground and made your body fall into the passageway.

“Woah….AHHH!!!!!!!!” you shrieked your hearts out when the gravity started to pull you deep down on the ground. With your back facing downwards, you looked above you to see an opened door suddenly become smaller and eventually disappeared as you felt the hard winds started to push from aback.

Is this really a passageway to some other kind of dimension? Is this the place where they’ve been hiding from when there’s an emergency meeting? This is so unbelievable!!! 

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Usuratonkashi #1
Chapter 4: Yah!!! Update!!!
hant123 #2
UPDATE PLZ!!!!!!!!!
p.s. love the story ^^