“AHHH!!!!’ Yong Guk screamed his heart out as Youngjae put a full bag of ice gently on his foot. “Hyung, hold still…. I’m trying to ease out the pain for you, so please don’t move,” the younger said when Yong Guk strated to winch in pain and blow on the effect area.

After finishing all the work, they all gathered at the living room together. Yong Guk sat on the couch along with Himchan by his side. Daehyun and Jongup stood calmly behind them while Youngjae sat on the carpet with Zelo joined him beside.

“Wow….can’t believe that she really hit you that hard,” he said again when he noticed the bruise was quite bigger than usual with slightly tread formed on the foot.

Yong Guk snorted at the cause of the problem. “I seriously don’t like that earthling. She always done this to me and because of her, I’ve suffered an enough problems with all of the house chores she ordered us to do for her. Who does she think she is? A queen? Haish!!!” he kicked the small table in front abruptly with his other leg.

“Yong Guk-ah, calm down….don’t smash that table or else Jiyeun-noona will smash your head instead!” Himchan held the guy’s thigh, trying to relax him for a bit.

“I don’t care! We’re aliens and we’re here to conquer this world and destroy all the humanity just so we can have this place for our own. But why do we have to end up being this one brat earthling’s servants instead?!! This is so unfair! Unfair you hear me!!” Yong Guk said in agony.

“I thought we come here because viceroy sent us to gather up all the energy sources that our planet, Mato needs to preserve from the human being…..” Zelo blurted out.

“I know that! I’m just…..saying….” Yong Guk coughed, blushed in embarrassment of his own words.

“Yeah, I also remember the first time we met her and unluckily, you’re the first one who have got to taste her most amazing ‘golden fist’ before us….” Jongup murmured.



They stood in front of Jiyeun, who was froze in speechless, looking at them with mouth dropped.

They glanced at each other in wonder as Yong Guk smirked at the creature’s expression. “Earthling….you…and your minions….will die. We….Matokians…..will conquer….this Earth….FOREVER! HAHAHAHA!!!!”

As he continued laughing, Jiyeun shows no reaction as she kept looking at them with mouth still wide opened. Yong Guk eventually stopped when he realized that his words didn’t affect her at all.

Once again, they all looked at each other with confuse look. Yong Guk bit his lips in annoyance and continued, “Yah! You! Didn’t you hear me? I said we’re going to conquer this world and destroy all your minions forever! Do you understand?!!” He said impatiently.

With the same expression, she blinked innocently at them as if those words don’t mean anything to her. Yong Guk greeted his teeth angrily and stepped closer to her. Now, her reaction was finally changed when she suddenly felt a harsh grip on her neck.

Yong Guk raised her upwardly, “Damn you, Earthlings…..are you trying to make fun of m-“

“KYAHHH!!!!!” Before Yong Guk can finish his words and raised her higher, Jiyeun grabbed his hand and swiftly swung him to the other side; slamming him hardly on the ground. In panic, she swung back to the other side again and again for so many times without a stop.

The thumping sound was loud enough to make Earth surface shaking on its own. The other five witnessing the whole scene with wide eyes and mouth dropped, shocking at their leader being slammed hurtfully and easily like that by a small earthling like her.

Then, she swiftly threw the guy away as the lifeless body flew away and deliberately made its way to the crashed spaceship at far away distance, hitting the hard surface harshly.

They slowly make a turn and looked at her in horror. With fierce eyes, Jiyeun glared at them with both fists ready on her hands; a fiery aura surrounds her dramatically as it brings shiver to other men.

Each one of them took one step backwards, afraid of the newly creature in front of them while Yong Guk was lying down on the ground – unconscious.

[F.l.a.s.h.b.a.c.k.s - END]


Yong Guk shook his head in embarrassment. “I don’t understand this earthling, I meant, is she even an earthling?? How did she able to throw me so easily like that? She didn’t even scare at us one bit! I thought humans would scare at us if I do that to them….”

“Instead of being scare at you, she beating you up until you end up unconscious….haha,” Daehyun chuckled at the memory. Yong Guk glared at him; the younger immediately went to silence and whistled in a way to get rid of his fear towards his leader.

“Why did you guys ran away for that time? You could’ve just attack her with your powers instead of wait for my orders! Himchan, you’re the commander. Why didn’t you do your work properly, huh?”

“Yah…you think it’s easy? I was so scared that time, seeing you being slammed so many times like that….with only one hand, she did that so easily like you were her pillow. Who wouldn’t run away when they saw such horror scene in front of them like that?” Himchan sighed.

“Hmph….you guys eventually run away and hide inside the spaceship, leaving me behind and unconscious outside. You guys are so mean….” Yong Guk looked down sadly.

“Yong Guk-ah…..sorry~” Himchan smacked the poor guy’s hand lightly. “AHHH!!!” Yong Guk shrieked and pulled his hand hurtfully. Himchan raised his hands in surprised. “Opps…. Sorry again!”

Yong Guk glared at him with teary eyes. “Well, good thing that she left once we set the spaceship into ‘invisible mode’…..if not, then I might say she’s not normal….” Youngjae murmured.

“And it’s quite coincidence that viceroy also chose this house as the main base for us to connect with the mother ship in planet Mato….haha,” Jongup cackled.

“Yeah….and now we have to become her slave…..instead….” Yong Guk sighed deeply regarding that they have to do all the house chores and follow all of your orders.

“Well, as the owner of the house, I have the rights to protect this place from being invade by anyone else….especially someone like you guys…..”

“We’re aliens! And we will do anything what we want to get what we want and that’s final! And-“Yong Guk stopped blabbering when he realized that voice not from s. Everyone turned at the source of the voice; you were standing between Jongup and Daehyun as everyone jolted and gasped, looking at you with wide eyes.

“Omo! Noo...noona! When….Since when did you come in here?” Himchan stuttered. Daehyun and Jongup who were beside you took a few steps further away from you, still shocked at your sudden presence.

“ Yah….I was standing here more like few minutes ago and you guys didn’t notice me at all? Wahh….you really do pay more attention to your meeting more than anything that happens around you….” You said slyly.

“Umm….how….how much did you heard from us, exactly?” Youngjae hesitated.

You crossed your hands on your chest and looked up in wondered. “Hmm……well, I heard enough though…..especially at the part where you guys are actually COMPLAIN about the house chores, maybe?”

Daehyun and Jongup gulped nervously as everyone looked at each other in panic. “Hahaha….what do you mean by that, noona? We LOVE having you order us around in doing all the house work for you. Hahaha!!” Himchan laughed and nudged on Zelo’s shoulder as Zelo also followed him, laughed awkwardly.

“Ohh, have you eaten yet? I’ve cook some dishes for all of us to eat together, noona! Come, come! I’ll show you!” Himchan dashed to the kitchen to bring out all the foods.

You giggled at reactions of the people around you; they went into silence whenever you showed them your angriness and they also followed you faithfully without disobeying your orders……except for Yong Guk.

“Ohh, I’ve just remembered! I bought something for you guys….” You took out some stuff that you bought at the shopping mall from your grocery bag. Jongup and Daehyun looked at your bag curiously as Zelo and Youngjae also stood up and joined them.

“Here are some cold energetic drinks for Jongup; for a guy like you who loves to dance and exercise all around, you’ll need some energy to keep you high up….” You gave him a small bag of energetic drinks.

“And as for Zelo, like you said; freshly cherry tomatoes….” You took out a few small packets of wrapped cherry tomatoes to him. “Yay!! Cherry tomatoes! Daekoyya!” Zelo grabbed it and swing around happily with it. You also don’t have any idea why would someone want to eat cherry tomatoes or lemons as their snacks.

Then, you realized that Daehyun and Youngjae were staring at you all the time. “Ohh, right! For both of you….” They looked at the boxes that you took out from your bag curiously.

“To make it up for what I’ve done to you guys this, I bought this….seems like it fits for both of you though….” You gave Youngjae a brand new Dr.Drey wireless headphone while Daehyun got a new video camera.

They looked at it in amazement as they carefully took out the devices inside the packaging. Youngjae’s mouth formed into an O-shape when he touches the wireless headphone. Daehyun looked around the video camera camcorder, not knowing how to use it.

“Youngjae-ahh, it’s not for the necklace. You have to put it on your ears to listen to the song…” You help him out by putting the headphone on his head and let the sponge attached to his ear.

Youngjae jolted in surprise when he heard a sudden vibrates sound in it. “It’s actually from my phone….just want to test it out for you….” You said.

“Woah~ this thing was so cool!” Youngjae started to move along with the beats and rhythm of the song. You smiled at his actions and decided to help Daehyun out next. “Daehyun-ah…”

Daehyun was pulling the lens of the camera strongly but failed, as he tried to another way to pull apart the body. “Yah, yah! That’s not how you do it!” You grabbed the camera away from and show him the right way. You pulled out the small screen at the side and press the ‘on’ button. Daehyun watched you attentively until you hold the camera facing him.

“This is how you use it. You move around the place like and record or catch any picture that you want….as easy as ABC…” you handed the camera to Daehyun.

His eyes formed into slits when he took his present with him, you know the guy was actually smiling even though the smile was actually covered by the mask on his face.

“Wahh….it seems pretty interesting there, Daehyun-ah,” Himchan amused as he came approached him and looked at the small screen attached at the camera.

“Ohh…Himchan-ah, since you’re pretty good at cooking, how about you help me out with tonight’s dinner will you? Look at what I’ve got…” You raised a bag of cow meats. They all looked at it with mouth dropped. “What? Meat? Seriously?!!” Himchan gazed around the bag in disbelief.

Ever since they lived in this world, they started to eat different kinds of food with different types of flavor that they’ve never found or discover yet in Mato. And out all of the food that they’ve eat in a month, they love meats the most.

“Yeah, there’s a lot of discount in the supermarket just now and then I saw this. Pretty cheap if you ask me… I bought for us to eat tonight….”

“YEAH!!! MEAT FOR DINNER, EVERYONE!!! WOOHOO!!!” they cheered happily as they started to dance around crazily as if they just won the best award they ever had in their life. Seeing them happy like makes you happy as well as you smiled widely at their reactions.

“Noona, thank you for the present!” they all bowed formally at you as they also start to kneel down to you. “Yah….you don’t have to do that to me! You make feel embarrassed here….” You blushed at their actions. You even wondered whether this is actually how Matokian reacts whenever they’re happy or thankful to someone.

“@#$#$@^*%!!......” Yong Guk murmured in Matoki language as he gazed towards the television and turned it on, watching the channel instead, sulking. You noticed that Yong Guk are the only that haven’t received anything yet from you. Then, suddenly you remembered that you also bought something for him before.

You know that the guy was sulking at you, so you decided to make him feel better for awhile. While everyone was having fun with their stuff aside, you took this chance to sit beside him and talked with him. “Yah….are you okay? Are you mad?”

Yong Guk kept his attention towards the TV and ignored you. You sighed lightly and rest your back on the couch. “Your hand….and your leg….are they okay?”

“Do I look that OKAY to you?” Yong Guk said with his deep cave voice. Another silence went on as you tried once more to made another conversation with him, “I’m sorry….for hurting you so many times this morning. Will you forgive me? Please?” You said as you took out the something from your bag and showed it to him.

“Yah….you think ‘sorry’ can make up for thi-“Yong Guk turned at you with annoying face and stopped at the moment when he saw 5 different DVD sets in front of his eyes. It was a war movie.

“I saw this on the market with half-price of the original price. Thought you might like it….Each one of it has lots of different kind of movies for you to enjoy. Take it,” you gave it to him.

Yong Guk took it with wide eyes and mouth wide open. It has been his dream to watch all tones of war movies in this world and yet he cannot find any of it through the internet since the database from their main system failed to detect any download links.

You faked a cough just to make him snap form his fantasy. He looked at you in dumbfound. Same like you, he also faked a cough and sit in a straight position, crossing his legs. “Th….thank you…ehemm….” He looked at somewhere else with blush formed on his cheeks.

You chuckled at the cute reaction and sighed in relief as you stared back at the channel in front. Funny how did you mentioned to them earlier that you will kick them out from the house if they didn’t follow the rules and regulations in the house and your orders but now, you started to live comfortably with having them around you.

The fun environment makes you feel livelier and happier than your life before. You felt grateful for it and now, you just want to stay there longer and let them do anything what they want. Just like that….

“Noona….that’s a very nice color you have there in your shirt….”

“Ohh….why thank you, Daehyun-ah~ This is bra is actually n-“ you snapped out from the sudden respond from the guy. Did he just saw my bra? You looked beside you to see Daehyun was focusing on your inner bra using his newly camcorder….and his eyes formed into a slit; means that he was smiling.

“YOU F******* ERT, DAEHYUN-AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” you punched the guy’s face strongly as the impact brings him to the ceiling; breaks through the roof and made him flew away lifelessly.

The remaining cracks on the ceiling fell down one by one as everyone in the house stunned and speechless at your sudden action. You breathed tensely with a tight grip still on your hands.

Things are just about to get better until the guy made you mad….and insane …..again.

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Usuratonkashi #1
Chapter 4: Yah!!! Update!!!
hant123 #2
UPDATE PLZ!!!!!!!!!
p.s. love the story ^^